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I'm booting a custom kernel on the unmatched and the board hangs after my first byte written to the uart. OpenSBI comes up with u-boot and prints to the console just fine. Are there any obvious gotchas to be aware of?
I'm even trying directly to duplicate writes to the port, a la: sw t1, (\port) just repeated. But always after the first one it hangs
congratulations! unfortunately I don't know enough to help
I've just noticed the sbi spec has a console ecall interface I could use, but I'd like to know if I *must* use it if present and what could be wrong with this implementation. This all works in qemu, by the way
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if it's a uart you probably need to wait until it's ready for the next character
that or it's interrupting you and your interrupts don't work
I considered that I might need to fully wait for xmit but I didn't have time today to test that. I'll have to check that tomorrow. But the routine *does* have an xmit wait in there. It is entirely possible interrupts aren't working, too
using the SBI console is entirely optional, though it is extremely convenient
I mean, the interrupts aren't working at that point so definitely if it's trying then that would break
unless you have masked the interrupt or told the uart not to generate one, it probably is
Perhaps. I am not reconfiguring it when we come in from opensbi. I know qemu's uart is very permissive in comparison to real hardware
Oh. The opensbi code runs it with interrupts disabled
OpenSBI uses a polling implementation for the sbi_console functions for all uart drivers, AFAIK, so i don't think interrupts matter in this context
But I guess you do end up sharing the same UART peripheral with OpenSBI, so if you reconfigure it the OpenSBI drivers might not work
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My kernel in general assumes a simple, working uart and just goes with that. I think for the actual hardware and to avoid this collision I am going to convert to the sbi provided console, but I'm motivated to understand this problem anyway
By polling you mean checking the full bit on the tx/rx registers?
I have a similar implementation, though I can't remember just now if it's actually right: beqz vs bnez
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It could potentially be backward. Though I would expect if it's backward I should see no b ytes written and not just one
There's a JTAG on the Unmatched board, so perhaps try using that?
It's going to be much easier than electronics telepathy over IRC
Yeah. I'll try a few things and hopefully they will magically resolve. Then I'll try the jtag when that doesn't work
Have to maybe delegate the problem to a lazy Friday, though. Can't spend like three days hacking on jtag stuff when there's a solution to hand
When I looked at that I suspected there could be some caching behavior at play. Even with the fence insns opensbi uses it doesn't help
I know the unmatched has a cache erratum but that should only be on ifetch and shouldn't crop up here
Not sure why you wouldn't use JTAG at this point though
I was gonna say something about time constraints, but I'm not convinced I won't need the jtag again in the future so you're probably right
Yeah I'm just not convinced that 'I have time constraints so I don't want GDB', but of course just do whatever you're feeling comfortable with
Yep lol. When I remembered jtag is basically gdb for hardware you convinced me
It's *literally* gdb for hardware :P
I've never used jtag stuff before which meant in the past when I did kernel stuff for arm I did it the hard way
I am not always the smartest
Well that's the thing, you'd need to get openocd, set up udev rules or do some chmod thing, mess around with the config, get it to halt and resume properly etc
So if something ends up not working it easily takes up all your time
If you write to the uart when the txfifo is full does it cause an exception?
In other words, can I just infinite loop writing some byte?
The manual says the write will be ignored. Also that the txfifo is 8 entries, so I should be able to get away with some writes first
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gorgonical: if the clock is changing during your UART writes then you might be getting bitten by this <>, there's a workaround for it in Linux but IIRC it's not called out in the docs