ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ino> we are so close to 900!!!
<ino> its 897 now!
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<jumper149> Hi, how does river compare to dwl and sway?
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<ifreund> jumper149: compared to sway, river is dynamic tiling instead of manual and far simpler. Think dwm/xmonad window management with an architecture closer to herbstluftwm or bspwm
<ifreund> compared to dwl, river is more feature complete and doesn't require patching the source code to configure things
<ecocode_> sway is most polished. river still lacks some stuff like i.e. set numlock default to on at login. but sway manual tiling is such a pain in the a.. river is the best wayland tiling wm at the moment.
<ecocode_> I tried out dwl, qtile, sway, river
<ecocode_> I did not test vivarium because it doesn't seem as actively developed as river
<ecocode_> qtile doesn't and will never support xwayland. devs mention to use cage instead, which kinda works, but doesn't handle popup windows correctly in my tests. so qtile is a nogo.
<ifreund> that's an interesting design decision, I guess one can always use qtile's x11 backend though
<ifreund> and yeah river certainly isn't as polished/complete as sway yet, though we're making constant progress in that direction
<ecocode_> river is definitely usable in production daytoday. it is damn stable !
<ecocode_> does wayland allow virtual displays to cover multiple outputs as 1 display ? I'd like to play with a displaywall..
<ifreund> in theory yes, though afaik only wayfire implements something like that so far
<ifreund> glad to hear river's been stable for you, fixing crashes is pretty much the top priority thing I do
<ifreund> using zig instead of C definitely helps reduce UB as well :)
<ecocode_> river never crashed here, even been on for days
<ifreund> It hasn't crashed on me either in a long time
<ifreund> at least not on master branch
<ecocode_> I love that river handles its shortcuts even inside vm. that was my only problem using awesomewm
<ecocode_> (with river as host and using a windows vm)
<ecocode_> and btw I am on fedora using nvidia driver (egl based)
<ecocode_> on an optimus laptop
<ifreund> noveau? I don't think the proprietary nvidia drivers support GBM yet no?
<ecocode_> nope, not nouveau but nvidia egl !
<ifreund> EGLStreams you mean? then you must be using the unsuppored wlroots fork?
<ecocode_> nope, using standard wlroots
<ecocode_> I don't know why, but it just works
<ifreund> I think you're not actually using the nvidia propreitary drivers then
<ecocode_> Xwayland apps are GPU accelerated
<ecocode_> and wayland apps also
<ecocode_> ```
<ecocode_> Device-2: NVIDIA GM107M [GeForce GTX 960M] driver: nvidia v: 470.63.01
<ecocode_> ```
<ecocode_> Graphics: Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 530 driver: i915 v: kernel
<ecocode_> ```
<ecocode_> 1: 2128x1199~60Hz 2: 1920x1200~60Hz
<ecocode_> Display: wayland server: X.Org driver: loaded: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa resolution:
<ecocode_> ```
<ecocode_> but I am on wlroots 0.14.1
<ecocode_> coming from a testing sway branch
<ecocode_> ```
<ecocode_> Release : 1.fc34
<ecocode_> Version : 0.14.1
<ecocode_> Name : wlroots
<ecocode_> Architecture : x86_64
<ecocode_> Size : 776 k
<ecocode_> Source : wlroots-0.14.1-1.fc34.src.rpm
<ecocode_> From repo : copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:alebastr:sway-testing
<ecocode_> Repository : @System
<ecocode_> Summary : A modular Wayland compositor library
<ecocode_> License : MIT
<ecocode_> so this is not "standard" wlroots as you mentioned
<ecocode_> I forgot I installed that one
<ifreund> Use a pastebin for more than ~2 lines pleas, this is IRC
<ifreund> river should log the graphics driver it's actually using on startup, I suspect it's just using the intel chip
<ecocode_> ok, where is this logged ? I can't seem to find it
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<ecocode_> I think you are probably right, but when I open a webgl page in qutebrowser(wayland) my nvidia gets hot. so I am pretty sure webgl uses the nvidia chip
<ecocode_> well I am wrong: the browser reports it use the intel GPU
<ecocode_> weird the nvidia gpu reports higher temp
<ifreund> info(wlroots): [backend/drm/backend.c:182] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (amdgpu)
<ifreund> ecocode_: it should log something like that, I'm using the amdgpu driver
<ecocode_> hmm... seems my version of wlroots doesn't log anything
<ecocode_> probably some wrong permissions set somewhere
<ecocode_> so my wayland uses intel and xwayland uses the nvidia
<ecocode_> good enough for now, till nvidia releases the GBM driver
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<leon-p> ecocode_: applications can render with your nvidia card, even if you use prop. drivers, but river most certainly does not, so the applications rendered buffers get copied over to whatever river renders on.
<leon-p> but copying buffers is the default for optimus laptops anyway, since the integrated display and the HDMI port are usually both connected to the integrated chip and not the dedicated one, so whatever
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<ecocode_> I can't figure why the Nvidia GPU gets hot when doing well rendering in wayland browser. Perhaps the CPU is getting hot and radiating to the GPU... but then that should always be the case when CPU gets hot, which isn't.
<ecocode_> Still nvidia-smi doesn't report an active process.
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<ecocode_> well, I stress tested my CPU so temp raised at 91degrees and then GPU gets hot too (around 80 degrees) without load on the GPU. Only thermal conductivity can explain this behavior to me.
<leon-p> ecocode_: if it's a smaller laptop, both are probably on the same heatpipe
<ecocode_> dell XPS 15: not so small
<ecocode_> but @ifreund was correct, river/wayland uses the intel igpu
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<anb> ecocode_: there's a fork of wlroots with eglstreams support: https://github.com/danvd/wlroots-eglstreams. I'm also trapped by nvidia on one box :-/
<ecocode_> @anb I can wait for nvidia to release the GBM driver
<ifreund> using the intel iGPU will probably be a lot less buggy
<ifreund> (than the unsupported eglstreams fork)
<ecocode_> and I will probably buy a Lenovo X1 Carbon soon enough too
<anb> I just made the switch from sway to river yesterday on my X1 carbon laptop
<ecocode_> great ! how does it work ?
<guest23> come here because need dynamic tiling on wayland
<guest23> and using x1 carbon as well
<guest23> so far on sway
<ecocode_> are you guys happy with X1 Carbon ?
<guest23> yes
<guest23> using it daily
<guest23> with arch/sway
<anb> ecocode_: well, I had some preparations, so most of the things are working.
<guest23> fingerprint reader is nice
<ecocode_> is fingerprint supported in linux ?
<guest23> yep
<ecocode_> anything which isn't supported ?
<guest23> not sure about wlan and nfc
<guest23> not used it and turned off in bios
<ecocode_> ok, can live without those
<anb> I wonder how you guys move focus among more than 4 views? Just moving to the next one until the focus gets there? As it seems the next/previous is the only cmd for moving focus. In i3/sway if you have two columns, you can move the focus to left/right, and the WM remembers which window got the focus in one column last time.
<anb> re: X1 Carbon, wlan works, FP reader kinda works, but a bit slow comparing to macbook. No issue with camera, audio etc. Not sure about TPM though.
<ifreund> I very rarely have more than 4 views visible an output at a time. I use the stack in a MRU fashion, keeping whatever views I'm frequently using towards the top, which is what naturally happens if you stick to just focus next/focus prev/zoom
<snakedye> anb: if you're at the first and want to get to the last, move to the previous
<ecocode_> can a windows VM (virt-manager) inside river/wayland host use the intel igpu Xe on the X1 Carbon ?
<anb> Yeah, I guess it's an issue of my workflow. I'll look carefully next week to see if I'm actually using more than two views at the same time.
<anb> snakedye: just want to let you know, kile is great, I like it. :D
<ecocode_> I have mostly 1 or 2 views open. I heavily use workspaces so limit open views/workspace
<snakedye> Thanks, I appreciate the feedback 👍
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