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<Stat_headcrabed> esmil: Are your ccache management series ready for upstreaming? Better to be faster or stf would put more shit on their driver....
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<navnavnav> Hi all! I'm quite new to RISC-V. Does anyone know of any debug tools/probes for programming and debugging RISC-V micros, and has an open protocol (a documented protocol for PC -> debug tool communication)?
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<sorear> that's going to depend on the micro, it's not an ISA function
<Esmil> there is this spec, but i have no idea how common it is to implement it on microcontrollers:
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<navnavnav> Thanks both, that document is helpful. So what's the most popular RISC-V micro available today? Just want to get an idea of what most are using nowadays
<Esmil> probably the ESP32-C3, but there are also the CH32V and GD32VF series
<Esmil> (and many others i imagine)
<navnavnav> Nice! Thanks Esmil!
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<sorear> someone let me know if I'm being ridiculous with my expectation that future hardware+firmware should conform to RVA20 as well as RVA23 because we're designing a 50-year ISA here not a 3-year one
<jrtc27> that is how a sensible, mature ecosystem would function, yes
<geist> that being said i think RVA22 may be a better reasonable starting point, but then again 50 year ISA...
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<courmisch> sorear: not holding my breath for Debian to require Zba support
<sorear> zba isn't part of rva20 so it's not relevant here
<courmisch> it's in the next RVA release IIRC though
<sorear> that doesn't stop hardware vendors from supporting both rva20 and rva23
<sorear> as far as rva20 is concerned, zba is just a custom extension and harmless
<courmisch> well, yes but with that same logic, you could drop F, D and even M from requirements, and emulate them all in software
<sorear> what i'm concerned with is sptead being required by rva20 but (probably, can't get a straight answer) forbidden by rva23
<sorear> imagine if rva23 decided to reuse the F and D opcodes for entirely different instructions
<courmisch> sptead?
<sorear> svade now
<sorear> it's in riscv-profiles
<courmisch> Svade sounds like something that the kernel should be able to enable at runtime
<courmisch> I haven't read that spec, but isn't it basically equivalenet to Armv8-HAFDBS ?
<courmisch> the kernel is actually in a uniquely good position to select different instructions at runtime (or rather boot time) efficiently
<sorear> Svadu allows M-mode to enable and disable dirty bit management using the menvcfg register, but there's absolutely no specification for what the menvcfg value at boot time should be or any way for the kernel to ask for it to be changed
<sorear> Svade means that dirty bit management is not supported, and is the same thing as forcing HADE = 0
<courmisch> not familiar with the details here, TBH
<sorear> ask, then
<sorear> ^ self contained explanation
<courmisch> at least Linux arm64 is written with the assumption that the access and dirty bits may be hardware-updated always
<courmisch> if the hardware can't do it, then it's just managed in the traps
<courmisch> can't the kernel just assume that hardware updates *may* happen as it updates PTEs, and fix the dirty bit manually if necessary (because the hardware won't do it)?
<sorear> there's no written specification to the effect that kernels must be prepared to handle automatic updates, and it's too late to add one since rva20 is ratified
<sorear> if you're trying to argue that the lack of a specification doesn't matter because linux works, i'll let you take that up with jrtc27
<courmisch> so your concern is that the feature could be enabled even though an old kernel is running?
<sorear> s/old kernel/kernel assuming rva20/
<courmisch> on Arm, S (well, EL1) hardware updates can only be enabled by EL1, so that's a nonissue...
<sorear> a strict reading of rva20 is that page table entries have two valid bits and two writable bits, and there are many ways to use that, only some of which are compatible with hade=1
<courmisch> I suppose that the people writing the RV spec didn't care to support "new" bootloader with "old" kernel?
<sorear> stop thinking about "bootloader" and "kernel", the only relevant concepts are the privilege levels
<jrtc27> conchuod: "can't the kernel just" - that is exactly what kernels have been doing for years on RISC-V until the powers that be decreed what was in ratified specs as no longer desirable and outlawed it in RVA20
<jrtc27> uh courmisch
<jrtc27> (tab complete...)
<jrtc27> behaviour that QEMU implemented
<jrtc27> the privileged spec used to just be "hardware will either always trap for A/D or will always atomically set them as needed"
<sorear> «on Arm, S (well, EL1) hardware updates can only be enabled by EL1, so that's a nonissue...» that would be a reasonable hardware design, but we made menvcfg affect S/U-mode while only being accessible from M-mode for some reason
<courmisch> the other approach is to require M mode not to enable the feature until/unless the kernel signals support for it, yes
<jrtc27> the sane approach is to have it mirrored in senvcfg
<jrtc27> though questions about how you mirror things for vs-mode
<sorear> it would have to be a different register, the senvcfg name is already taken for "state bits that affect U-mode only"
<courmisch> mirroring sounds iffy to me, and not only because of H
<jrtc27> ... sigh
<sorear> [i have seen an unfortunate number of both hardware and software implementations that _non-atomically_ set A/D on access]
<courmisch> non-atomic updates are plain broken, no matter how you look at it
<jrtc27> anyway, TL;DR, Svadu is a total waste of time
<jrtc27> and nobody has applied any critical thought to what problem it solves
<courmisch> it looks to me like typical (poor) copy-pasting Arm specs
<courmisch> while Arm probably copied it from x86 in this case
<jrtc27> (see also which has the exact same "M-mode must decide what S-mode wants" problem)
<courmisch> not that I'd know x86 virtual memory management
<jrtc27> I've long given up on RISC-V being a sensible architecture (ISA and whatever they decree as non-ISA that really should be regarded as such)
<courmisch> jrtc27: can't they just specify that the default is the old/no-extension setting, and enabling requires an explicit call to M?
<jrtc27> it's clear that too many people are churning out stuff that doesn't make sense, or does but eschews compatibility (forwards or backwards)
<jrtc27> and some don't like being told that software doesn't want what they decree hardware should do
<jrtc27> we need a RISC-VI done by people who actually know what they're doing
<jrtc27> AArch64 is far from perfect but there's a lot more competence there
<jrtc27> you wouldn't end up with this kind of crap, they actually take software seriously
<jrtc27> courmisch: you could, but it's absurd to require an M-mode call for that
<jrtc27> see also: how M-mode used to be the thing that configured bare vs Sv39
<jrtc27> so you'd have to ask your firmware to configure translation
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<sorear> right, the question is whether "risc-vi" happens before the 20 year aarch64 mark, which is 2033 if we're counting from the iphone 5s
<jrtc27> or the whole Sstimecmp mess that meant we went many years with every timer interrupt requiring an M-mode call to configure the next one
<courmisch> so RISC-V should have a requirement that new extension address backward compatibility
<courmisch> like IETF has a requirement to cover security problems
<sorear> loongisa is surprisingly not awful but I can't see the patents expiring soon enough for anyone to care
<jrtc27> yeah they've somewhat leapfrogged RISC-V
<jrtc27> they have working ACPI already
<courmisch> well, too many chefs in the kitchen, a.k.a. commitee design
<jrtc27> it's a bit more MIPSy for my taste but eh
<jrtc27> no, RISC-V's problem isn't too many people
<jrtc27> most of these specs are written by a tiny handful of people
<sorear> maybe there'll be a big push to raise software baselines to armv9 in 2031-2032 like how we got "x86-64-v2" a couple years ago
<jrtc27> the problem is many are written solely by hardware people who don't understand software or privileged ISA design
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<courmisch> sorear: I can't see LoongArch going anywhere outside Asia, if outside China
<jrtc27> lets see what happens to
<jrtc27> I assume nothing useful given responses to sorear's earlier issue
<courmisch> "M-mode itself does not care, because it is subject to translation. " ...
<sorear> stimecmp is a bad analogy since changing ADUE is not a hot path
<courmisch> did you mean "is not subject" ? otherwise I don't understand
<jrtc27> uh yes, thanks
<sorear> at this stage in the standardization process getting a new CSR defined is ridiculously uphill; I'd file an issue to define a SBI call but _there's no repo for that_
<jrtc27> sorear: agreed, but it's still gratuitous
<jrtc27> S-mode config belongs in S-mode
<sorear> can't file the issue I want on -svadu because it's strictly a hardware spec, can't file it on -sbi because svadu isn't ratified, ideally I'd wait for said ratification but they're really rushing things on the linux and device-tree side
<courmisch> will it piss people off if you FYI that Arm has the HA and HD bits in TCR_EL1 ?
<jrtc27> courmisch: I don't care if it does
<courmisch> ah, I really meant to ask if it would do the bug report a service or a disservice
<sorear> the analogy doesn't work very well because riscv lacks any equivalent to ISB
<sorear> menvcfg is defined the way it is because there is no privilege mode at which it can be both implicitly and explicitly accessed, so as long as mret is a full barrier there is no synchronization requirement
<courmisch> implying that the rationale for the current problem is pipeline synchronisation?
<courmisch> in that case, making an explicit call to M may be the compromise, but that's only viable because it's a one-time boot thing, rather than hot stuff as you wrote already
<jrtc27> sfence.vma would be ok here
<jrtc27> it's not the best fit but it kinda is the sensible thing
<courmisch> *but* there should be a way to synch with PTE updates anyway
<courmisch> seems I keep getting toasted today :$
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