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<gbruno> [github] kwikius synchronize pull request #4367 (ModuleLiterals: making openSCAD modules first class.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4367
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<phryk> anyone here have a solution to make (ex)ctags work with openscad?
<phryk> would really like to list and jump to definitions in vim.
<phryk> also TIL mirror() – don't have to fuck about with rotate and translate after all. :3
<buZz> :)
<phryk> https://paste.xinu.at/qC6NAS/ fixed my screw placement. next time i work on this, i can get started on bringing modules and desk together.
<phryk> will need to refactor the top plate of the desk into something more complex, tho.
<buZz> need to glue some rubber strips on it to prevent the phones from sliding
<buZz> and underneath, to prevent the whole stand from sliding on desk
<buZz> but , not bad for ~10 minutes of design
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<InPhase> buZz: Often people make a phone stand so they can see the phone contents. But it seems perhaps your three-phone stand was designed that way because you are out of room on your desk for storing phones? ;)
<buZz> InPhase: i'm mostly using these devices over SSH
<buZz> building different programs natively, only grabbing it for test every now and then
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<InPhase> I applaud any efforts that might eventually lead to a fully phone featured daily-carry full-proper-Linux phone.
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<InPhase> I think we're well overdue for that at this point.
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<Scopeuk> the planet computers Cosmo/Gemini might be close, the Gemini linux distro I think it public, shame about all the crowd funding nonsense
<Scopeuk> in fact I muddled my devices, cosmo is the older one the newest one is astro slide, unfortunately the hardware is all a little old compared to modern slab/slate/generic rectangles
<buZz> InPhase: i have 'display stands' aswell, but those arent as useful when half your desk is phones ;)
<buZz> InPhase: honestly, i've been using a Droid4 with Leste as dailydriver for almost half a year now, works amazingly well imho
<buZz> not really 'full fledged' in features yet
<Scopeuk> buZz I wanted an N900 bad when I was student and the droid 4 for that matter (although thats a touch more recent
<buZz> also ; i'd really love if openscad could be built with 'only opengles2 output' but i dont think thats possible now
<buZz> Scopeuk: droid4 is ~25 usd on US ebay nowadays
<buZz> and even a 10+ yo battery gets you near 30hr standby on leste
<Scopeuk> yeh but also almost as old and slow as my current nokia
<buZz> no clue
<Scopeuk> I miss the keyboard on my n95 but the n8 is working for me
<buZz> your current nokia doesnt run 5.18.19 kernel ;)
<Scopeuk> no it does not
<Scopeuk> :P
<buZz> nor get near daily updates on its repos
<buZz> nor have 'all of devuan' installable through apt
<buZz> stuff like blender etc, just works
<Scopeuk> I'm well aware its limited, was hoping at some point someone might release something interesting I could have instead
<buZz> which nokia is it?
<Scopeuk> plan is to run this until that turns up or this dies and I have to replace it with something dull
<Scopeuk> N8
<buZz> symbian is pretty cool
<buZz> Scopeuk: really, imho, just get a droid4 and play around with leste a bit, you might be very suprised
<buZz> if you are at openfest next weekend, you can come play with one
<buZz> projectlead keeps trying to order me a planeticket and hotelroom to join him in presenting , but meh :P
<Scopeuk> I'm not exactly close to sheffield
<Scopeuk> I lived there a decade ago though
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> its in Bulgaria
<Scopeuk> even less close
<buZz> :)
<Scopeuk> ahh my first search for openfest turned up one in sheffield
<buZz> still, how likely is openscad-for-opengles2 ? :D
<buZz> zero?
<buZz> gl4es exists but its not perfect
<buZz> oh wait, yeah , now i remember
<buZz> something about QT libraries on debian/devuan always prefering opengl , even when not available but opengles2 is
<Scopeuk> I think there was something done for the raspberry pi but I can't remember if that was solved with a pi update or a scad tweak
<buZz> well, pi4 and maybe others have actual OpenGL
<buZz> oh, right, and the preview depends on OpenGL aswell, i think
<buZz> yeah this kinda sums it up well ; https://forum.openscad.org/OpenSCAD-for-Raspbian-td28494.html
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<gbruno> [github] kwikius synchronize pull request #4367 (ModuleLiterals: making openSCAD modules first class.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4367
<gbruno> [github] kwikius synchronize pull request #4367 (ModuleLiterals: making openSCAD modules first class.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4367
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<linext> maybe you guys can write a diagram or presentation that explains how "Preview" F5 works
<InPhase> You push it, and things show up.
<linext> like what code gets used
<linext> or maybe i how to attach a debugger / profiler to watch the code as F5 runs
<linext> do you think you could make a virtual machine or docker container that has everything needed to edit and build openscad?
<teepee> not sure what you are searching for, but void MainWindow::compileCSG() is sort-of the core of the preview stuff (after parsing and evaluation is already done)
<teepee> yes
<buZz> linext: openscad's source itself can manage a lot of it already, as in downloading/building dependancies etc
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<teepee> minus the graphics issue happening in that case, it's described in that issue: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4359
<teepee> alternative is the docker image I maintain, but that's not really targetting interactive development, it probably would need some changes for that
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<teepee> well, this does a 2 stage build so the final image does not have all the dev stuff to make it huge, but it should show pretty much the minimum needed
<buZz> teepee: opengles2 openscad is still unobtainium , right? beside emulation or mesa sw rendering
<buZz> gl4es* emulation
<teepee> yep, no change there yet
<buZz> aw :)
<buZz> i might just package it wrapped with gl4es perhaps, wonder if that would require recompiling whole QT
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<linext> i think i found a possible contradiction in the customizer vector examples
<linext> VectorRange3=[12,34,46]; //[1:2:50]
<linext> start is 1, step is 2, end is 50... so how'd 12 become the initial?
<linext> you can test it on this page by clicking "Load Vector Cube" in the upper right: https://3dcustomizer.net/generate-html-from-params/
<linext> 11 or 13 would make more sense
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<linext> and this doesn't work: Vector6=[12,34,44,43,23,23];
<linext> it's not showing in the Input Params
<linext> openscad source.scad -o input.param
<linext> where source.scad is Vector6=[12,34,44,43,23,23];
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<InPhase> linext: So it's not start/step/stop, it's min/step/max.
<InPhase> You can manually enter 12, 14, 4, and things like that, and you can step from those values.
<InPhase> But you cannot enter 51.
<linext> if step 2, and min is 1 and max is 50
<linext> you shouldn't be able to enter 12
<InPhase> Yes you can.
<InPhase> Enter 10 and step up by 2.
<InPhase> Or enter 12.
<InPhase> The logic is, "Is 10 >=1 and 10 <= 50?" Okay, then allow.
<linext> that part i understand
<InPhase> For example. [1:0.2:50]
<InPhase> You can enter 12.1, increment, and get to 12.3
<linext> i'm thinking about how the for loop gets evaluated
<InPhase> It will not let you enter 12.05, but that's more of a UX experience.
<linext> other programs might think that way too
<InPhase> There is no for loop.
<InPhase> They are not drop-down values, it's an interactive widget that responds to entry.
<linext> there could be a legit reason to limit the possible values to only odd numbers using step=2
<InPhase> Maybe, but that hasn't been implemented as a customizer feature.
<InPhase> Except by listing the allowed values.
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<InPhase> The behavior is built around how Qt widgets normally behave.
<InPhase> Which is probably not a master plan or anything, but simply a reaction to the existing tools.
<linext> ok, not a big deal
<linext> my second issue is a big deal
<InPhase> Which one is the second issue?
<linext> openscad source.scad -o input.param
<linext> where source.scad is Vector6=[12,34,44,43,23,23];
<InPhase> The output file contains only: {"title":"source"}
<InPhase> Checks out. :)
<InPhase> (Got to run. Will be back later.)
<linext> well, Vector6 just got deleted
<linext> ok, ttyl
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<linext> the bug is that any Vector of size 5 or higher will not get generated using -o input.param
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<teepee> no, vector support is currently 4 entries max
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<linext> hmmm... ok
<linext> my web app completely depends on openscad to extract input parameters
<linext> i added some new features to the main demo: https://3dcustomizer.net/generate-html-from-params/
<linext> color change, wireframe/smooth/regular view/rotate 3d model