https://www.acotoronto.ca/building.php this will be my architectural code cad project. Create a building that was only conceptualized but never built.
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Sorry, the website is experiencing problems with the function GetBuildingName.
guso78: That link is a website that was conceptualized, but never built.
ahh, thought, that the site would parse at least once until other error will appear
Folks, I just noticed that there is a CSG export in OpenSCAD and a CSG import in FreeCAD. Now, this is by no means importing to look alike. Is this a FreeCAD or an OpenSCAD issue? :)
freecad issue
I kinda assumed
Anyone any pointers of getting OpenSCAD results to a CNC instead of a printer? It seems like going the STL route for a CNC is - not that great.
you can use oSCAD code in FreeCAD where curves are used .. not sure but i think FreeCAD can export these as step
cnc also work with mesh (3mf/stl ) but it is not what a shop is used to get
it can if the CSG output is still having the details, so not inside hull() or minkowski() (for the most part)
the thing with a mesh is that a CNC can make .001 visible so you end up with diamond like facets on your surface
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csg keeps the normal csg operations, so those can be translated to actual CSG inside the step file (which is why I'm sure some sort of step exporter is possible, freecad pretty much proves that)
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I am not sure what version of OpenSCAD the FreeCAD integration is using - or whether I was using hull() when I tried but so far I haven't had much luck with OpenSCAD inside FreeCAD.
I've never really used it for other than some trivial tests
it should not matter too much what version, it's maybe more like not using the latest newest language features
The part workbench in FreeCAD would be OK to use with meshes - if the selection tools where better.
But trying to select a circle that is just a polygon. Does not even seem to be possible.
teepee since I am running one of the daily builds I am sure I have adopted newer things by now 😇
but maybe still worth playing with that route a bit *shrug*
maybe check the csg files for something that does not look like very boring union/difference/intersection
yeah ... the thing I just tried had two "hull()"
I am not using minkowski() but I am not sure what else is problematic
it has lots of linear_extrude, multmatrix and offset
not sure about offset, but the other stuff should do fine
I made some progress ... I will dig deeper and report back :)
getting rid of hull() might be hard though
hm ... the one hole does come out with faces though ... the other holes are perfect
with faces ~= as mesh
interesting! that can be fixed by giving it more $fn
so all is left is understanding the mystery why the "mirror() children()" construct causes problems
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hm ... as somewhat expected the csg files all open fine in openscad ... so somehow freecad has a problem with those csgs that get produced with the mirror()
but I don't see the difference in the csg files yet :-/
can multmatrix do mirror style duplications?
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how do i slice a list? i thought openscad supported this but i just get syntax error