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<grasek> I would like to write fizzbuzz on bare metal riscv64 (qemu), I tried to find some example programs or tips how to do this, but didn't find anything except of "Hello World" programs. Do you have some advices where should I start?
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<aredridel> What language? You'll need a cross-compiler or at least cross-assembler if you're not working on a RISC-V host
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<ch> can someone share a full .config with all bits for visionfive2 for 6.4/6.5?
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<mps> ch: not sure if all bits are there but this is current config for alpine linux
<Tenkawa> mps: you got everything running well yet?
<Tenkawa> (with your Visionfive2)
<mps> Tenkawa: all which is in mainline kernel and aurel32 patches
<Tenkawa> mps: now that I have spi support back and I reverted those cpufreq changes mine is running great
<mps> Tenkawa: you mean with linux-next?
<Tenkawa> No.. With mainline and aurel32's changes
<Tenkawa> (and a few of my own post updates)
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<mps> idk what means great for you but it works quite fine for me also
<Tenkawa> well you were having many more problems than I was originally so its all relative...
<mps> most problems I have are related to mainline u-boot
<mps> though currently I can boot quite fine with mainline u-boot but don't have time to tweak it more
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<mps> and tomorrow should be 6.6-rc1 released and it will have more things mainlined
<Tenkawa> I hope so soon
<Tenkawa> I hope it has enough to start working on a Star64 JH7110
<Tenkawa> That one I'm still stuck oon 5.15
<Tenkawa> er on
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<ch> mps: thank you
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<ch> the starfive crypto driver crashes for me. i guess other people didnt enable it?
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<mps> ch: right. I just put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf
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<ch> thanks, replied there
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<conchuod> thanks!
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<Tenkawa> One very odd thing about that panic is it only seems to happen for me on boot.. not after.
<Tenkawa> I can modprobe that module with no problem afterwards if I unblacklist it (I haven't tried any activity that would use its functionality though)
<heat> sounds like memory corruption?
<heat> does riscv linux have KASAN yet?
<heat> seems like it yeah
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