sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<hightower2> Hey folks, I'm trying to connect the beagleboard-ahead thing as a USB OTG device to the main PC. I tried 5 different cables (USB 3.0 A on the host side, and micro-B 3.0 on the riscv side, of course). Some of the cables were direct, and some were using a converter from microB to A, and then a cable with A on both sides.
<hightower2> In all cases, the error in host system log is:
<hightower2> usb usb2-port3: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?
<hightower2> do you have some hints? Do I need a special "otg" cable maybe, or what?
<hightower2> the port and cables are otherwise completely OK -- if I connect anything else that's normal USB, it works fine
<hightower2> not that it matters, but kernel is 6.1.0
<KREYREN> Does anyone know about an LTE modem that has a libre firmware? I am trying to design a board for LicheePi4A that enables me to get a wireless internet and ability to call/sms from it
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<muurkha> hightower2: I don't know! I don't have a Beagleboard myself, though it looks awesome. have you figured it out?
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