teepee changed the topic of #openscad to: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | This channel is logged! | Website: http://www.openscad.org/ | FAQ: https://goo.gl/pcT7y3 | Request features / report bugs: https://goo.gl/lj0JRI | Tutorial: https://bit.ly/37P6z0B | Books: https://bit.ly/3xlLcQq | FOSDEM 2020: https://bit.ly/35xZGy6 | Logs: https://bit.ly/32MfbH5
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<Guest24> Hello everyone
<teepee> hi
<Guest24> I am very new to OpenSCAD.
<teepee> that's cool, welcome :)
<Guest24> I have just modeled a paramteric coffee table - and just WOW! I can't believe how simple and easy it was
<Guest24> I have a few questions please.
<Guest24> Is this the right place to ask them?
<Guest24> teepee - thank you :)
<myosotis> you never know until you try!
<teepee> yep
<myosotis> pastebin for code/screenshots you want to share plz.
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<teepee> or for smaller code snippets: https://ochafik.com/openscad/#
<teepee> the link gets very long quickly, so some link shortener might be needed
<myosotis> ooooh, this one respects aspect ratio
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<teepee> we need to promote that a bit more, maybe someone would help improving it :)
<Guest24> Sorry guys, I was booted out of the chat and it only allowed me to join back in now.
<Guest24> No idea why?
<Guest24> Any how did I miss anything.
<teepee> see my mail reply :)
<teepee> probably some maintenance, there was an announcement yesterday that they need to reboot some of the servers
<Guest24> Excuse my noobiness - mail reply? I have logged in as a guest without registering an email address.
<teepee> [Server Notice] Heads up that tor and webchat will be offline for maintenance at some point this afternoon.
<teepee> Guest24: is that not your post on the mailing list? it sounded like that's the case
<teepee> about the DXF stuff?
<teepee> yes, normally it's fine here without registration
<teepee> unless like once every year when some idiots start spamming all channels, then we need to mute unregistered users for a day or two
<teepee> but the admins usually take care of problems very quickly
<Guest24> Ah okay. O
<Guest24> I assume this is you: Torsten Paul
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<Guest24> Yeah I thought this mailing chat and the mailing list were two separate entities.
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<Guest24> *chat not mailing chat:')
<teepee> they are
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<teepee> I even read /r/openscad some times ;-)
<teepee> not very often though
<Guest24> You must be very big into OpenSCAD, huh?
<Guest24> Anyhow, I saw your reply talking about the servers restarting - thanks for the heads up
<teepee> well, I use it and I'm part of the dev team, so I suppose you can say that :)
<myosotis> I just make super simple functional 3d prints so I can avoid spending money or talking to people for common household items
<teepee> most of my latest prints are also pretty much simple stuff
<teepee> like holders that can clamp things to the famous Ikea LACK tables :)
<Guest24> From what I gather so far, OpenSCAD is mainly used for 3d printing.
<Guest24> Is there anyone that you know of that uses it for wood working?
<teepee> Yeah, I assume that's the main application. but people have used it for really fun stuff like creating punch cards for knitting machines
<myosotis> my friend has a relief cutting machine. I tried to get him to use openscad, but he's pretty set on the tools that came with it
<teepee> I think some people on the mailing list have mentioned that, I don't remember much talk about wood working here
<Guest24> I think it is really good application for woodworking.
<teepee> myosotis: that totally makes sense, if the toolchain works, that's the best bet
<myosotis> I DID layout my basic home floorplan in openscad, and then import that into other 3d software to build out
<Guest24> At least from the little that I have played around with so far. I basically had no knowledge about it but managed to build a parametric coffee table in what seemed to be a very short time.
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<myosotis> openscad is very easy to version control, so it's nice (for me) to build out a basic geometric model with openscad, and then manipulate it to it's final form with 3d tools
<Guest24> myosotis - that sounds cool.
<teepee> I suppose it's possible to use for 3d->2d stuff, but it may need some special workflow as there are some restrictions
<myosotis> well the relief software has a feature to turn 3d -> 2d
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<myosotis> so it would be about creating 3d stuff that's useable by that feature. I think you can literally just keep the thickness to within a tolerance, and get perfect fidelity for 3d stuff
<Guest24> what is the relief software?
<teepee> oof, that needs almost 2 minutes in the webbrowser... https://tinyurl.com/2crj54f6
<myosotis> idk anything about it
<Guest24> I have to go.
<Guest24> it was a pleasure chatting to you guys, I will be back tomorrow, hopefully.
<myosotis> <teepee> if the toolchain works, that's the best bet
<teepee> indeed
<myosotis> I'm more of a "If it's not broken, fix it until it is" sort of guy
<teepee> well, for my personal stuff, I prefer using open source so a little bit of fixing is sometimes required :)
<teepee> on the plus side, it's possible
<myosotis> yeah, and sometimes just a little tweak is all you need https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues/597
<teepee> nice
<myosotis> so far ^ is the entirety of my contribution to the open source world lol
<teepee> now try that with closed source stuff
<teepee> oh, you are trying a pen from company A with your Apple Tablet, well, buy a super expensive Apple Pen and it will work
<myosotis> diablo 2 save file deconstruction and editing when I was a kid... it's definitely not as much fun as open source
<myosotis> I vaguely remember something called ICEdebugger on windows?
<teepee> yeah, and I totally want to everyone having the right to spend their time on whatever they want
<teepee> I'm still sometimes a bit sad seeing people spending huge amounts of time disassembling and "fixing" proprietary stuff
<myosotis> DOS came with debug.exe which would decompile com files into assembly. That's how I got my start programming
<myosotis> that and QBasic
<teepee> all that effort would be so much use in free and open places where everyone can benefit
<teepee> hmm, no, only WinDebug or whatever that monster was called
<myosotis> yeah, I agree with you there... openssl is an example of a lib that's slowly made it's way everywhere
<myosotis> browser render engines too, but that's a whole conversation in itself...
<myosotis> we're going the wrong with with proprietary AI embedded in hardware chips and running on closed servers though :( and we're going that direction quickly
<teepee> yes, very much
<myosotis> I was exposed to this when I tried to build a simple barcode scanner feature for some apps we're working on
<myosotis> google and apple have AI systems that will take an image and perform this flawlessly, but you can only use them within the context of their mobile libs, and they certainly aren't open
<teepee> yeah, that's a very bad path
<myosotis> you're other alternatives are to use a bunch of off the shelf libs that perform poorly if at all, or to attempt to train your own AI.
<myosotis> the AI itself is easy to setup. There's countless research articles and easy-to-use neural network builders... The value seems to be in the training data sets themselves, which people are pretty tight-lipped about
<teepee> yep, we use some offline speech regognition and some of the earlier open stuff is now closed behind some service
<teepee> luckily there's still options right now but all that is knowledge that should not be closed off and hidden in the hands of like 3 companies
<teepee> same with all the VR stuff
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<myosotis> I'm less concerned about VR. Until the tech changes to something that didn't nauseate everybody in the 70's it's pretty dead.
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Snap: Fix icon path.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/67673b5f7dc6a668401fe399fbd8e265fafc8ced
<teepee> true from the user side
<teepee> but blocking out any open stuff now will mean catching up will potentially take ages
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #4233 from openscad/snap-fix-icon-path Snap: Fix icon path.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/1da8cca1048fd01544feaf8aee7814fb65265502
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<J22> ahh i want roof but i can't use it how i need it.. :(
<J22> wtf:  Rendering cancelled by exception Unauthorized intersections of constraints
<J22> teepee that star example took me a while to figure out that the  variable assigned a function (n,r) is still a function (r)
<teepee> yep, first call returns a function
<teepee> although I think there's a bug, the outer function probably only needs (n) not (n, r)
<teepee> this was a reply to someone saying OpenSCAD has no first class functions, so it's not a reference for most useful code, but to show you can return functions from functions and pass them into modules to be called
<teepee> well, not only returning a function, but one that captures the n parameter from the outer call
<J22> yes that (n,r) confused me .. and  you can remove r there
<J22> code like a puzzle
<J22> mind maze
<J22> haha how fitting https://www.mindmaze.com/
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<dTal> You know that feeling you get when you read about Urbit? That sense of scrabbling for purchase?
<dTal> That's how I feel trying to understand this CSG library: https://cvdlab.github.io/LinearAlgebraicRepresentation.jl/arrangement/
<dTal> They've also made an alternate universe OpenSCAD http://www.plasm.net/
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<dTal> As far as I understand it they have some kind of linear-algebra representation of solid geometry, and all the csg operations can be expressed as simple matrix operations
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<dTal> ...I wonder if it could be a viable openscad kernel?
<teepee> no idea, what seems very interesting is https://github.com/elalish/manifold/
<teepee> new one, with some geometry guarantees and GPU support
<myosotis> that is interesting. active, and a one-man show until a month or 2 ago
<teepee> yes, although someone actively using openscad for ages with very impressive stuff
<dTal> this was the closest thing I could find to openscad in PyPlasm: https://github.com/plasm-language/pyplasm/blob/master/resources/examples/ashtray.py
<dTal> deeply bizarro world
<dTal> the other examples look nothing like that
<teepee> one of those is sitting here for a very long time https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12208
<othx> teepee linked to "Screwless Heart Gears by emmett" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
<teepee> that plasm stuff is similar old like openscad I think
<dTal> according to wiki it's ancient, 1980s
<teepee> the math maybe, for the python stuff it's impossible :)
<dTal> yes it also has an extremely weird functional programming language
<dTal> the python bindings are new I think
<dTal> But every time it mentions anything to do with the data structure it uses to represent geometry, it loses me
<dTal> "extensive use of progressive BSPs and complete topology representation by multidimensional Hasse diagrams"... ???
<teepee> what worries me more is the flatlined graphs of pretty much all the repos
<teepee> even our advent calendar repos look more alive ;-)
<dTal> I'm just fascinated
<dTal> what even is this thing
<dTal> everything around it is like, incredibly interesting
<dTal> look at this guy's publication list https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giorgio-Scorzelli
<teepee> agreed
<teepee> RomaTre University, Italy is a hint
<dTal> prolific and mind bending
<teepee> there's only a very very very small selection of universities going for actual maintaining stuff
<teepee> in most cases it's just projects while the paper is written or the funding is there and dies of quickly afterwards
<teepee> which makes sense for them, but in the whole scheme of things, it's a pretty sad story
<myosotis> yeah, I found a hand drawn wireframing tool built in the 90's that was exactly like that. It would be amazing to have somebody find and create an actual product from
<myosotis> dude was like "Here's this 20 years ahead of it's time tool that we don't have the input devices for, peace" and that was it
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<InPhase> teepee: You get funding for maintaining things only when it's infrastructure under ongoing use for long term projects.
<dTal> on the contrary, the Julia library I linked first was last touched in January
<InPhase> Understandably that tends to make what gets maintained fairly niche.
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<teepee> InPhase: yeah, I know and it sort-of makes sense from that perspective
<teepee> I just wished there would be some other group that could get the stuff handed over, supported by maybe some
<teepee> other grant
<InPhase> Absolutely. We need large numbers of non-profit agencies with ready grant funding available for maintaining software in the public interest.
<teepee> dTal: yeah, and the commit before is Aug 7, 2021
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