teepee changed the topic of #openscad to: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | This channel is logged! | https://openscad.org/advent-calendar-2021/ | Website: http://www.openscad.org/ | FAQ: https://goo.gl/pcT7y3 | Request features / report bugs: https://goo.gl/lj0JRI | Tutorial: https://bit.ly/37P6z0B | Books: https://bit.ly/3xlLcQq | FOSDEM 2020: https://bit.ly/35xZGy6 | Logs: https://bit.ly/32MfbH5
<InPhase> teepee: Some things jump in price right after Christmas if they made for good Christmas presents.
<teepee> yeah, but I think their price increase is going on for a while
<InPhase> Ok.
<teepee> I can't even find any other than 3dconnexion when searching for 3d mouse
<teepee> either they trademarked that so well, nothing else can be found or there's simply no competition happening
<teepee> hum, 6dof controller? https://www.sublightdynamics.com/
<teepee> but that's mostly for gaming, not so much CAD
<belba> I try to find out how my Ubuntu can recognized my Spacemouse as a joystick.
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<teepee> mine shows up with a pretty message in dmesg
<teepee> I'll check if it's possible to enable the spacenavd stuff for the nightly builds
<InPhase> 3dconnexion seems to hold a patent lock on that particular input modality.
<teepee> if it's impossible to build a different solution, that patent should not have been accepted, but I guess that's true for a huge number of them
<teepee> but yeah, old story
<belba> @teepee thx, for a try it will be great if we can test it. I would like to give feedback here in this channel about this
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<teepee> yes, please do
<belba> @teepee currently I looking where Ican find the nightly build. is ist an appimage or a .deb package like at https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/t-paul/xUbuntu_18.04/amd64/openscad-nightly_20211228T171145.git1b5944596.debian-0_amd64.deb
<teepee> that's a fully functional repository which can be added as apt source
<teepee> it might be ok to install the .deb only, but of course that will not update or fetch dependent packages
<teepee> some of the builds have some extra dependencies
<teepee> but you can install the -nightly in parallel to the normal distro version
<teepee> well, 18.04 has no official version IIRC
<belba> usually I'm using the Appimages, could it better to use this instead of the .deb package?
<teepee> in general, yes, the .deb is better as it matches the distribution very well, so conflicts are pretty unlikely
<teepee> for 18.04 it may not matter as the AppImage is actually build based on 18.04
<belba> ok then I will using the Appimage
<belba> Its late here in germany, 1:27 am I hav to sleep, thx @teepee, I will keep the contact here at this channel
<peepsalot> openscad seems quite popular with germans ;-)
<peepsalot> or maybe its IRC?
<belba> I was just too lazy to learn a CAD with a GUI :-D but yes I love openscad :-)
<belba> good night ;-)
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 7 additions 6 modifications (Update macOS icons to Big Sur style (#3970)
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<InPhase> peepsalot: I made my way back down to that window. You're right, scaling more dots into the sharp points really improve the example you made much more than equal spacing would. https://bpa.st/AZMQ
<InPhase> That's the duct tape version where I just slapped our two code bases together abruptly.
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<InPhase> peepsalot: A comparison image, roughly. https://imgur.com/a/4VXuxN6
<InPhase> lf94: And yeah, I saw a swerving snake you posted earlier. Felt like I missed a context piece though. :)
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<peeps[zen]> InPhase: definitely looks better. I don't understand how your adjustment math works, but the echos still show a large variation in rotation angle ranging 1.6 to 10.7 degrees. better than the base of 0.8 to 27 for sure though
<lf94> InPhase: it's my own SDF renderer - Rust and WGSL.
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<InPhase> peeps[zen]: Yeah, there's going to be a pretty big variation because there's a huge change in the angular changes along the path.
<InPhase> peeps[zen]: As for how, I do the dot product trick to find the cosine similarity between adjacent steps, and the pythagorean formula to find the corresponding sine component, or the dissimilarity.
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<InPhase> It does appear to be overcompensating in some manner though.
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<JakeSays> hey is there an online openscad viewer?
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<InPhase> JakeSays: See related projects: https://openscad.org/about.html#related-projects
<InPhase> CadHub is getting close I guess.
<JakeSays> InPhase: ahh actually i think we talked about this before.
<JakeSays> i just want to be able to upload a .scad file and get a preview view
<JakeSays> someone told me about a site that hasn't been updated in a number of years
<InPhase> thingiverse.
<InPhase> It's reasonably compatible with OpenSCAD version 15.03
<InPhase> Which is by now a lot of features ago.
<JakeSays> no it's not thingiverse. this one is opensource
<JakeSays> seems like it had an editor too
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<Scopeuk> That does sound like https://cadhub.xyz/
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<Scopeuk> Specifically https://cadhub.xyz/draft/openscad
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<teepee> yes, cadhub is nice, the 30 second limitation (which actually seems much less in real calculation terms) means it's not just possible drop in anything
<teepee> I'd still like to see an optional WASM target so we can have more interactive tutorials and easy ways to just try out something on the go via web browser
<InPhase> Yeah. It really needs to run in the browsers and not on servers for this to scale out.
<InPhase> Nothing else will be financially scalable to the types of usages we need, I think.
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<Jack2249> more annoying  that you can't use  × or α β etc. in comments
<Jack2249> and using Discord as  communication Tool - where you need to register is not nice
<Jack2249> https://cadhub.xyz/draft/openscad#encoded_script_v2=eJxLLk1K1TDVtObS11I4PF3hUfskhUdtyxQetUxTeNS4BUhP1tIHAP/KD0w=
<Jack2249> else you could add the github scad scripts which is a nice way to show and use this - maybe this could work for examples in the online documentation
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<teepee> yeah, the discord movement is still strong
<Jack22> Do we want cadhub links within the docu ?
<teepee> hmm, not sure, that's something I'd like to see via local WASM, but I also have no idea how long that will take
<teepee> on a more positive note it seems most of the libraries seem to at least compile to WASM, even though glib2 makes some trouble
<teepee> remaining question is boost I suppose
<Jack22> discord is also using fingerprinting like  html5 canvas to identify your browser  (deleting cookies is not enough)
<teepee> Jack22: you can try luring Kurt back to IRC, he was in the channel some time ago :)
<teepee> I don't think I want the channel connected to discord, so far I have not seen a way that works in a reasonable way, the Matrix solution looks much better in that regard
<Jack22> i tried to contact him - and failed (he is not accepting discord msgs)
<Jack22> but found email on git .. and opened an issue
<Jack22> teepee the idea was that the examples within the documentation can be clicked and executed  (except minkowski) that should work
<teepee> he's on the other side of the world, so just now is probably the worst time for contacting him :)
<Jack22> strandbeest https://v.gd/i27zGZ
<Jack22> australia sure but discord saves the msg - but  his discord account isn't accepting direct msg  (and the cannel only from registered users (is a setting))
<Jack22> so discord is not the tool for quick question and support  and for sure not "barrierefrei"
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<teepee> the other option would be twitter, but that's obviously also registered users only
<teepee> ah, that strandbeest renders quite quickly
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<Guest11> Choosing a font on a osx laptop seams to have no effect. Any ideas?
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<teepee> choosing a font for what exactly?
<Guest1255> Hi. I'm new with openscad and suddendly maged to move the model display area to bottom on the screen. Hoe I can move tto side again?
<Guest11> For a text().
<Guest11> I tried different scad templates with customizer. I can choose from a lot of fonts. But nothing changes after choosing an other font and rendering again.
<teepee> Guest11: the font files need to be on the system, you can actually use everything listed in Help->Font List
<teepee> Guest1255: the main display is not movable, all the other docked windows are, by dragging the window title, e.g. where it says "Editor"
<Guest11> Yes, I can use them. But they all look the same. If I choose an other font, nothing changes. The text always looks the same.
<teepee> Guest11: please show the full text() statement
<Guest11> the only text() has no font ...  . Strange, the program seams to be used by a lot of people without problems.
<Guest11> It seams that the customizer is broken. Adding the font directly into the code works.
<Guest11> Thanks for the fast support anyway!
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<Jack22> there are also a lot of comments regarding several issues with that script (and it seems to be old)
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<teepee> seems to work for me with the fonts I have installed, most of those listed, I have not so it falls back to the default font
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<peeps[zen]> pa, InPhase: i made a method of finding equal elliptical angle deltas, using newton's method https://bpa.st/4M5A
<peeps[zen]> it ends up looking a little chunky on the long segments for very stretched ellipses, but very clean at the tightly curved ends
<InPhase> Well that didn't function...
<InPhase> There we go. Something is master-branch only.
<InPhase> Hmm. The long stretches look to have larger angles than the tight parts at the end.
<InPhase> I tried measuring them using the scientific method of bending my finger slightly, and they look bigger in the long stretches.
<InPhase> Ooooh. I bet you're measuring the angles in the middle of the path instead of at the outside. :)
<InPhase> And on the straight paths, that's almost the same, but in the long paths, this gives a less bendy path toward the outside.
<InPhase> s/long paths/curved parts/
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<InPhase> peeps[zen]: This evens out the outside angles correctly I think. https://bpa.st/GKFQ
<InPhase> peeps[zen]: But I suppose that's not easy to generalize to cases where you're not doing a stretched donut.
<peeps[zen]> InPhase: its not the angle between the straight sections that is made constant, but the angles between the seams at each end of those sections.