ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<romangg> Hi all, hi leon-p. Read and watched one hour things about zig now. you hooked me up on it with our conversation in #wayland lol.
<leon-p> romangg: then I'll recommend you continue with ifreunds talk about how zig and wayland work well together: https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/event/zig_wayland/
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<crypt_> I found that a really interesting talk esp the bits about how zig was able to represent somethings that C needs to use macros for
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<ino> hi! I am still using the cycle-workspace script that leon wrote. how ever, I can change workspace from one direction only, eg. left to right. will there be an updated version available for the script? thanks! :)
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<crypt_> I have not come across this script. Do you have a link to it?
<ino> oh yes! but there has to be some work done before you can execute it, I am linking the PR also the script.
<ino> crypt_ this the pr. here are some instructions how to generate the layout for that script to work.
<ino> oops i forgot to share the link to PR, here it is: https://github.com/ifreund/river/pull/394
<crypt_> thanks
<ino> youre welcome!
<leon-p_> note that the original script has some issues because I am not a python-guy and pythons |= ocnfusingly does not work like Cs. AFAIK there is a fixed version of the script somewhere
<ino> yes yes edrex did modify some parts of it.
<ino> *modified
<ino> And I am using that :)
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<ino> Hi guys! Is there any plan to include other layouts (like fibonacci spiral or dwindle) inn river? thanks :)
<ifreund> ino: they, can be implemented by layout clients
<ifreund> no need to have them in the river repository
<ino> hey isaac! thanks for your response :)
<ifreund> romangg: welcome! does this mean KwinFT might get a little ziggy in the future? :P
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<ino> do you know anyone who have implemented such layouts :) I suck at coding so....I won't be able to do it by myself, haha. If someone has already done it, would be greatly helpful.
<novakane> ino: I don't know if they have these layouts but your best chance is to look at kile and stacktile https://github.com/ifreund/river/wiki/Community-Layouts
<ino> Thanks a lot novakane ! I am looking into it right now :)
<ino> river has a great future.
<dnkl> is there a way to map switches? I.e. something like Sway's bindswitch?
<ifreund> dnkl: not yet implemented sadly, though it wouldn't be hard to do
<dnkl> ifreund: thanks, and no worries :)
<ino> dnkl river + footerm + yambar = <3
<dnkl> ino: hey, that's what _I'm_ running :D
<romangg> ifreund: haha, I'm gonna wait some more with that and observe the development of the language. But it's definitely an interesting language. My first feeling is more positive like the one I had with Rust. Will probably try out zig in some smaller project.
<ino> haha! I want to thank you from heart for footerm and yambar. they are so well engineered, and easy to configure :)
<romangg> ifreund: How did you encounter zig first? Or that's maybe answered in the fosdem talk that leon-p linked. Gonna watch it later.
<dnkl> ino: you're welcome :)
<ino> :))))))))))))))))))))
<ino> romangg you can find a clip on youtube where he talks about zig and river XD
<ino> shit! wrong emote
<ifreund> romangg: yeah, I'd definitely recommend waiting till zig ges more stable before considering it for something like KwinFT, I'm just an impatient person :D
<ifreund> I first heard of it through this blog post of drew's: https://drewdevault.com/2020/01/04/Slow.html
<ino> is zig worth learning over rust ?
<ifreund> and then when I decided to write my own wayland compositor I was going to just use C but decided to give zig a chance first and it worked out
<ifreund> ino: the better question is if rust is worth learning over zig, rust is a far more complex language to learn
<ino> but what will happen to the memory safety features? does zig have any special way to handle them, or it has to be done manually like C ?
<ifreund> zig sits somewhere between C and rust in terms of memory safety
<ino> oohh. thanks isaac! I am going to read it :)
<ifreund> though zig may very well achieve greater safety than is currently list there through more extensive runtime checks in safe build modes
<novakane> ifreund: so you're done with exams?
<ifreund> novakane: yes, as of a few hours ago :D
<ifreund> I need a bit of a break today but I'll definitely be more active on river again this week
<bfiedler> congrats btw :)
<ino> river will keep flowing in its own pace X D
<novakane> ifreund: cool, did it go well?
<ifreund> well enough I think :D
<ifreund> I don't really care about grades any more, I've already got a good job, and that happend because of my open source work on river and the zig compiler not because I aced a bunch of exams
<novakane> haha sure, it's a nice bonus though :P
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<novakane> ifreund: anyway, with something like focused_tags which is a u32, is there a way to loop through it kinda like an array
<novakane> for example if I would to make a []const u8 like "focused tags: 1 3"
<novakane> well more like for occupied tags because it makes more sense
<ifreund> novakane: do `focused_tags & (1 << i)` on each iteration of the loop, where i is incremented on each iteration
<ifreund> and then compare with 0 to see if tag i is focused
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<novakane> ifreund: hmm I see thanks, is that with a for loop?
<ifreund> novakane: you've probably figured it out by now, but I'd use a while loop for that in zig, a for loop in C
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<novakane> ifreund: yeah that's the zig one that interest me, if I would do it in C I could probably make something just with copy pasting, but in zig I can't cheat :P
<novakane> I try to make something like river-tags-overlay but using zig-fcft so I use text instead of square, at least at first I'll probably add more things after
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<novakane> ifreund: so with `while (self.view_tags & (1 << i)) : (i += 1) {}` how do you declare i?
<novakane> i always get `LHS of shift must be a fixed-width integer type, or RHS must be compile-time known`
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<zerdox> Hi guys. I just wanted to ask if this possible
<zerdox> Can I bind some application launch on modifier? So when I release key something launches e.g. app launcher
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<snakedye> Yes, check the man pages or default init