ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<Nulo> How can I make dialogs stop escaping the screen? https://nulo.in/temp/20210908_21h49m52s_grim.png
<leon-p> Nulo: don't think you can. the dialog is simply too large for the output. I'd consider that a bug in the application, since it knows the size of the output
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<Nulo> leon-p: Blame GTK then? :P
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<talismanick> I use bspwm right now, but would like to try out Wayland because it looks easier to sandbox (and to be Cool(tm))
<talismanick> I haven't figured out how to compile pure-GTK Emacs on Void, though, so I'd have to use Emacs by way of XWayland. Is river's experimental XWayland support stable if I don't do anything atrociously weird?
<anb> You can run emacs inside a wayland terminal :p
<talismanick> anb: terminal emacs... ewww
<anb> tbh, I had some memleak issue with pgtk emacs months ago...
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<talismanick> anb: Are you, by any chance, running pgtk Emacs on Void?
<talismanick> Arch, probably, right?
<talismanick> I'm guessing river is in the AUR already?
<anb> I tried the pgtk branch in both debian and gentoo, with multiple monitor setup
<talismanick> anb: Debian Unstable or Testing?
<anb> bullseye, was testing
<talismanick> And it works with river?
<talismanick> (Emacs and Firefox are the only apps I use 95% of the time, hence my pestering)
<anb> Well, I joined the channel like a hour ago, and just installed river not long ago. I have similar setup, emacs + firefox most of the time, and I don't see why river cannot work with emacs or firefox.
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<ecocode_> Hello. I installed river and it seems to work pretty well. Coming from awesomewm I miss the ability to switch to another window by listing it with ```rofi -show window```. Would it be possible to add querying window list to riverctl ?
<leon-p> ecocode_: river aims to be scriptable using dedicated protocol extensions. Getting a list of all windows is already possible (see my tool `lswt`). Focusing not yet really, but it will use the same protocol extension.
<leon-p> one thing that won't work reliably however, even if focusing windows via that protocol is implmented, is the `list-windows | menu | focus-window` pipeline you might be used to from X. It will work, but not very reliably because windows don't have a unique identifier (maybe in the future, but that is not the direction I think we will take).
<leon-p> so rofi, or whatever other window switcher you want to use, would need to implement the protocol itself
<leon-p> I have opened an issue about unique identifiers for views, as I think using the pipeline I mentioned above for this use case is not unreasonable. It will take some time though before that is implemented, if at all.
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<ecocode_> Ok, thank you for this information
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<ecocode_> Hi again.. which bar do you use river ?
<novakane> ecocode_: waybar and yambar are probably the most used
<ecocode_> I'll check them out
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