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<leon-p> we could do what mutter/gnome does: focusing a window auto-focuses its most recent dialog (if any) and dialog stacking order is defined by creation time and not user changeable
<leon-p> it's opnionated but IMO works quite well in practice
<NickH> Is this for the sort of sitution where there is a popup dialog eg to save a file, and then there is second popup eg a confirmation window that is hidden by the first popup?
<leon-p> I assume so
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<NickH> Ok. I see that sort of thing *very* often when using mainstream gui programs like libreoffice or images editors etc
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<leon-p> arguably it's bad ui design, at the very least the new popup could just re-use the previous ones surface / "window", but that's a lost cause...
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<tiosgz> leon-p: how does the gnome thing work with gimp? (or how would it given focus-follows-cursor)
<leon-p> you mean those weird floating toolbox windows? They are not dialog windows in the strictest sense. IDK, never tried it
<leon-p> for focus follows-cursor, it would focus the dialog window when the main window is cursor'd over, without warping
<leon-p> either way, the obvious solution is for multi-window UIs to die
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<ifreund> there's a new xdg-dialog protocol that just got merged that should allow us to make this more robust
<ifreund> afaik mutter previously has been using a gtk-shell private protocol for this not the creation time of the windows
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<pinpoxIRC> Heyho, maybe a slightly controversial feature request but would it be possible to implement (optional) window decorations/titlebars in river?
<pinpoxIRC> Asking because I'd like to have something like sway's tabbed layout. I have tried using stacked, but keep loosing windows
<leon-p> I'd love that too
<leon-p> I think maybe we can have that in some iteration of the upcoming WM protocol, perhaps
<leon-p> some specialied shell to place "decoration" surfaces relative to toplevel surfaces
<leon-p> keeping it in an external client both makes it a lot more flexible (both design and feature wise) and keeps things like font rendering out of rivers code base
<leon-p> not sure how well synchronization for interactive resize would work though, since you'd need to wait for two clients to respond
<leon-p> pinpoxIRC: for now you can try using my version of the stacked layout, where the windows are offset slightly so that you can always see the entire stack
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<ifreund> leon-p: It should actually be pretty easy to support that in the window management protocol and I definitely intend to
<ifreund> I know how it will work in my head, I won't take the time to write a proper draft until after 0.3.0 though
<leon-p> looking forward to it :] my next two semesters are just my bachelors thesis and some mild research work, so I'll have plenty of time to play with all of that hopefully
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