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<linext> anyone else having a weird issue in chrome where javascript is not being allowed on that demo?
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<InPhase> linext: A decision was made that after a certain vector size it's not actually more elegant to use the customizer versus just editing the source code.
<InPhase> linext: Particularly large vectors can be a bit of a UI mess.
<InPhase> linext: Although no one was really strongly wedded to that decision. It was more of no one could figure out how to not make it terrible, and it seemed a niche use case to want to enter very large vectors by customizer.
<InPhase> Although JordanBrown[m] and I have been chatting about adding things like csv import, json import, and maybe even xml import. So there would be more elegant ways to do this later I think.
<InPhase> But not in a rush. Objects first, as that's needed for all of those but csv. And csv is the one that comes with security issues to guard against, so we'd have to think that through carefully.
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<teepee> we do have json import though
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<Gustav22> Does maybe anybody know how to get this code working? https://forum.openscad.org/Curved-bent-conical-tubing-tp20686p20703.html
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown variable 'rads' in file saxtest.scad, line 23
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown variable 'rads' in file saxtest.scad, line 26
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'BSplineCurve' in file saxtest.scad, line 32
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'mapShapes2Path' in file saxtest.scad, line 35
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'mapShapes2Path' in file saxtest.scad, line 36
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'reverse' in file saxtest.scad, line 38
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'loftBS' in file saxtest.scad, line 41
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function 'loftBS' in file saxtest.scad, line 43
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown function '_loftSurfacesG1' in file saxtest.scad, line 45
<Gustav22> WARNING: Ignoring unknown module 'mesh' in file saxtest.scad, line 52
<Scopeuk> Gustav22 those are statements that variables or functions are missing, in order for it to build they would need to be defined, either in the scad file or through import statments
<Scopeuk> that's an incomplete model missing a bunch of includes and library references
<Gustav22> I googled for "BSplineCurve" etc. but couldn't find any libs that seem to contain those functions
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<buZz> Gustav22: isnt it in https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1208001 ?
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<othx> buZz linked to "boat propeller customizable - OpenSCAD nSpline() library with show cases by Parkinbot" on thingiverse => 2 IRC mentions
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<gbruno> [github] kwikius synchronize pull request #4367 (ModuleLiterals: making openSCAD modules first class.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4367
<InPhase> thingiverse seems to have gotten even more annoying to use. Now it just complains about disabling ad blockers at every download. It doesn't even work when I disable the ad blockers though. What it is upset about is my tracker add-on that is blocking doubleclick trackers, and it will not permit downloading without enabling doubleclick tracking.
<InPhase> And I just this weekend created a nice new design I was contemplating putting on thingiverse. But... no, now I will not.
<InPhase> I will just keep my quadruple bubblewand to myself until I find a better place to put such things.
<Friithian> makerbot has run thingiverse into the ground
<Scopeuk> InPhase printables?
<Gustav22> No problem, just block the adblocker blocker :)
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<Friithian> better: just ditch the shite site
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<tcurdt> teepee are you t-paul on github? I am here if there anything to chat about https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4059 or rather https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4377
<gbruno> [github] tcurdt edited pull request #4377 (fixed icon and bundle version (and hopefully by that issue #4059)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4377
<InPhase> Scopeuk: Yeah, maybe.
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<J1A84> lately read through printables  privacy policy .. well  they share their cookies with twitter insta/facebook and reddit
<J1A84> so you are tracked along
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<teepee> tcurdt: yes that's all me :)
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<Scopeuk> t-paul is teepee
<Scopeuk> note to self catch up before typing, always a good plan
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<teepee> nah, why take out all the fun :P
<InPhase> His full name being Teepee Aul.
<J1A84> like Eminem
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<J1A84> it is not predictable what oscad does .. that seems  not good
<InPhase> At least some of that is not true.
<InPhase> Although that sounds like horrendous behavior as written.
<InPhase> For example, it does not keep recreating the files forever.
<InPhase> Also, as far as I'm aware, t=1 does not ever occur. steps=3 yields 3 frames, steps=4 yields 4 frames.
<J1A84> i finde that section more confusing than helping
<J1A84> nice graphics though  -- (but that gear is  terrible Ü )
<InPhase> It is true that it always starts the first frame output as after the current value. So if you for example initialize t to 0.6, the frames will output as order 3, 0, 1, 2, corresponding to t=0.75, 0, 0.25, 0.5.
<InPhase> Which is sensible for all cases other than when t=0, where it's a little weird that the frame00000.png does not output first.
<InPhase> But it's just because the logic is always "do the next one".
<InPhase> It is possible the behavior used to be what it describes there. It might have done that back when I started many years ago, but I don't recall anymore. But regardless, if so it was fixed to the current behavior quite some time ago.
<J1A84> that can be relevant for "order by  creation time"  not name
<InPhase> Yeah.
<InPhase> It's only awkward briefly, when you are inspecting the file as they are created and the first one is missing when you initialized to 0, and then appears at the end.
<InPhase> When it is done the names are all correct.
<InPhase> For periodic animations it's mostly irrelevant.
<InPhase> The lack of t=1 ever appearing is pretty important though, because that would throw off all the periodic animations!
<InPhase> If t=1 actually showed up, I'd probably fix it so it didn't. :)
<InPhase> "360*$t" shows up in probably the majority of my animations, and I never got a double frame.
<InPhase> Oh, and that naming convention (that I just now understood the description in the text) is simply wrong for the current behavior. $t=0 is always frame00000.png
<InPhase> It is only the output order that does frame00001.png first, for $t=0+step
<J1A84> it seems that unless a new RC people start documenting bugs into the docu
<InPhase> I'll try to remember to edit that section later this evening or so if nobody else does so before then. The current behavior is consistent enough that the whole $t section there could easily be half that size.
<InPhase> The edit would basically be a whole lot of delete and a few updates of the descriptions.
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<gbruno> [github] MichaelAtOz edited issue #3768 (2021-01 Release build issues (ABI mismatch? -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3768
<tcurdt> teepee ha! I figured :) ... so what did you want to chat about? or did I cover everything in the ticket already?
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<teepee> tcurdt: it looks like the PR came from the master branch of your repo, so squashing is a bit tricky
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<tcurdt> how would you have preferred this?
<tcurdt> sorry, I didn't check dev contrib docs - if there are some
<teepee> github does not really give the option to squash and still keep the merge
<teepee> it's only full squash without the merge commit
<tcurdt> so ... want me to move it to branch (of master), and then make a new PR from that?
<teepee> if you don't mind, I can try to do that locally. I think it should retain the attribution but it will not see your PR as merged as the squashing will change the reference
<tcurdt> alright ... let me see where my git foo is at :)
<teepee> I'm not sure what the result for your repo will be, it might get confused about the master branch
<teepee> so how I would do that is:
<tcurdt> since it's just a fork a force push should do I guess
<teepee> git checkout -b macos-icon-fix
<tcurdt> I could also just completely re-do the tiny change - but where is the fun in that :-p
<teepee> to give the current master point with your changes another branch name
<teepee> git checkout master
<teepee> gitk --all
<teepee> this shows all branches, including the origin/master of the openscad upstream repo
<teepee> clicking that commit and doing "reset --hard" on that commit will restore the local master branch to what the openscad repo has, dropping your changes (which are still in the other branch)
<teepee> and then go back to the branch and do git rebase -i for squashing all the things
<teepee> there's probably 10 other ways, as we are talking git :)
<tcurdt> lol ... true that
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<gbruno> [github] tcurdt closed pull request #4377 (fixed icon and bundle version (and hopefully by that issue #4059)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4377
<gbruno> [github] tcurdt synchronize pull request #4377 (fixed icon and bundle version (and hopefully by that issue #4059)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4377
<gbruno> [github] tcurdt opened pull request #4379 (issue #4059: fixed macOS icon and added day to bundle version) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4379
<tcurdt> teepee that took a bit and (of course) ended up in a bit of a git WTF ... but the new PR should hopefully OK now
<teepee> I'll have a look later, work got some panic situation
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<tcurdt> teepee no, worries. just wanted to let you know that's there :)
<gbruno> [github] MichaelAtOz edited issue #596 (Passing children to modules that don't accept them doesn't issue warning) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/596
<JordanBrown[m]> InPhase: It has always seemed strange to me that "dump pictures" is a checkbox. I would have expected it to be a button; you click the button and it runs a full cycle dumping pictures. (Or, better, building a video file.)
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<JordanBrown[m]> Test, ignore.
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<InPhase> JordanBrown[m]: Yeah, I think that was more of a "wouldn't it be cool if" feature that has grown more interesting and useful with time. There could be room to rethink the interface a bit.
<InPhase> Both the program and computers have gotten faster since it was added, so the capabilities are increasing quite a bit.
<InPhase> Built-in encoding, for example, would be a huge bonus.
<InPhase> As would the possibility of decoupling it from the display window size, but that would be a significant alteration.
<InPhase> Oh right. That new Viewport Control window should already do that.
<InPhase> Or rather, it gives you control of it, but still couples it. Which I guess serves the core purpose of manually specifying things.
<InPhase> I suppose I need to actually make use of that to lodge it into my head that it is there. :)
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<teepee> base for decoupling is there now
<teepee> and there's my ancient video export PR too
<teepee> so we "just" need to mash that all together and update to the latest libraries
<InPhase> Excellent.
<buZz> teepee: while you're at it, plz enable opengles2 aswell :P
<buZz> hehe
<teepee> that is unfortunately very much unlikely
<buZz> :) i know
<InPhase> I think the little "extras" like this can really shift the utility for people. Like we had that user in here the other day whose life was changed just by saying, "Did you try animating it?" Said user had been suffering under blender's inadequacy for doing this. :)
<teepee> I think opencsg uses features not available in GLES2
<buZz> maybe some 'sw rendering only' version could be possible?
<buZz> oh, yeah i think we discussed this, a 'F6 render' only version
<teepee> that's a Qt topic
<teepee> well actually I'm not 100% sure what parts would need to be moved to get it working
<InPhase> buZz: Render animate?
<buZz> still, it could open a route to 'openscadroid' aswell
<InPhase> I think I'd advocate for a render animate after we figure out render colors.
<teepee> I'd prefer a vulkan renderer :)
<buZz> yeah i'd prefer vulkan drivers first ^_^
<buZz> wrapping gles3->vulkan isnt hard i think
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #4379 (issue #4059: fixed macOS icon and added day to bundle version) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4379
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 2 modifications (Merge pull request #4379 from tcurdt/macos-icon-fix issue #4059: fixed macOS icon and added day to bundle version) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/fbeda1aa0340b4a7cce9ed8c6b73e526ad382895
<gbruno> [github] tcurdt closed issue #4279 (no app icon on macOS nightly builds) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4279
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