ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<tsujp> I think I've asked this before but there's no way to "reload" river config is there, you have to close river and restart it you cannot do it in-place?
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<novakane> tsujp: you can re run the init script
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<tsujp> right but running init again is going to apply new changes not run from a fresh-state
<tsujp> what about having a shortcut that runs `exec -l river`?
<tsujp> drop that `-l` flag idk why i typed that
<novakane> `exec river` just gonna run river in river
<tsujp> exec has a flag to replace the process in-place
<tsujp> iirc
<tsujp> wait no that's what exec does by default yeah
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<novakane> but exec gonna replace the shell process you use to launch the command so I'm not sure you can replace all river like this
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<anniehallmoon> Going a little off topic but what distro are you guys using ?
<novakane> anniehallmoon: void linux
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<leon-p> tsujp has apparently left now, but to answer their question: A way for river to restart itself to get a "fresh-start config reload" is hack, not something river is likely going to do. Instead, the idea is to have all config options be entirely reversible and have a "reset" command to undo all configuration.
<leon-p> huh, seems like `riverctl output-layout <namespace>` leaks the previous allocated namespace
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<leon-p> so... why is spawn_tag_mask per output and not global?
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<leon-p> anyway, created a PR for the reset command
<leon-p> ifreund: ^
<ifreund> looks like I've got a lot of catching up on river happenings to do :)
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<novakane> leon-p: did you try your config with guile btw?
<leon-p> novakane: I got hung up on trying to execute commands efficiently. (system "command") spawns a shell everytime, which annoyed me too much to ignore
<novakane> ah yeah not ideal
<leon-p> and AFAIK there are no Wayland bindings for guile yet, so I can't use the protocol directly
<novakane> I don't know if there is some lisp Wayland bindings, maybe common lisp?
<leon-p> not really a fan of CL. It does not have the same elegance as scheme
<leon-p> (which is probably related to it being used for more real-world tasks, not sure which of the two is cause and which is effect though)
<novakane> yeah there is a reason than scheme is often recommended to leran lisp but CL for project
<novakane> maybe you should try with something with a good C interop, though I don't know about the scheme ones
<leon-p> don't get me wrong, Cl is fine (and "The Land of Lisp" is a book that is definitely worth going through), it's just that when I delve into Lisp, I prefer elegance over usefulness :P
<leon-p> novakane: I think I'll try it with one of the python wayland libraries and see how far I'll get
<novakane> well for me with Lisp there is so much choice that when I want to use one I spend hours trying to choose one to finally don't use anything, you know like when you spend 3 hours looking for a movie and don't watch anything :P
<leon-p> :D
<novakane> I'm not a big fan of python but yeah it could be a good choice, I don't think there is lua binding, I'd like to use fennel personaly
<novakane> leon-p: I can't reproduce #390, is that with multiple output?
<leon-p> novakane: nope, just on my laptop
<novakane> weird, it looks like it works as intended for me
<leon-p> novakane: did you update to master branch?
<leon-p> or do you use an older version?
<novakane> master
<novakane> always at latest commit
<leon-p> huh, same here
<leon-p> and I can reproduce it reliably
<novakane> hmm I followed exactly your explication to reproduce and the last view is always focused after destroying the other view
<leon-p> novakane: do you use focus-follow-cursor?
<leon-p> if your pointer is over the other window, it will be focused automatically as pointer based focusing works (pprobably should have put it into the issue)
<novakane> ah right let me try again
<novakane> duh yeah now I can reproduce it of course
<wrl> ifreund: hey, trying to run river in valgrind and getting http://sprunge.us/roCQjI
<wrl> doesn't even start
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<ifreund> wrl: zig is probably emitting instructions that valgrind doesn't recognize. you can build with e.g. -Dtarget=x86_64-native to build for the baseline cpu
<leon-p> regarding the talk in #sway-devel, I feel like removing server-side opacity really was a good thing to do :D
<ifreund> :)
<leon-p> ifreund: in my reset PR, should I remove all commands that reverse a config option (such as float-filter-remove and unmap)?
<ifreund> leon-p: no, I don't think we shoudl
<leon-p> Ah, you changed your mind?
<ifreund> maybe? I don't remember fully decideding anything
<leon-p> I think you came up with the idea of having a reset command to clear /all/ configuration state when I brought up having "anti" commands for all configuration
<ifreund> having the individual reverse commands is quite handy when messing with config in practice I believe
<leon-p> agreed
<leon-p> FWIW the only irreversible config command left is `declare-mode`
<leon-p> input configuration is in a grey spot, because while you can always change the settings, you can not "unconfigure" an input device
<leon-p> I'll do that eventually, but rn I am not in the mood for libinput
<wrl> ifreund: this looks like a strong candidate: http://sprunge.us/38GhTH
<ifreund> wrl: thank's that's pretty clear
<ifreund> leon-p: reversing declare-mode sounds a little annoying
<leon-p> probably
<leon-p> btw, I think we are also leaking the default namespace in config.
<leon-p> it's allocated in the command function, but never freed
<leon-p> and fixing that will be annoying because its not an optional
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<ifreund> wrl: thanks for the valgrind log and your patience, this should fix it: 7013bc3b69850ae3ae4e187d775193b8b1dba0ed
<ifreund> leon-p: I'll take a look, just a sec
<leon-p> that would be neat, I tried it real quick, but that &[0]u8{} is a bit hard to check for
<wrl> ifreund: rebuilding, will report back soon :)
<ifreund> leon-p: fixed, there's no special casing needed
<ifreund> freeing a 0 length slice is a noop
<leon-p> oh, that is nice!
<leon-p> btw, the Output.layout_namespace is also leaked, but I have a fix in my PR
<wrl> ifreund: yep, all good! crash seems fixed, valgrind doesn't report any more invalid reads
<wrl> thanks! :D
<ifreund> wrl: no problem!
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<leon-p> have we decided on a value for the layout demand timeout yet?
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<ifreund> leon-p: I haven't had time to properly investigate and haven't seen numbers from anyone who has
<leon-p> we could just set it to 50ms and see if someone complains :P
<leon-p> but I agree, this needs testing
<ifreund> leon-p: honestly, I expect 10ms to be fine
<ifreund> but I want to actually test some slow language to see if that assumption holds value
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<Guest4883> ifreund! remember me? i came here some days back for help.
<Guest4883> your window manager is mind blowing.
<Guest4883> i dont know how to config it like i3 or sway but what i have been able to do is out of the world.
<Guest4883> Thanks so much your awesome work!
<Guest4883> river will be much better thsn i3 sway xmonad and all other window managers in near future.
<Guest4883> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<ifreund> Guest4883: glad river's working well for you :)
<ifreund> I didn't make it alone though, many people have help out and it wouldn't be possible without wlroots
<Guest4883> i cant just express how well engineered it is. the way i can switch my layouts.....you're the best. i will come again and ask questions when i face some problems with configuring river!
<Guest4883> i have a question my fonts are very little in windows. is there any way to make them bigger! thanks! '=D
<Guest4883> when i was in X11 i did a `xrandr -dpi` thing to make them bigger.
<Guest4883> but now, i think i need a different command.
<ifreund> Guest4883: on wayland the font size is entirely up to the client, so you'll have to configure that in whatever program you are using
<ifreund> clients using e.g. GTK should probably respect some GTK theme settings or whatever though
<Guest4883> Thanks for your reply ifruend! I will try to modify gtk settings now.
<ifreund> goodnight o7
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<Guest4883> sorry i misspelled the name! it is ifreund. yes have a good sleep!
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<leon-p> just saw https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/4882, where emersion had the idea of external clients for drawing title bars. If something like that gains motion, I think we should take part and create a universal solution.
<leon-p> It would make river gain /a ton/ of features without ever actually implementing them
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