ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ifreund> NickH: uscan is probably downloading the tarball autogenerated by github
<ifreund> you'd probably be better off using the one I create and manually upload instead
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<ifreund> it has submodule sources included and is signed with my PGP key
<NickH> ifreund: ahh, I see. Hadn't realised there were two different tar balls. Thanks.
<NickH> I'll look into updating the debian/watch file that holds the url regex.
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<scorpion2185[m]> leon-p I still can't hover over items and therefore I cannot use ydotool to right click and I think you can middle click , whell up/down and maybe forward/backward buttons too
<scorpion2185[m]> didn't ifreund said that some wayland compositors forward the touchscreen to <??>
<scorpion2185[m]> the mouse/pointer?
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<leon-p> no, that's not really what's happening
<leon-p> it's like this:
<leon-p> does a client bind the wl_touch interface? Great, the compositor sends along the touch events and the client is responsible for doing something useful with that
<leon-p> no? then the compositor can pretend like there is an extra mouse, which is controlled via the touch events, althoigh the client won't know that
<leon-p> river does not do the second option yet
<leon-p> option 1 is the sane thing and generally what you want
<leon-p> option 2 is how X11 works and generally quite hacky / shitty
<leon-p> I am pretty sure firefox has correct touch support, so I believe your time is better spend on getting that to work than hacking something together for in the spirit of option 2
<leon-p> make sure firefox is using wayland and that you use a recent-ish version
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<hush> finally thanks to the Peux OS guys I was able to jump on this awesome wm here on gentoo (and soon on void too). I had some major major issues with pipewire which I fixed by switching to pulseaudio
<ifreund> finished rebaseing the zig 0.10.0 branch
<ifreund> probably gonna release 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 tomorrow, first being bugfixes and the second being just the zig version bump
<ifreund> off for the day though o7
<novakane> nice! Finally gonna remove zig 0.9 from my pc :P
<ifreund> hopefully got all the overly tight session-lock assertions worked out now :)
<novakane> guys stop using a lock software when 99% of people don't know how to use a tilling wm :P
<hush> what's the difference between riverctl spawn and the sway-like exec?
<hush> ifreund: do you mantain the gentoo ebuilds too (or the aur pkgs, deb...) or we'll have to wait for someone to package them with the new deps?
<hush> *maintain maybe :p
<ifreund> hush: I don't maintain any river packages except for the void one, which I should probably orphan
<ifreund> doesn't the ebuild say who the maintainer is?
<hush> I think it does...
* hush goes diggin ^^
<hush> tomorrow I'll install on the desktop. I hope the cohexistence with gnome won't be the pita that it was with sway. gnome-keyring session something something gave me lotsa troubles
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<waleee> ifreund: have you switched personal distro?
<ifreund> waleee: I'm using alpine on my laptop, my desktop is still void glibc though
<ifreund> kinda disappointed with void's gcc and llvm versions
<ifreund> perhaps chimera will be ready enough for me soon
<waleee> chimera?
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<scorpion2185[m]> I am using alpine on my tablet too but impleting osk-sdl seems a pain and to think that pmos made it
<waleee> is there more void-people involved in chimera besides the one that maintained ppc?
<waleee> ah, "... based on freebsd userland". I guess maybe not
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<scorpion2185[m]> ifreund when you said something about "wayland compositors forwarding the touchscreen input(?)" did you mean like x11 does, pretending that it is a mouse?
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<Nosrep> novakne: who needs a lock software when can switch workspaces!
<Nosrep> or focused tags
<Nosrep> potato potato
<waleee> honestly, in most environments I think switching to an empty workspace would work about as efficiently as a lockscreen
* waleee might have done this when laptoping in the local library
<waleee> even more effective if you do a bar-less rice & enable cursor hiding
<ifreund> scorpion2185[m]: everything leon-p said is correct, I dont know why you're asking me
<scorpion2185[m]> didn't you said something about "some wayland compositors forwarding the touchscreen input"?
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<scorpion2185[m]> I was wonder about how that works
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<kraem_> tleydxdy: i ctrl-f:ed this room for "wacom" and found you saying that you have a tablet which works under river. may i ask what tablet it is and if there's any functionality not working?
<maxxv> scorpion2185[m]: [wl_touch](https://wayland.app/protocols/wayland#wl_touch) interface is used to "forward" touch input. You can read through the interface description if you want to know what exactly is being sent to clients.
<maxxv> kraem_: tablets don't work in river. There is a PR that adds pointer emulation though.
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<kraem_> maxxv: thanks. i'm interested in buying a wacom, just wanted to make sure i could use it first. (i'm a bit confused about what parts are implemented and not looking through the pr:s)
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<leon-p> there are multiple things to support tble inputs
<leon-p> right now river does none of them
<leon-p> f.e. you want to forward touch inputs to clients that accept them and likely also pointer movement
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<maxxv> no, there is a specific protocol for tablets
<leon-p> that's what I was saying
<kraem_> thanks. seems like one can stay on river and use opentabletdriver
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<kraem_> or does river still have to support the wayland tablet protocol for it to work?