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<FireFly> did something change around borders with the new release? I seem to have lost mine, tried to explicitly set `riverctl border-width` as well but I'm not seeing any..
<FireFly> wait oh, I bet this is the csd change..
<FireFly> yep, bingo.. hmm, that explains it, I think I'll just `riverctl rule-add ssd` for now but should reconsider what I want here
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<FireFly> it's a bit curious though that without I get no borders in e.g. alacritty or firefox, even if I'd expect those to not provide their own client-side decorations/at least if they do I'd expect some window border and not just borderless window content
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<ifreund> FireFly: It's totally up to the client how they draw (or don't draw) CSDs...
<ifreund> foot for example will add a title bar if told to draw CSD but will not draw its own borders
<FireFly> hmm right
<FireFly> and I guess it's just a binary either-or, as opposed to the client informing somehow which kinds of decorations it's drawn.. I wonder how other compositors handle this, since I'd guess fancier/floating ones for DEs and such certainly would have WM borders for programs like firefox or terminal emulators
<ifreund> FireFly: I think gnome relies on drop shadows rather borders for gtk stuff for example
<ifreund> another thing that plays into this is that river sets the xdg-toplevel "tiled" state for windows in the tiled layout which causes e.g. gtk to not draw drop shadows
<novakane> that makes me curious to see foot with CSD and I've just realised that rule-add update all views but not rule-del
<novakane> learn something everyday :P
<ifreund> rule-del doesn't? sounds like a bug...
<ifreund> ah no that actually makes sense
<ifreund> with no csd/ssd rule we let the clients choose
<FireFly> aha
<ifreund> if there has been an enforced csd/ssd default in the past then it's too late to take the clients default
<FireFly> neat, I didn't know there was a way for WMs to hint at the "type" of WM they are (re. xdg-toplevel tiled state)
<novakane> yeah makes sense
<ifreund> gnome uses the "tiled" state as well afaik when it has tiled windows
<novakane> ifreund: btw have you any idea about this weird transparent bug for Firefox?
<ifreund> nope, right now I suspect a firefox bug
<ifreund> nobody can reproduce it with anything else right?
<ifreund> I was gonna try on my old thinkpad as well, might have better luck there
<ifreund> I can't get anything useful out of the WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 log, it's too much and too noisy
<ifreund> wlhax would probably be useful here
<novakane> I only have Firefox in gtk apps I think
<ifreund> novakane: if you want to play around with wlhax that might be interesting... have you tried it before?
<novakane> right I tried to get the smallest log but it's impossible
<novakane> yeah I used it for zelbar, I can test it
<novakane> what info would be useful?
<ifreund> I think the other approach that could lead to better understanding/a fix would be for me to add a bunch more debug logging to river that dumps firefox's scene tree in a readable format
<ifreund> hah! I can reproduce it on my x220
<novakane> well damn I can't reproduce it with wlhax env set xD
<dnkl> foot _can_ draw border... it's just that the default is a zero-pixel border (though I've been considering changing the default)
<ifreund> ah, TIL :)
<ifreund> novakane: too bad, race conditions can be like that...
<ifreund> for me firefox is cutoff on the top as well by the way, just not by as much as it's cut off on the left side
<ifreund> I turned off borders and gaps entirely and used a contrasting background to reproduce
<novakane> yeah, race conditions are rhe worst too debug
<novakane> I don't think the top is cut for me, although I can see a frame where it seems like it has some round corners
<novakane> oh yeah it cuts the top if I remove my bar
<ifreund> yeah, that makes sense
<ifreund> I think mine's cut off by the same amount as in your screenshots
<ifreund> I wonder why the original reporter has so much more cut off
<ifreund> I guess the gtk theme they are using or something...
<novakane> yeah could be, make it way more noticeable for them, at least this allowed a bug report
<ifreund> ok, I've got a setup where I can reproduce it under wlhax
<novakane> nice, hopefully it has some useful info
<ifreund> so yeah, pretty sure it's a firefox bug :/
<ifreund> we can work around it though
<ifreund> or maybe it's technically allowed by the protocol but just weird/dumb
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<leviathan> I noticed someone asking about the input-method-v3 popup in the log. I opened a draft PR to implement it  and have been using it for three weeks now. It's working well so far.
<leviathan> I marked it as a draft because I got caught up in some crazy busy stuff and haven't had the time to polish the code further.
<novakane> ifreund: if at least we can work around it that a good start
<ifreund> novakane: pushed a fix already :)
<ifreund> leviathan: take your time, no pressure :)
<leviathan> Furthermore, in my opinion, the actual implementation of the Input-method-v3 protocol is likely to be heavily dependent on how the IME software utilizes this protocol.
<leviathan> I find it quite difficult to determine the specific requirements that I need to implement.
<leviathan> I may have sufficient time to continue investigating these matters in the next few days.
<ifreund> you mean like where to place the popup depends on what the IME renders to the popup surface?
<novakane> ifreund: yeah seems to fixed for me too, there is clearly one or two imperfect frame but no more transparency
<ifreund> excellent :)
<leviathan> Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly. Using fictx5 as an example, it seems that it didn't even use the text_input_rectangle method of the input-method-v2 protocol.
<leviathan> However, this is the only method of the input_popup_surface_v2 protocol.
<leviathan> I even saw the fcitx5 developers discussing the idea of implementing the functionality, including positioning and  popup, independently within the IME, instead of using the input-method protocol to handle various interactions.
<ifreund> leviathan: I'm not sure I understand. The IME client doesn't have any control over where the compositor places the input method popup
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<ifreund> the text_input_rectangle of the input-method-v2 protocol informs the client of where the popup was placed
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