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<kintel> Does anyone know a good way of detecting and reporting when the compiler gets OOM killed on Github CI?
<guso78> i think it should be clearly be  visible in the server logs if  a process was killed  due to OOM. question is if this info is available to the user.
<kintel> Yeah, I can probably grep for magic strings in the logs, was hoping to have that surfaced in a more robust way.
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Report build exit code) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/e3e92402ea1edfcb28c7c222a0f4e47dae4976d8
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<guso78> i am wondering why its  so silent here  for almost one day. presumably people meet on the  booth instead '=D
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<guso78> are there any free RDP windows clients available in the internet where i can test openscad installation and these machines  have a "dispose"  button so i can repeatedly test/improve  the installation ?
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<InPhase> kintel: "echo $?" will be 137 after OOM hits a process. It would be 139 for something like a segfault, so you can distinguish these.
<kintel> InPhase Thx. do you know if e.g. cmake calls make, make calls gcc and gcc is killed, will the 137 code bubble up to cmake?
<kintel> (for simplicity, this is a Linux runner)
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<InPhase> kintel: Uhm, no, it seems to eat those.
<InPhase> kintel: Hopefully you'll check the log. This will highlight it red, if we're fortunate enough that github picks up the ansi coloring: cmake --build . 2>&1 | grep --color=always -E ' Killed$|'
<InPhase> kintel: Or the whole line like: cmake --build . 2>&1 | grep --color=always -E '.+ Killed$|'
<InPhase> But I guess, who knows if that extra step messes anything else up.
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<teepee> maybe that would want to be ... | tee | grep ... so there's some output on stdout, not 100% sure about github but some CI have a lower kill limit if there's no output anymore
<InPhase> teepee: That subtle trailing | before the closing quote makes sure it all stays on stdout.
<InPhase> teepee: i.e., highlight if it matches the part to the left, "or" just print everything else.
<teepee> ah, interesting feature
<InPhase> But what it does do, is eat stderr by bumping it into stdout. Not sure if that messes up any CI features watching for stderr content.
<teepee> I would expect that to be fine, as no error output is really wanted. but I suppose we'll know only for sure after really running it
<lf94> guso78[m]: how's it going
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<guso78[m]> Lf94 i am thinking about the Details of a New transforming Operation ...
<lf94> nice
<lf94> I'm porting over noise stuff to do terrain (inspired by J23)
<lf94> from iq's site
<guso78[m]> I knew you are refering to the Terrain.
<guso78[m]> Maybe you want to add to my Landscape library 🤣
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<J231725> perlin noise would be nice ( so i don't need to write it myself )
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<J23> can someone explain why  pow( expression, 2 )   is working fine but pow( expression, 1.8) causes  a program freeze  ?
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<guso78> you refer to openscad pow ?
<InPhase> J23: Is expression negative?
<InPhase> J23: You might want an abs in there.
<J23> it is a sin (.... ) so yes it can be negative
<J23> and if use abs i will  loose the wave form
<InPhase> J23: Most likely it's not a freeze, but a massive multiple in runtime if this is called frequently, as there is huge overhead on the nan processing. Likewise for any undefs. Especially if they propagate into geometry.
<J23> pow(sin(0+atan2((x -pos.x) ,(y -pos.y) )*f/2) * norm([(x -pos.x) ,(y -pos.y)])/(5*res),2)/1.5
<InPhase> J23: So there's a structure of: sign(x)*pow(abs(x), b) which will work fine for any real x and b value.
<J23> i should use polar coordinates - would make this easier
<InPhase> J23: But if the value of 2 was okay for you, then you already accepted the loss of negatives. :)
<J23> ah that explained why my  ripples doubled Ü
<InPhase> Yep!
<J23> but strange the change is still smooth ..  abs(sin(a)) should be  ripples that have abrupt change
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<J23> ok https://imgur.com/a/IyDBzLy  so  bit closer to my lime squasher   Thank InPhase!
<InPhase> abs(sin(a)) is in fact abrupt, but abs(sin(a))^2 is smooth again! Magic.
<J23> and there are people for them this is just logical  ..  i remain in aww for the magic
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<InPhase> I'm in the camp where it makes sense and has grown intuitive... But it's still magical to me that it actually works that way.
<J23> hmm should i twist this?
<InPhase> J23: My old ceiling light cover: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024518
<InPhase> The same sort of thing you seem to be aiming for.
<InPhase> It does produce a pleasing aesthetic.
<InPhase> These also I remember having that look: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2687322
<J23> hmm toooooo much https://imgur.com/a/KCuF7R9
<guso78> its nice!
<guso78> articifical see shell ...
<InPhase> J23: The first time I did one like that I went, "Hey, let's tweak this a little and pretend it's a rose!"
<J23> I think i am still amazed that i am doing that on a square grid and not a  radial/polar
<InPhase> Bob Ross style Happy Accidents.
<J23> totally  .. started with https://www.printables.com/model/464899-partner-amulet   .. which also were the accident from  planar ripples
<J23> have you seen my water ball?
<InPhase> I don't think so.
<InPhase> :) That's awesome. Please save that for the calendar.
<J23> at least it is written without my lib ..  (but now is a new module in my lib )
<InPhase> Maybe a very modest tweak to make a perfect animation loop.
<J23> yeah looping just need to be with multiple of the frequencies  to fit   .. but there are 6 or so .. but yeah can be done ( and for a long enough loop still looks nice)
<InPhase> peeps[work] had a really nice water animation some time ago based on... was it bicubic interpolation?
<InPhase> But it did not have a beach ball!
<J23> oh that is cool bicubic  is bit like perlin noise
<InPhase> You can never have too many cubics.
<InPhase> And yeah, that one was more of a standing wave effect.
<J23> can't wrap my head around ..  bicubic give you the 3rd dimension -- wouldn't tricubic give the 4th dimension as output?
<InPhase> peeps[work]: Also, that scad file was the original mental inspiration for the snowballs I put into the calendar. You wouldn't notice it because there probably aren't two sequential characters in common, but it mapped there in my head. :)
<peeps[work]> J23: 4th dimension of time is needed for animation
<peeps[work]> the nice thing is that it is also periodic in x,y, and t
<peeps[work]> and continuous
<J23> peeps[work]  just put your function into my mesh module https://imgur.com/a/wvxAslo
<J23> (just used z=0)
<peeps[work]> yep, making into a mesh is definitely the better output. the cube height map was just quick and dirty demo
<J23> so now with z .. looks bit like boiling water  as the waves don't  "wander"  adding $t to x let it stream a bit
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