ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<novakane> ifreund: I was doing some cleanup in rivercarro and wrote a wrapper for layout_listener() would it interest you for rivertile?
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<ifreund> novakane: the status quo has better error reporting for the "failed to parse argument" message
<novakane> ah yeah, for the error name ?
<ifreund> yeah, it prints the specific error returned by std.fmt
<ifreund> It could be made even more detailed of course, but I'd rather not lose that
<novakane> yeah np, that's fair
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<codedotjs[m]> Some programs take a very long time for launch. Firefox and Inkscape take around 25 seconds until they appear. On Hyprland they open up right away so I think this might be a river problem? Foot on the other hand opens just as I would expect.
<codedotjs[m]> Looks like this issue has already been reported https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/464
<codedotjs[m]> I don't have problems with wofi.
<codedotjs[m]> Is this issue already documented somewhere?
<codedotjs[m]> Ok I followed some instructions and Firefox loads well now. Inkscape still needs ~5 seconds. But I can live with that.
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<leon-p> not in the river docs, as it's neither our code nor our bugs. how non-river software deals with other software outside of the pure Wayland context is totally out of scope for our docs
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<lx7> hi all. thanks for creating river. i would like to propose (and contribute) a new configuration option.
<lx7> a contrasting focused border color can be distracting when only a single (tiled) window is visible. it's also not needed in this situation, because focus is obvius.
<lx7> proposal: two new riverctl commands. one to set the border color for single windows, so that a muted color (that is different from border-color-focused) can be chosen. a second one to define if and when it will be used: never / with one active output only / always.
<lx7> after doing a quick implementation to try it, i can already say that this is an improvement for me. do you think this would also benefit others?
<leon-p> lx7: our current idea is to simply outsource all that stuff to the layout clients as well, so that river will be totally oblivious to this
<leon-p> that will take some time still though. unfortunately we generally don't accept feature request / contributions for super specific things like this
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<leon-p> that's by the way another reason to move all that to the layout client: so that people can have all the super specific and highly opinionated things they like without us needing to actually support any of it
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<lx7> okay makes sense. i wasn't thinking about a layout (like monocle), but about a view state. can see your reasons though.
<leon-p> eventually there will be no layout, just view state, managed by what used to be the layout generator
<leon-p> like a window manager on X, but in a way that doesn't suck
<lx7> sounds good. i'll just maintain my fork for now and wait for the refactor.
<leon-p> yeah, that would be my recommendation as well
<lx7> okay, thanks
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<gbrlsnchs> are there any guides on how to write a layout client?
<ifreund> not that I know of, but there are quite a few relatively simple example clients around
<ifreund> if one is familiar with programming it shouldn't be hard to take one of the examples and modify it to suit your needs
<ecocode[m]> Does that mean that it will be possible to write a manual tiling layout that will work exactly as sway ?
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<ifreund> ecocode[m]: eventually yeah
<ifreund> though only as far as the tiling behavior goes
<scorpion2185[m]> can you add an option that move the pointer when you use the touch? I can't hover and use ydotool to do permfor right click . middle click etc.
<codedotjs[m]> What do you mean by "use the touch"?
<scorpion2185[m]> waybar river/tag module acts strangely when I click one tag it adds hover behaviour that stay there until I touch it again.and besides that I can't hover
<scorpion2185[m]> codedotjs: touchscreen
<scorpion2185[m]> so you can hover on all the tags at the same time and it's confusing
<scorpion2185[m]> and as I said I can't hover other things to see the tooltip etc.
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<codedotjs[m]> Do you want to use your touchscreen to hover over things?
<scorpion2185[m]> yes, I didn't update yet to 0.2.0 I have to say
<scorpion2185[m]> i'll update and check
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<Pound_Hash> Should waylock be working with river .2?
* codedotjs[m] I also have...
<codedotjs[m]> A also have got a touchscreen. And it works well for me. I don't think that screens are supposed to be used as hover. On mobiles you have long press for that.
<codedotjs[m]> The only thing that doesn't work with river is my touch pen. Pens could be used for hovering.
<codedotjs[m]> * I also have...
<Pound_Hash> waylock error message on river .2 --> https://termbin.com/uks9
<novakane> Pound_Hash: huh waylock in rust? You're using a really old version
<Pound_Hash> novakane Just the one from Arch: version 0.3.5-1
<Pound_Hash> From the community repo
<Pound_Hash> There's a git version in the aur that I can try
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<Pound_Hash> Yeah, the version in Arch's community repo is broken now. The aur version works.
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<novakane> yeah you need at least 0.4 to works with the new protocol ext-session-lock-v1
<Pound_Hash> I see
<Pound_Hash> Version 0.4 doesn't use the config file anymore
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<Pound_Hash> And I guess we don't need `setsid --fork` anymore either
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<scorpion2185[m]> codedotjs: >to be used as hover.
<scorpion2185[m]> I mean hovering over things
<novakane> Pound_Hash: lots of big improvements on 0.4 and 0.5 yeah
<scorpion2185[m]> I need to move the pointer, I was told that it is possible so If someone could add that option
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<Pound_Hash> novakane thanks
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<scorpion2185[m]> just compiled the head of the repo again, touchscreen behaviour as before
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<leon-p> scorpion2185[m]: TBH, I am not quite sure I understand what you want, and neither am I sure whether you understand what has been said before regarding cursor versus pointer inputs
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<scorpion2185[m]> yes but ifreund said that some wayland compos. can do something about that, not sure if you can move the pointer
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<scorpion2185[m]> I'd like to move the pointer wiht the touchscreen input, so I can hover over things and I can use ydotool to make a right click.
<scorpion2185[m]> I don't know if it is what others do
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<codedotjs[m]> Well I tried it on Gnome. If you use the touchscreen the cursor disappears. Which is logic as it represents the position your mouse or touchpad is located on the screen. If you touch you decide where to click with your finger and don't need any representation.
<scorpion2185[m]> doesn't work for me on river in firefox
<codedotjs[m]> Right click normally works with long press. I can confirm that from Gnome and from Firefox on River.
<scorpion2185[m]> you don't need any represemation but as I said I cannot use ydotool ot hover over things.
<scorpion2185[m]> If I move the pointer with the mouse then I can use `sleep 3 && ydotool click 0xC1`
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<scorpion2185[m]> (gnome-text-editor:25637): Gdk-WARNING **: : Compositor doesn't support moving popups, relying on remapping IDK if it is important
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<codedotjs[m]> Not if the text editor works. I get similar warnings all the time.
<Lemanr> Hey all, Just wanted to say that there are some rendering issues with emacs on river when screen is resized. Updating to emacs 29 fixes the issue.
<Lemanr> but gotta run, if anyone has issues on a wayland compositor & emacs see if they can upgrade to version 29
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<gbrlsnchs> ^ I'm not an Emacs user but I guess it's because 29 is Wayland-native?
<NickH> gbrlsnchs: last time I built Emacs from the head of the repo I needed to pass specific config flags to get it to be pgtk/Wayland native. So I guess it depends on the specific build.
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<NickH> Has anyone had success building iver 0.2.0 from the tar ball?
<NickH> For me, the build is looking for deps/zig-wayland/build.zig but all the directories under deps are empty.
<NickH> I've not really tried looking into it yet. Will do next week.