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<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4384 (Decimal round trip fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4384
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<linext> i updated the link structure: https://www.3dcustomizer.net/create/customization/1 instead of .../customization?id=1
<linext> also made a contact page: https://www.3dcustomizer.net/contact
<linext> would it be ok if i put all the openscad examples onto the site?
<InPhase> linext: I think we have licenses on all of them that would permit it.
<InPhase> linext: You can certainly put any of my designs you want up, in part because I'm very curious to see if they all work okay.
<InPhase> linext: Also, feel free to use any of my libraries to test out any standardized library features you might be considering. :)
<linext> ok, thanks. i'm going to keep trying to get monaco-editor working tomorrow
<linext> the whole package is like 180MB
<linext> zipped
<linext> also, i'm thinking of making "author" be a multiple account field
<linext> i see in the examples there are some with multiple authors
<linext> that way a group can edit
<InPhase> That's a good idea. Collaborative works are good for community building.
<InPhase> A "Share" button with options like "As Viewer" and "As Editor" can make a huge difference in utility.
<linext> i'm also thinking of adding a feature where users can upload their own license file
<JakeSays> can openscad import step files?
<peepsalot> no
<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4384 (Decimal round trip fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4384
<peepsalot> not sure what to do about precision differences on Mac vs others. I got different Ubuntu versions and Windows to all play nice, but don't even have a test report for mac.
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<gbruno> [github] williamlugg opened issue #4386 ([FeatureRequest]Code editor needs debuging tools) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4386
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<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4384 (Decimal round trip fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4384
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<JordanBrown[m]> J1A84: I think the best way to think about it is that $fa controls the maximum number of sides for large circles, and $fs controls the maximum number of sides for small circles. The dividing line between "large" and "small" depends on the values.
<JordanBrown[m]> For instance, for $fa=18 and $fs=0.65, the dividing line is about r=2.
<JordanBrown[m]> r>2 will have 20 sides, no matter how big they are.
<JordanBrown[m]> r<2 will have sides less than 0.65 units long, no matter how few there are.
<JordanBrown[m]> A non-silly combination, for instance, might be $fa=5 and $fs=0.5. Circles larger than about 5.7 will be 72-ogons, which are pretty smooth, while smaller than that will have sides of at least 0.5. because that's getting down into the smallest feature you can get on a 3d printer.
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<J1A8487> JordanBrown[m]  The thing is that $fa makes sense to limit resources but for printing it doesn't  help because if you print a 200mm cylinder with 72-ogons it looks terrible, while this is fine for a 10mm diameter.  So for printing the unlimited $fs is the only important.
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<J1A84> a $fs of 2 will be clearly visible when printing big circles
<peepsalot> i often set $fa=0.1, effectively disabling it in favor of $fs
<JordanBrown[m]> I think I misread the original comment.
<JordanBrown[m]> Now I'm going to have to try printing a 200mm circle...
<J1A84> print a ring Ü
<JordanBrown[m]> Yeah, doing that. Well, actually, a quarter of a ring, since it will take 1/4 as long and 1/4 as much plastic.
<JordanBrown[m]> At 5°, 2°, 1°, and 0.5°
<JordanBrown[m]> though maybe I should have done the experiment in terms of $fs instead.
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<JordanBrown[m]> way past bedtime. g'nite. or good morning, as the case might be :-)
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<TheHouse> good day all, i am new to the program, channel not the network, or code/script. i was wondering if there might happen to be a simple scisssor lifttable that i could use to jumpstart my project from?
<J1A84> hmm
<J1A84> i have something like that .. or hinges in the lib
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<J1A84> but probably best to create a hinge yourself and chain them together
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<TheHouse> well i cant say i expected there to be quite so many guess bit of an understanding/learning curve for myself thank you J1A84
<J1A84> TheHouse if it shouldn't be print in place it is  simpler https://www.printables.com/model/212087-claw-scissor/files
<J1A84> tutorial!
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<TheHouse> https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/adjustable-scissor-lift-table is more along the lines of what i had in mind and am physically going to build it not print it lol
<J1A84> in the end it is just two cylinders and  two .2 bigger to remove from the other side
<TheHouse> i was hoping to work out finer details prior to actually building;;;
<J1A84> So you want an animation ? ..  if you are building it you probably use square rods and just holes for bolts
<J1A84> so  that would be  cube(); and cylinder();
<TheHouse> itll be angle iron
<TheHouse> inch a quarter 6 foot long
<TheHouse> top nesting inside bottom
<TheHouse> opposite ends sliding
<J1A84> so you  probably use  linear_extrude(500)difference(){offset(1.5)square(20):square(20)};
<TheHouse> using 2 750n electric motors with 12 inch travel
<J1A84> you can use openSCAD with inch but exports will be in mm
<TheHouse> i can use either personally
<TheHouse> linear_extrude(500)difference(){offset(1.5)square(20):square(20)}; im getting it
<J1A84>  linear_extrude(500)difference(){
<J1A84>     translate([1.5,1.5])square(20);
<J1A84>      square(20);
<J1A84>  }
<J1A84> if you want only right angles
<TheHouse> well we can flip the over
<J1A84> mirror([1,0])  will flip it
<TheHouse> i like
<TheHouse> gonna have to do more reading on this language though
<J1A84> the translate is better on the second square that is removed .. to get a better center
<TheHouse> i think im gonna enjoy this
<J1A84> I would suggest to make a module with the material and length as variable
<TheHouse> thanks again J1A84 im sure ill have plenty more questions till i get the hang of this
<J1A84> TheHouse here https://bpa.st/S4PQ
<TheHouse> nice thank you
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<J1A84> you can then use the module to build the frame .. or build part of the frame as module so it is easier to rotate and move the hole part
<J1A84> TheHouse  this https://bpa.st/3RMQ  Ü
<TheHouse> thank you again sorry getting distracted rather large learning curve for myself
<J1A84> just do little steps .. and after a night you will see it is not that difficult
<J1A84> maybe have a look at the cheatsheet to get an overview of all the tools
<J1A84> cheatsheet!
<othx> cheatsheet is https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/ for the release version and https://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/snapshot.html for the development snapshot versions
<TheHouse> ill get it i like it already i can see a million different uses/project this will help me out with
<TheHouse> ahhhh yes
<J1A84> you also can make animations for the movement
<TheHouse> this is a start lol
<TheHouse> easy now
<J1A84> for the start you will use   rotate translate  difference  cylinder cube
<TheHouse> let me get a couple pieces together first
<J1A84> so as a start make familiar with these 5
<TheHouse> listening and taking notes believe it or not
* TheHouse takes suggestion well from those there before him
<TheHouse> forced into retirement and kids have lomg left home now so one thimg i do have is time
<TheHouse> i can forsee the need for real kb too
<InPhase> A proper keyboard will certainly facilitate OpenSCAD usage.
<InPhase> Also, welcome. :)
<TheHouse> yes for sure and thank you all a million times over was rather surprised to see irc still being used (more as i believe it was intended)
<TheHouse> irc is the reason i dont have any other forms of social media long lomg long time now old irc user
<InPhase> Yeah. This network in particular seems to remain a cluster of people who lean smarter and more polite than most of modernized social media. It is a great asset to have it.
<J1A84> sometimes i wonder if polite and smart is going hand in hand - also that smart is sort of interpretation if the other said something offensive
<J1A84> openSCAD without keyboard would be like  https://www.blockscad3d.com/editor/
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<J1A84> great now i have a buckle that closes nicely .. and is nearly impossible to open https://imgur.com/a/foX2B2q
<J1A84> lets see if it helps to weaken the lower connection a bit
<J1A84> or maybe just make it wide enough so a finger fit inside to press the lock down
<J1A84>  narf   no  37C3 ..this year
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<gbruno> [github] MichaelAtOz locked pull request #4385 (Resolves Issue #355 - added a hull example to basic examples) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4385
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<JordanBrown[m]> It's not exactly a scissors - it's a complex hinge - but here's an animation that I put together a while back. https://bpa.st/2TDA
<JordanBrown[m]> Load it, View/Animate, put maybe 10 in FPS and 50 in Steps.
<linext_> i got monaco working. it was easier copy and edit openscad.cloud/openscad/ than ochafik.com/openscad/
<JordanBrown[m]> I don't know exactly which hinge it is on the web site, but it's one of these: https://www.blum.com/us/en/products/hingesystems/clip-top-blumotion/programme/
<JordanBrown[m]> and I never bothered to fine tune the dimensions and angles to make it be a truly accurate simulation.
<JordanBrown[m]> So my large-circle test finished. It has a diameter of 180mm. (To fit on my 200x250 bed... I could have gone bigger once I cut it down to a quarter.) Indeed, the 5° test strip, which would be about 8mm sides is clearly a polygon. The 2° test strip, about 3mm sides, I can't convince myself that I can see the sides, but maybe I can feel them. The 1° and 0.5° strips, 1.6mm and 0.8mm, no, can't see or feel them them.
<JordanBrown[m]> So J1A84 thanks for prompting me to do that test; I thought it would do better than that.
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<J1A84> you re welcome .. i had the experience my self where i wondered why i had these marks in a vase print .. and turns out  it was from the render
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<J1A84> if you print with a small nozzle these become even more prominent
<J1A84> and you have this also on small prints if you have a big radius fillet or curve
<JordanBrown[m]> I do wonder whether any of the slicers try to detect curves and round them out.
<JordanBrown[m]> Ah, well, off to paying work.
<Scopeuk> there is the "arc welder" plugin a lot of people use although that is mostly targeting using the g code commands that prescribe arcs esentially as compression
<J1A84> nah  they don't use G2 or G3 commands and have a resolution ..  would be hard  to tell the difference if someone want a smooth surface or is printing a diamond
<Scopeuk> arc welder is a pattern match to turn a series of short linear moves (heuristically id's as a curve) and swapping it to G2/G3. never used it personally though
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* teepee still things G2/G3 are useless for that kind of stuff
<J1A84> the g codes were invented when you are not able to feed  several MB code into a CNC .. and you don't want to switch  floppy disk while  machining .. like installing a software .. please insert disk 8/35  to continue
<J1A84> when i check my gcodes are often over 20Mb
<Scopeuk> they proabbly also make a lot of sense if you have rotation controls to be able to actually drive an arc
<J1A84> when you use fuzzy surface they go through the roof
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<J1A84> the arc  work on a 3D printer .. it just uses the max resolution  like every cnc
<Scopeuk> I've never felt the need to use it either to be honest
<teepee> oh, they are probably quite good for "normal" cnc for drilling routing holes / circles
<teepee> the more general stuff is G4/G5 I think
<Scopeuk> g4 is dwell, g5 is bezier cubic spline so thats definately more general
<teepee> ah, g5 then
<J1A84> works if your export file is not triangle mesh based
<J1A84> FreeCad is also converting a  scad circle into an arc
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<JordanBrown[m]> But it wouldn't be silly for a slicer to have a (switchable) heuristic for smoothing curves.
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<J1A84> it would help for speed as high resolutions already slow down printer as they can't keep up with the amount of data  (and their small buffer)
<J1A84> was a big issue when a cura update switched high resolution on and all "non current ultimaker models"  started to have bad prints as they had to stop
<J1A84> while the dev team said " works fine on our newest printer model"
<Friithian> I've had no problems with the S5 I use :D
<J1A84> i installed the update after they fixed it - Ü
<J1A84> iirc it was with some outdated parameter from old profiles .. so  creating a new profile also helped
<Friithian> I usually wait a bit before updating cura, although I do like using their beta for beta features
<J1A84> but i assume it would cost a lot of  slicer time to calculate the best  bezier path through all  mesh points for every layer.   (and not sure if all printer can use G5)
<Friithian> tree style supports already take a long time to calculate, and those curves would be a lot more than trees
<J1A84> the arc commands would only work on very old school tech  cnc  designs .. but not  what 3dPrinters are good for like free 3D surfaces
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<ali1234> what version of cura was that?
<ali1234> i started having weird print problems at some point around 4.9 i think
<J1A84> not sure but was caused by too low values in  "maximum resolution"  "maximum deviation" or "travel resolution"
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<J1A84> sooo  think i found a way to open my slim buckles https://www.printables.com/model/298099-slim-buckle
<J1A84> very nice fine sharp crisp click when lock and  surprisingly also when unlock the latch
<InPhase> Ah, nice. I was thinking opening that whole side, but a zig zag of lines is better.
<InPhase> That will last longer.
<gbruno> [github] Paulwhy2 synchronize pull request #4385 (Resolves Issue #355 - added a hull example to basic examples) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4385
<J1A84> yeah that worked too .. i  just cut that side open to check  but still the opening was too small to press with the finger - so i added a "button"  for the counterpart - now need to be printed upside down but that also allow equal thickness of the loop
<J1A84> and ensures you will not try to put it wrongly together
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<linext_> got monaco editor working: https://www.3dcustomizer.net/create/customization/2
<teepee> neat with autocomplete hints
<Friithian> InPhase: https://i.imgur.com/kRr5DLt.png coming soon :D
<InPhase> :) Those look like my sketchy nails. :)
<Friithian> yup!
<Friithian> I want to play with the small CNC we have and I could think of nothing better :D
<InPhase> With a CNC you could maybe even make them in all 3D instead of flat on one end!
<Friithian> I could, but do I want to put in that work?
<Friithian> flipping stuff is annoying
<InPhase> CNC with built-in wok-flip maneuver.
<Friithian> ah we're not that fancy sadly
<Friithian> that'd be cool thou
<Friithian> also expesive
<Friithian> expensive*
<Friithian> this is going to be done on a carvey, maybe I could use the rotary indexer on the shopbot we have to turn a nail…
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<J1A84> linext_  this is so cool ..    seems the automatic render is taking the old value not the one just set by the slider.
<linext_> try this, and hard reload: https://www.3dcustomizer.net/create/customization/5
<linext_> hard reload by pressing f12, right click the refresh button
<J1A84> i wonder if you can sell this to "make with tech"  I mean Irv  Shapiro could use that and should donate some money for your work
<linext_> does ivr shapiro do his own coding?
<linext_> i originally wanted to get prusa to pay me to build this into printables.com
<J1A84> now seems to use the current slider values
<J1A84> yes afaik irv is doing the coding  (but also has now a team iirc)   .. as i would't give anyone exclusive rights .. they all should pay  for it
<J1A84> i mean honestly this is so much better than what they have (or don't have in case of printables)
<peepsalot> i'm trying to determine why github actions macos build did not upload a test report for my PR, but linux and windows does
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<peepsalot> do we just need to add the `if: ${{ always() }}` line? I'm assuming that means a failing return code of previous step will be ignored for executing that step?
<peepsalot> teepee: i'm guessing if anyone knows, its you?
<Scopeuk> I did make an update to those work flows recently to fix the warnings about soon to be dropped runner versions
<Scopeuk> shouldn't have had a functional effect
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<peepsalot> will the workflow update if I edit the workflow on my PR branch? or does it go off of the master HEAD instead for security etc?
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<peepsalot> Scopeuk: yeah I actually just noticed that the only contributors to the mac workflow so far are you and kintel
<peepsalot> ah, and I didn't have those updates in my branch either, just merged them in.
<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4384 (Decimal round trip fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4384
<teepee> oh? me? where?
<peepsalot> hopefully I've got it solved, but feel free to chime in if you have any extra info :)
<teepee> ah, github actions, yes that always() thingy makes it run even on failure of steps before
<teepee> on the action or the decimal topic? work is a bit busy currently so I'm not catching all the discussions in detail
<peepsalot> i just meant on the action for now, but i would appreciate some feedback on the decimal stuff eventually too
<peepsalot> if the mac test report upload works now, then hopefully I can make some more progress determining where the differences are
<teepee> on the action, lets see, I think that should be enough to get the upload done
<teepee> the decimal stuff is mainly for fixing the cache issues that was discussed some time ago? that would be a very nice fix
<peepsalot> yes, but it would also apply to echo's and other places
<peepsalot> of displaying all digits necessary to uniquely identify a value (round trip capable).
<teepee> I guess that might upset some people in some cases but others asking for more precision will be happy :)
<peepsalot> yeah i suspect at the least it will increase demand for formatted number output, which JordanBrown[m] brought up the other night
<teepee> linext_: nothing wrong with asking Irv, he very generously donated to openscad, so maybe he's interested
<teepee> worst case the reply is "no thanks, I have someone for that already" ;-)
<linext_> i feel like if i start selling this project, i'll end up stopping at a point where the job is completed for them
<linext_> printables, irv shapiro, cults3d, etc.
<teepee> yeah, format to string via fmt library is probably a neat thing, ideally limited to what will be in c++20, but then that's maybe not too critical
<linext_> they'll probably want to pay a fixed amount for a fixed number of features, not an ongoing build that's better than what they offer
<linext_> my goal is to be better than thingiverse and it's competitors
<teepee> that's quite possible
<linext_> if irv want's support on integrating web assembly, i can help with that
<teepee> I told him it's available but he did not say either way at the time
<linext_> dominick schroer has been helping me along the way
<linext_> oliver ochafik never responded to any of my emails
<teepee> I guess the main focus was on having a working customizer for thingiverse
<linext_> yea, i already build the "pull from thingiverse' functionality demo
<teepee> there's quite a number of extensions done in the last couple of month, I have a mail listing those somewhere, did not find the time to make it an article
<linext_> once i get the main functionality working better, i plan to have a button to allow users to order a print through shapeways, makexyz, etc.
<linext_> probably some affiliate link, or for me to print it and mail it
<linext_> 3dpartprice.com and http://jbcse.com/3dpartpricelib2/
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #4385 (Resolves Issue #355 - added a hull example to basic examples) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4385
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 2 additions 1 modifications (Merge pull request #4385 from Paulwhy2/hull-example Add a hull example to basic examples. Closes #355.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/3d02e2dbaab2416ba70e9f45c646c6aec33ea0b5
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #355 (Example: Example using hull()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/355
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #1348 (Add hull() example) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/1348
<gbruno> [github] thehans opened pull request #4387 (Disable excessive "GL Deprecated" messages for mac builds.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4387
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<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4387 (Disable excessive "GL Deprecated" messages for mac builds.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4387
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<linext_> interesting, the viewstl library calculates surface area and volume
<linext_> and # of triangles
<linext_> and bounding box
<linext_> snowman with $fn=4, https://i.ibb.co/WfSsw0V/image-18.png
<linext_> might be a cool animation to take the snowman from $fn=3 and increment by 1
<linext_> that's a good example of $fn