ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<novakane> ifreund: don't really feel like to fork waylock but you forgot to update the ci so here a patch if you want https://0x0.st/o7KR.10.patch
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<hush> is there any 'official way' to start pipewire in river? Of course the 'exec pipewire' or similar came with some major drawbacks
<hush> I think the problem has to do with dbus session management in some way but that's probably just a guess
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<ifreund> kraem_: glad to spread the SLIFT word :)
<ifreund> hush: that kind of thing is kinda up to your distribution, perhaps they have documentation on that
<ifreund> novakane: ah whoops, thanks for the ping :)
<p00f1> hush: archlinux ships a systemd user service so I use that
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<hush> problem is I'm one of those systemd-free fellas, which is awesome for everything except audio management (which includes bt)
<hush> ifreund: they all say to put a line in the init of the wm of choice and look for their individual way to handle things, especially session management. Which makes sense btw, but then you have a polished and clean wm like river where all variables are declared and sessions are open, and still it doesn't work >.<
<ifreund> hush: river is not a session manager, solving this problem is the responsibility of your systemd free distro
<hush> I think it's more of a problem for the pipewire dudes, since it's the only thing that doesn't want to work in all the distro I tired, but hey what do I know? v0v
<novakane> hush: what's your distro? I don't have any problem in void, I just start it with riverctl spawn to please xdg-portal
<hush> see? that's already something new :) I asked few days back about the diference between exec and riverctl spawn but got no answer...
<hush> main distro is gentoo/openrc. Then I use void and artix/runit
<hush> on gentoo anyway there is a script to run, and it's the only way to run it, which makes some weird stuff to the dbus sessions/links already established... it basically breaks things on river
<hush> it was working well on sway
<novakane> if that can help
<hush> awesome thx
<hush> I launch river with greetd btw, maybe that's also something to think about
<hush> tuigreet that is
<novakane> that could be, login manager doesn't always works great
<kennylevinsen> it just runs the command, only difference is that it won't run e.g. bashrc
<kennylevinsen> *difference to running from tty
<kennylevinsen> you either start pipewire manually or fix dbus service activation
<hush> at the end I started it manually, which was not a huge problem, it just looks more of a workaround rather than a solution. Still better than not having bt entirely after swithing back to pulseaudio >.<
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<jschoone> Hi, I recently switched from dwm to river. Tried different wayland compositors, but river is outstanding, really like it, great work!
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<jschoone> Currently I just miss two things. 1.: a window switcher. I searched the channel logs for it but it feels like that's still not working(?) The firthest I can get is with the rofi lbonn fork, it lists the open views but I can't jump to them or at least get the tag highlighted. Is it still in progress or something else?
<scorpion2185[m]> hush what about superd start PW and use
<scorpion2185[m]> r services? there is also shed
<jschoone> 2. When I moved a window/view in dwm from one monitor to another it just shows up in the current tag of the "target" monitor, not the same as the "source" monitor. That's a little unusual for me. I found this issue: https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/709 which looks like it addresses the same problem. I tried to solve this the same way as Toesmasher did, but it looks like riverctl can't to it
<jschoone> so far
<scorpion2185[m]> jschoone there is a default binding for that but no GUI
<jschoone> Yes? Which is that?
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<scorpion2185[m]> riverctl map normal Alt Tab focus-view next
<jschoone> Ok, will try it, thank you
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<fea> hey, I'm currently setting up river for the first time in forever and loving it, there's just one thing I couldn't figure out. Is there any way to keybind an action to only a modifier key like Super? e.g. I wanted to spawn my application launcher when tapping Super and tried `riverctl map normal None Super spawn fuzzel` but that just makes riverctl
<fea> throw an error
<jschoone> scorpion2185[m]: Unfortunately I don't think this is what I'm searching for or I misunderstand it. When I send a view to another output with "send-to-output" the view keeps its tag on the new output. But it's likely that this is not the focused tag on the new output
<ifreund> fea: no, modifier only key mappings are not supported
<scorpion2185[m]> that was for the task switcher
<ifreund> jschoone: river doesn't support those 2 things yet. Eventually it will in some way make them possible but there are currently other development priorities
<jschoone> Ok thank you
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<fea> ifreund: good to know, thanks!
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<codedotjs[m]> <plumeus> "I think Guix is pretty nice..." <- What do you use as boot loader instead? I also want to encrypt my boot drive but I'm still using systemd-boot. In the AUR there is a GRUB patch that should support argon2.
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<scorpion2185[m]> you can use refind but you need to make efi stub file ,arch wiki explains it
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<scorpion2185[m]> * to make an efi stub
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<leon-p> hush: if you are still windering why pipewire magically works on systemd and not on non-systemd systems, it's socket activation. the systemd user instance will automatically launch the pipewire service (and the pipewire session manager service) when some program wants to connect to its socket and it is not running already
<leon-p> no idea how anyone can live withouth socket activation, but you do you :)
<codedotjs[m]> <scorpion2185[m]> "you can use refind but you..." <- There was no entry about LUKS support in the Arch wiki. Does rEFInd support LUKS encrypted drives?
<hush> hey leon-p: thanks for the headsup, but I still don't get why on non-systemd... systems it's such a pita to make it work. It should be among the most elementary functions of a session manager to open and close sockets and whatnot without disconnecting or freezing every other process on dbus already happening.
<hush> Anyway... we'll get there eventually. I have more interesting things to learn now. How about river? What's the analogue of 'swaymsg -t get_outputs'? I need to work out some kenshi profiles
<leon-p> you can get a lot of all outputs and their properties with wlr-randr
<hush> another good one not in gentoo repos :( Jah bless github
<codedotjs[m]> I don't hope so. Github is owned by Microsoft. Hope more people switch to privacy respecting FOSS alternatives.
<hush> true dat
<hush> omg wdisplays made my life so much easier
<hush> lol I just realized I'm reading an article by a certain leon-p... o/
<gbrlsnchs> I just use runit to run pipewire, wireplumber, rivertile, etc... the last line in my river init file is the command to start runit for my local services. I've done that in three different distros now (Void, Alpine and now Gentoo) and pipewire always works without issues.
<hush> wait, you run pipewire with runit in gentoo? o_O
<gbrlsnchs> hush: yes, because one only needs to run pipewire as user, so no need to run it in a system-wide service... of course I use OpenRC for system-wide services, but for local ones, runit does the job well
<gbrlsnchs> and runit is really small and convenient for running session-scoped services, and it never failed me, so... *shrug*
<hush> that's awesome and quite a neat fix
<hush> mind sharing the line? You just 'runit' the gentoo script?
<gbrlsnchs> hush: exec runsvdir -P "$SVDIR"
<gbrlsnchs> no, the Gentoo script is not needed in this case
<hush> so you have pipewire and wireplumber in SVDIR?
<gbrlsnchs> and SVDIR is the directory with the services definitions, and by exporting it I can use the `sv` tool by simply referencing services by name
<gbrlsnchs> hush: sort of, it's structured in a way runit is able to understand, here is the respective link to services definitions in my dotfiles: https://git.sr.ht/~gbrlsnchs/dotfiles/tree/trunk/item/sv
<hush> you are a most awesome human being thanks a bunch!
<scorpion2185[m]> codedotjs refind can find efi stub https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/EFISTUB
<gbrlsnchs> hush: np, I hope you have fun with it! :-)
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