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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 4 modifications (Reference main build dir, now that we run tests there) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/65edace130457f875632b1c5b3c425955a683581
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
<gbruno> [github] kintel ready_for_review pull request #4598 (Prefer CMake's FindGLEW) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4598
<kintel> Thanks for CMake discussions. I ended up taking the suggestion from peeps to conditionally include custom cmake modules for specific platform that need care; in this case, I added a MXE folder where we can put MXE-related modules: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4598
<kintel> Will merge tomorrow unless anyone comes up with a reason not to :)
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<teepee> build looks fine, so we'll ship it :)
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (GitHub CI on Windows) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/f17373489d8445d33e5dcc14db3f37314ba5d212
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<DnzAtWrk> I assume you have already discussed it over here too
<DnzAtWrk> but I'm amazed that GPT is able to use openscad so well
<DnzAtWrk> I believe the OpenSCAD format is quite good for chatgpt
<DnzAtWrk> it's a lot harder to get wrong compared to something like .obj or .stl
<DnzAtWrk> it's also a lot easier to define primitives in less symbols
<DnzAtWrk> And it supports boolean geometry
<DnzAtWrk> of course, modules
<DnzAtWrk> which chatgpt makes extensive use of
<Scopeuk> some people spent a while playing with it, they were at the time running into a lot of syntax errors
<DnzAtWrk> I've only used it with GPT 3.5 and GPT 4
<DnzAtWrk> I have yet to get a single syntax error
<DnzAtWrk> But GPT 3.5 makes A LOT worse objects, like things which do not make sense
<DnzAtWrk> The stuff GPT 4 makes is primitive, but it mostly looks like what it is supposed to be
<DnzAtWrk> This is of course just a stop-gap, until in a few months we have something like a prompt for generating realistic 3D models
<DnzAtWrk> "A human standing on a red ball"
<DnzAtWrk> hold on, let me just
<DnzAtWrk> yeah, GPT 4 is not good and drawing people
<DnzAtWrk> stick figure
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<L29Ah> openscad release when?
<kintel> DnzAtWrk We need an LLM specifically trained on geometry, CAD and OpenSCAD. That would be awesome. Requires a bit of resources though, so don't hold your breath that this will arrive, but perhaps Autodesk will pull that off (minus OpenSCAD)
<DnzAtWrk> kintel, people are approaching AI from every direction at once
<DnzAtWrk> like they're bombarding an atom
<DnzAtWrk> you'd be surprised how quickly we have solved every problem there is to solve
<DnzAtWrk> I personally don't want to be left out of the loop so I try to find a niche
<buZz> its great fun anyway :)
<L29Ah> can AI make an openscad release?
<DnzAtWrk> it brings some insanes hope for the future
<buZz> i use stablediffusion sooooo much
<DnzAtWrk> maybe even digital immortality within the next century
<DnzAtWrk> for those lucky ones
<buZz> selfhosted stablediffusion though
<buZz> no filters, no brakes
<buZz> lets goooooo
<DnzAtWrk> though the AI apocalypse, which seemed like sci-fi last year
<DnzAtWrk> seems entirely plausible now
<DnzAtWrk> they just need to figure out how to start creating machines or launching nukes
<juri_> octoGPT?
<DnzAtWrk> lol yeah
<DnzAtWrk> but 3d printers can still only do so much
<buZz> they can do a lot more than we are doing today
<buZz> there's barely any 3d printing happening on 3d printers, for instance
<buZz> non-planar slicing will get better over time
<DnzAtWrk> oh they could. But I suspect we need the same kind of advancement we had in transistor density in CPUs for that
<DnzAtWrk> smaller and smaller 3D printers
<DnzAtWrk> with more and more materials
<buZz> nano3D? yeah possibly
<juri_> buZz: working on it. ;)
<buZz> juri_: i applaud and follow your efforts from a distance ;)
<juri_> back up the money truck, and i'll be able to make it happen.
* buZz backs it up to the cloud
<DnzAtWrk> oooh
<DnzAtWrk> I had never heard of nano3D
<DnzAtWrk> that is a really good start for the robot apocalypse
<buZz> it exists? :D i just made it up
<juri_> i got recursion for divided contour straight skeleton code going yesterday.
<kintel> DnzAtWrk Yeah, but the scary part is that a lot of power end up in the hands of 2 or 3 megacorps. We have to put a lot of trust in those. That, or stop messing with ChatGPT now and start working towards democratizing AI development :)
<DnzAtWrk> Classic dystopia
<kintel> ^ obligatory Open Source statement given this is #openscad
<juri_> for once, me and kintel completely agree. :)
<DnzAtWrk> Well AI dev has for all intents and purposes already been democratized
<kintel> ...but: Someone Open Source ChatGPT4 lets goooo
<juri_> .. which is why i've been sidetracked a bit, working on my clustering software.
<DnzAtWrk> there is no putting it back into pandora's box
<DnzAtWrk> so, the great filter
<kintel> Challenge is that the model is worth little without the data, and the data is worth little without a massive GPU farm
<kintel> It's hard _not_ to think Karl Marx ;)
<DnzAtWrk> kintel, it's just a matter of a few dedicated people to put together all the data you need
<DnzAtWrk> afaik you could train chatgpt for under a 1000 dollars
<buZz> kintel: only if you think of the 'company knows best' plan
<DnzAtWrk> if you had the data
<kintel> ( I'm not even a communist ;)
<DnzAtWrk> so it's not like it's that expensive
<DnzAtWrk> NOW, in the future it will be much cheaper
<buZz> kintel: we are humans, we have gpus at home, we could spread the work
<buZz> hell, we could make a new bitcoinalike where you get rewarded for doing training work
<kintel> Yeah, democratization is 100% possible as a distributed effort!
<juri_> as fun as this to talk about.. do something about it, please. talking identifies the need.
<kintel> 1000 dollars may be stretching it a bit though, but I haven't run the numbers
<juri_> doing is.. harder.
<DnzAtWrk> kintel, I heard 300 dollars
<DnzAtWrk> I said under 1000 to be conservative
<buZz> DnzAtWrk: on a single gpu for how many years?
<buZz> iirc even GPT2 was over 100000hrs of GPU time
<kintel> ..if you generate your own power and have all the time in the world
<DnzAtWrk> "After Stanford University launched ChatGPT clone Alpaca for $600, a team from UC Berkeley, CMU, Stanford, and UC San Diego and trained by fine-tuning developed Vicuna-13B, an open-source alternative to GPT-4, which reportedly achieves 90% of ChatGPT’s quality, and the cost of training the model was around $300. The model has been fine-tuned using LLaMA and has also incorporated user-shared conversations gathered from ShareGPT."
<DnzAtWrk> you can get llama right now
<buZz> > Hallucination in particular seems to be a common failure mode for Alpaca, even compared to text-davinci-003.
<buZz> :D :D
<DnzAtWrk> buZz, imagine when they eventually become smart enough to improve themselves, even a little bit
<DnzAtWrk> like re-write their own structure to be better
<buZz> DnzAtWrk: it likely already is
<buZz> but giving creations the power to create is a slippery slope
<juri_> halucination is nice for language development.
<DnzAtWrk> We don't have a choice
<DnzAtWrk> pandora's box etc.
<buZz> DnzAtWrk: otoh, i heard people doing actual API access -from- chat.openai.com
<DnzAtWrk> I've been doing that
<juri_> we do have choices. do, or let someone else do.
<kintel> What I'd really love to see what modularized training of open source AI models. e.g. someone pre-trains an AI with human language skills, then we can plug geometry skills on top as an application-level training
<buZz> DnzAtWrk: not writing the code, but doing the actual API accessing
<DnzAtWrk> I made a small game for ChatGPT where it competes with itself in a small room for resources
<DnzAtWrk> and it plans with itself
<buZz> DnzAtWrk: nice, do you have a writeup?
<DnzAtWrk> Naw. I just finished it yesterday
<kintel> I haven't taken time time to research this too much, but I'm considering a 90 degree career change (as everyone else I'm sure ;)
<DnzAtWrk> but then I got sidetracked in wanting to create a skyrim NPC using chatgpt
<juri_> kintel: talk with me for a bit before that. ;)
<kintel> 90 degrees is
<kintel> ..perhaps much; 45 would maintain some momentum in the forward direction ;)
<DnzAtWrk> I don't think many jobs are truly safe right now
<buZz> kintel: not 180?
<DnzAtWrk> I have no idea at all how to safeguard your future
<DnzAtWrk> work for the government?
<buZz> a buddy of mine started a patreon where you can become a member and he generates you X custom pr0n with SD per .. day? week? not sure
<buZz> he's making enough money now to worry about tax :P
<DnzAtWrk> just wait til the sexbots come
<buZz> 'cum'
<buZz> lololol
<DnzAtWrk> harr
* buZz carries himself out
* juri_ eyerolls.
<DnzAtWrk> 5000 dollars for a Nano3D printer
<DnzAtWrk> hmmm
<DnzAtWrk> But you can't print transistors!
<kintel> DnzAtWrk I guess most of government agencies can be mostly AI run, so get in before the pension plans discover that, and hope to retire early
<DnzAtWrk> yeah, but the government has certain obligations afaik
<DnzAtWrk> like a lot of government jobs are just bullshit timewasters
<DnzAtWrk> so it's not like they'd care too much about replacing them
<kintel> I say buy a farm with a stream and lots of wind and a ton of GPUs: Generate your own food, power and train your own AIs to deal with the tax man ;)
<DnzAtWrk> lol, well that would work
<DnzAtWrk> so with Nano3D you can make multilayered curcuits fairly easily then
<DnzAtWrk> circuits*
<kintel> In terms of AI for CAD, the most valuable (probably missing) asset right now is high quality training data. Whomever start creating that dataset will have a head start. Ignoring Autodesk for now as they guaranteed have petabytes of training data already
<DnzAtWrk> yeah but in the end it's just data
<DnzAtWrk> eventually somebody leaks it
<DnzAtWrk> or some really dedicated groups makes an open-source version
<DnzAtWrk> I mean, as open-source as you can make stolen data
<DnzAtWrk> widely available is a better word
<kintel> Yeah, anything can be stolen, but not sure sitting around waiting for leaked data is the best way of playing the AI game ;)
<kintel> ..but it's a great excuse for not doing anything :|
<juri_> :D
<DnzAtWrk> I suspect that at some threshold, these AIs won't need more data
<DnzAtWrk> in that they can just continue improving themselves without additional data
<kintel> DnzAtWrk Good point: Once humans become 100% consumers, there is no more intelligent output generated, and AIs won't need more data
<juri_> "the problem will solve itsself for me is what i tell myself so i can feel good, while doing nothing"
<DnzAtWrk> that, and the AI will be able to generate creative ideas by themselves
<DnzAtWrk> in my opinion, current models have no problem doing that
<DnzAtWrk> others disagree
<DnzAtWrk> it's like, we don't need human intervention to continue adding stupid ideas to the mix
<DnzAtWrk> they know enough to do whatever they want
<kintel> Anyway, since this is #openscad: If someone set up the mythical AI above for OpenSCAD use, we can put up $300 in training costs and I'm sure teepee can get a suitable server set up to host it.
<teepee> for AI, nope, not interested
<DnzAtWrk> there are many many offshoots now
<kintel> :}
<DnzAtWrk> huggingface if you want something like a generalized model capable of handling any type of input
<DnzAtWrk> AutoGPT if you are trying to develop some type of malicious autonomous internet AI
<teepee> I don't mind if someone would work on the topic if it makes sense and is not just helping big corps to gain even more closed stuff
<DnzAtWrk> most of the really bad things can't happen while OpenAI is in control
<DnzAtWrk> but since we already have open-source versions
<J2387> afaik there are no  AI CAD systems and  openSCAD seems to be a good way to make that happen
<DnzAtWrk> it's up to anyone to download and put one of these AIs out on the internet with bad intent
<DnzAtWrk> I was hoping I could just wrote a wrapper for OpenSCAD for ChatGPT
<DnzAtWrk> to easily turn prompts into models
<DnzAtWrk> it is so much fun
<DnzAtWrk> Hey, can you add a house over there
<DnzAtWrk> and put a cat on it
<DnzAtWrk> no the house is a bit low, make it higher
<DnzAtWrk> but having to copy the reply each time sucks
<teepee> yeah, and the output is something people *want* to see as it did understand
<DnzAtWrk> It does understand
<DnzAtWrk> It has some type of internal vision of the house
<teepee> it does not. it's a text matcher
<DnzAtWrk> that's where the understanding comes from
<DnzAtWrk> the context inside the network
<DnzAtWrk> like a brainwave
<DnzAtWrk> propogating and activating waves of thought
<teepee> no, *understanding* is to *not* tell you how to cook mushrooms that kill you
<DnzAtWrk> Understanding is to... well
<DnzAtWrk> I don't know what the proper definition is
<DnzAtWrk> I assume it's something like: When it talks about something, it understands what that thing entails
<DnzAtWrk> it doesn't just use words because they are the right words
<DnzAtWrk> it uses words because of everything associated with that word
<teepee> no, because lots of other people wrote the same words in the same context
<DnzAtWrk> But we humans learn the same way
<DnzAtWrk> "Say dada"
<DnzAtWrk> "See there, dada, say dada"
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<DnzAtWrk> "It's created several basic objects, applied a texture, and then duplicated each one dozens of times on a grid. There's nothing "industry changing" about this whatsoever."
<J2387> there is a company making landscapes and cities/streets  from text descriptions
<DnzAtWrk> plenty of companies are making 3D models from images
<DnzAtWrk> they are pricegouging you while it's still novel
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<juri_> ok, back to work people. :)
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 additions 2 modifications 1 removals (Prefer CMake's FindGLEW (#4598) Use CMake's FindGLEW, except on MXE where we offer a custom module.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/69a4ae648215689da05ba29c8da373c316d34df3
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #4598 (Prefer CMake's FindGLEW) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4598
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<gbruno> [github] gordio opened pull request #4609 (Added missing packages information for build on MacOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4609
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<isitaboat[m]> Hi - I opened https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4605, asking about DXF CIRCLE support (instead of outputting POLYLINE) - someone suggested talking about it first here before attempting any kinda fix. I'd be curious if anyone knows what's involved that would be willing to run me over it?
<teepee> hi isitaboat[m]
<isitaboat[m]> hi!
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<teepee> I guess an important point would be that it should keep the original info and not toss it away and try to recover it later
<teepee> that's fine for external post processing as nophead mentioned, but not a great native solution
<teepee> as people have mentioned, it might not be a trivial solution as the current strategy is very focused on meshes
<teepee> but if there's a good solution this would open up a lot of other interesting possibilities
<teepee> that said it's fine to start out with a single focus like just circles as long as there's a path visible for later extension to other geometry
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<kintel> InPhase Here's a fun question for you :) It's about python and testing again :{}
<kintel> The native Windows test packages described at https://github.com/openscad/openscad/blob/master/doc/testing.txt#L41 seems to be broken. Looks like it encounters some Python issue
<kintel> ..which isn't surprising as it probably has no concept of how to use the venv
<kintel> otoh, I have no idea when this last worked, so perhaps it's better to deprecate and erase these test packages?
<InPhase> Where does said file even come from?
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<isitaboat[m]> teepee, makes sense - I think it's probably beyond me to even start a fix without some guidance, at least inside openscad. I saw someone else post-processing the DXF to "fix" the issue, but tbh still seems less than ideal. Would it have to be "post-processed" inside openscad anyway; i.e. presumably just before it's saved as a DXF?
<teepee> my first idea would be to delay resolving the 2d meshes until actually needed
<teepee> that would open the possibility to keep the structure ideally till export
<InPhase> kintel: Basically, if you wanted to preserve it, you'd just have to find where that file is generated and make sure it runs on the python in the venv.
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<InPhase> kintel: Oh, or if it is intended to be an exportable unit, then it's going to need the ability to setup a venv at the destination.
<isitaboat[m]> ya, for my usecase (holes) that might work - but for anyone differencing it, it'd become an arc... I guess eitherway you either gotta preserve it, or re-figure out what it could be when writing to DXF - i.e. is this an arc, circle, or.....shrug -- aka polyline.
<InPhase> kintel: I'm not having a clear picture of what this is for, and don't know what is inside these generated zip files, so I also am not knowing how it functions when run.
<isitaboat[m]> teepee - seems like some relatively (lol...!) simple logic could figure that out; i.e. circle = all same angle points, complete, arc = some same angle points, otherwise everything is polyline?
<teepee> heuristics don't really scale well and are difficult to maintain
<JordanBrown[m]> isitaboat: The fundamental flaw in the "turn regular polygons into circles (or arcs)" scheme is that if you are trying to build a regular polygon, it'll get incorrectly turned into a circle.
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<isitaboat[m]> jordan; would that be a problem if they're "the same"?
<isitaboat[m]> teepee - are there any alternatives?
<teepee> probably, I don't have any jumping out right now, but there's rarely only one single solution
<isitaboat[m]> eitherway, this is stopping me using openscad for things, which is (personally) annoying - so I'd be down for putting in some effort to fix it! In the meantime I've had to redo something in qcad (which, I'm terrible at), and more recently -> cadquery.
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<isitaboat[m]> teepee; agreed - it's just the "obvious" solution at least to me, but 100% would have edges. I guess a way of avoiding Jordan's (valid) issue would be to add a option to DXF saving, or another type (DXF with CIRCLE) so that it doesn't break anything for existing usecases.
<isitaboat[m]> anyway, I'd be down for attempting this - but - would love help to figure out how / which way / if it's sane to try this way at all.
<teepee> there's a couple of people here who may have some ideas to toss into the discussion too
<isitaboat[m]> great.
<isitaboat[m]> teepee is this likely to be discussed in the github issue over here, as tbh I'm on there more / it's async?
<isitaboat[m]> (missed the "or" -- ...or over here...)
<JordanBrown[m]> If you use Nophead's "more than 8 sides is a circle" rule, then if I want a 9-gon, I get a circle instead, and a 9-gon is *not* the same as a circle. Now, maybe if the threshold was much larger - a 100-gon, say - that might be a non-issue.
<teepee> whatever works best. it's just important to have the conversation to make sure there's something that will be merged later
<teepee> JordanBrown[m]: yeah, that's how FreeCAD does it on import
<isitaboat[m]> teepee: 100%
<isitaboat[m]> jordan: ya, I guess that's gonna be a problem if there was an alternative save option and someone needed a mix of both
<isitaboat[m]> still, arguably better than now where you can't get one at all...
<teepee> having some sort of limit where it goes from n-gon to circle
<isitaboat[m]> i.e. just use the standard dxf, and nothing changes
<isitaboat[m]> or, a way to mark something
<isitaboat[m]> no idea how plausable that is though - i.e. "this is a circle, export as a circle" ...otherwise it's what it is now
<JordanBrown[m]> You postulate that the notion of "this" survives very long :-)
<JordanBrown[m]> Which, well, it doesn't.
<isitaboat[m]> I'm sure this is v flawed, as I've no idea on the internals
<JordanBrown[m]> Lunchtime. Later.
<teepee> there's a rough processing overview in the docs folder, let me grab the link
<teepee> it's basically 3 stages
<teepee> 1 source code as input
<teepee> 2 AST abstract syntax tree
<teepee> 3 CSG Node tree having the geometry -> this one you can export as "*.CSG" files which look like simplified scad code
<J2387> would this convert a polygon that looks like a circle also into a circle ?
<teepee> that node tree *should* still have all the information, but I think right now it already contains partially evaluated stuff, losing information
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<J2387> however  the change should not be determined by the fn but rather by fs  so if a circle segment is smaller .1 it is converted into an arc
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<teepee> it's internally converted to an effective fn value
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<teepee> that said, it might be treated differently depending on the source code specifying $fn or not
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<kintel> InPhase It's the stuff generate from here: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/blob/master/doc/testing.txt#L41
<kintel> I've never used this myself, I just noticed it when going through testing.txt
<kintel> Happy to kill it if this is just some ancient experiment.
<kintel> teepee: Do you have any insights?
<teepee> no, I never used that either, we just decided some time ago trying to package the stuff into the ZIP packages when the cmake installers were created
<teepee> as far as I know it's mostly still at the state where Don left that many years ago
<kintel> I guess it's fair to say that this hasn't been executed in ~as many years then :)
<kintel> ..and this approach won't really fly with test environments becoming more complex.
<teepee> yep, that is quite likely, I think peeps[work] tried to keep it alive, it's always a bit sad throwing stuff out completely
<kintel> But it would be nice to be able to run tests of the MXE-built binaries...
<teepee> but calling it maintained is probably a big overstatement
<teepee> yes
<kintel> I do wonder what the state of py2exe and similar tools is these days; that could be a way out
<teepee> in totally different news, the flatpak build farm is *crazy*
<teepee> docker ARM64 build killed after 4h
<teepee> flatpak building all deps in a bit more than 10 minutes using -j64
<gbruno> [github] ptdecker closed issue #4603 (Preview is correct but rendering doesn't execute difference()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4603
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
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<ransElectronics> How does one submit something for the yearly openscad advent calendar?
<kintel> teepee woah; and I thought I was doing well with -j15 : /
<ransElectronics> I coded something in a bit under an hour that I'm rather proud of, and it might fit the theme
<gbruno> [github] kintel ready_for_review pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
<teepee> ransElectronics: we don't have a theme yet, but in the past we collected things in a private github repo
<ransElectronics> thanks
<teepee> ah, we have the empty repo already, including typo :) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-advent-calendar-2023
<kintel> teepee InPhase For the windows test stuff; I'll just leave it alone for now; I might contribute to breaking it further, but writing code for Windows in the blind are not my idea of fun ;)
<teepee> ransElectronics: if you give me you github id, I can invite you to the totally secret santas-helpers "team"
<peeps[work]> kintel: I just reworked the windows test zip packaging ~4months ago. https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4067 I tested that the packaged tests were able to be run on a windows machine as part of that PR.
<kintel> peeps[work] That was probably before the venv stuff
<peeps[work]> yes exactly. venv stuff is what broke it
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<ransElectronics> teepee: how does the github ID work? do you need the 9 digit number i get from api.github.com?
<teepee> ransElectronics: the user-id from the profile, e.g. https://github.com/t-paul
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #4608 (Remove need to cd into tests directory) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
<kintel> peeps[work] InPhase Could you give this a spin? https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4608
<kintel> tl;dr you can now do `cmake && make && make test`
<teepee> neat
<teepee> and we have a flatpak beta build now too :)
<kintel> `cd tests` just annoyed me one last time ;)
<ransElectronics> teepee: my user id is https://github.com/RobertNiemeyer
<kintel> teepee Are flatpack build files external?
<peeps[work]> kintel: can maybe try it in a few hours, at work right now
<kintel> peeps[work] No rush, just cleaning up a bunch of minor annoyances before getting back to OpenGL
<teepee> kintel: yes, flathub has a separate repo - https://github.com/flathub/org.openscad.OpenSCAD
<teepee> main build file is the org.openscad.OpenSCAD.json, for the beta branch, I've converted to yaml
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<kintel> Nice, we should probably link to that build file from our README or smth., as it's easy to forget such locations
<teepee> yeah, good point, seems some people jump directly to github missing the home page completely :)
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<teepee> ransElectronics: you should have the invitation in your mail box (or spam folder, for some reason they tend to end up there)
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<ransElectronics> teepee: i got in :D
<teepee> ransElectronics: perfect, just look at last years repo for reference https://github.com/openscad/openscad-advent-calendar-2022
<teepee> it's basically just folders which need to have at least the scad with an appropriate license (so far we almost always used CC0 which is like public domain)
<teepee> and a reasonable sized png, like 800x800 or so
<teepee> everything else we are probably going to sort out last minute as always ;-)
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<ransElectronics> thanks
<teepee> welcome to santas helpers. we don't have special hats though (as far as I know :-)
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<kintel> teepee Was the docker ARM64 build on clang?
<teepee> yes, last version I switched to clang
<teepee> there might be some setup issue, as it did not seem to make any difference between -j2 and 4 and gcc vs. clang
<teepee> which is a bit odd.
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 2 modifications (Try building OpenCSG as a separate target to avoid leaking too many OpenSCAD-specific compiler flags to OpenCSG) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/2959fa4f4208b72ecc45d8dd9592e31e8f44c472
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #4596 (Add OpenCSG as a submodule) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4596
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