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<InPhase> teepee: I didn't get a chance to reply this morning while rushing out the door, but I had a good solid chuckle at 08 failing as an octal. I enumerated a set of explanatory theories in my head, but didn't make it to octal parsing of dates. :)
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<InPhase> lf94: Day 9 opened. :)
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<Jack21> i like to print that but that is not be easy .. probably edge down
<Jack21> hmm seems i already thought about that when making the 3mf
<Jack21> it is kind of a disphenoid  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disphenoid     other names - almost regular tetrahedron  - Ü
<lf94> God damn, another mesh based one
<lf94> X)
<lf94> I could probably do it in curv without being mesh based
<lf94> What's the shape when its not a cube?
<lf94> It's hard to make out
<lf94> This will be easy with `morph`
<Jack21> not sure if it has a name (maybe i should name it)  ..  it is kind of a rounded disphenoid   so based on a tetrahedron
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<lf94> So it's just a ... triangular prism?
<lf94> or a triangle-based pyramid?
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<lf94> Rendering just the points, it makes a lot more sense.
<lf94> It looks like a pillow!
<lf94> How do I animate
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<lf94> The shape the points make when t=0.5 is nuts
<InPhase> Yeah. When you take out the hull() line and do animation, it's even harder to tell what's going on. It looks like one of those attempts to display a 4D shape. :)
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Use built-in libz on macOS). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/5c2a251f12157423e36e12a78579912893d3df05
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<JakeSays> Jack2191: there is 2170 more of you
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<Jack21> jakesays  need to get this multiplication urge under controle
<JakeSays> lol
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<Jack21> lf94  just sliced it and it is i circle that is scaled from [0,1] to [1,0] while moving along Z  (at least this is very close)
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<JakeSays> my kingdom for parallel rendering
<veverak> !!!, I could ask here
<veverak> so, I have OT question for you:
<Jack21> king Jake, Sir  .. i am afraid  there is nothing you can offer
* JakeSays cries at all these idle cores
<veverak> for my robot project I made yet another mounting system for stuff (yeah, we need another generic mounting system and there is some XKCD joke viable here), I had a moment to improve it's github repository and documentation quite a bit (this is something I use for a while, so it's mostly about documenting it), mind giving me some feedback on the repo?
<Jack21> SCAD the great Equalizer where a 32-core is not faster as a dual core
<JakeSays> Jack21: unfortunately
<Jack21> i had projects where i split the model and started multiple instances to render parts (although not sure if that was faster in the end)
<JakeSays> i could dedicate 96 cores to this if it were possible
<Jack21> jakesays  wow is that on a single chip?
<JakeSays> Jack21: no. two machines 32/64 split
<JakeSays> they are about 1200 miles apart
<Jack21> veverak  looks nice, maybe a chamfer would be a nice extra  and orient the hex holes (are these for nuts?)
<Jack21> jakesays - not sure if that was meant with distributed rendering .. Ü
<JakeSays> lol
<Jack21> from what i saw the 64cores are slower on a single core compared to a quad or hex
<JakeSays> this isn't a complicated model and it's taking forever
<JakeSays> hmm. gpu rendering would be awesome
<teepee> yeah, but the most interesting part would be compute not display render
<teepee> who knows, maybe at some point we could get some student interested in working on such topics in scope of a university project
<Jack21> veverak  not sure why you need that much code for a simple part .. but there is no example and calling just `tile()`causes warnings all over the place
<othx> teepee linked to "Rubber duck debugging by JustinSDK" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
<Scopeuk> with the new(ish) cache behaviour would running multiple renders across your prerequisites in independent instances and then running your final model actually pick up the cached prerequisites?
<Jack21>   `tile()`
<JakeSays> it's taking so long that my printer keeps cooling down, dammit
<JakeSays> teepee: yeah compute is what i meant
<Jack21>    `tile()`   how is that markup working?
<Jack21> jakeSays .. use peltier heater and reverse polarity
<JakeSays> huh?
<JakeSays> i don't think peltier's can get hot enough for beds
<JakeSays> damn. 38 minutes
<Jack21> 83°C
<JakeSays> ugh. i's going to take 3 days to print this damn thing
<Jack21> printing a menger sponge?
<JakeSays> no. a 160x140x230 box
<JakeSays> open topped box
<JakeSays> it's because cura is just flat out stupid
<Jack21> increase linewidth with less perimeter/shells to save some time (and increase layerheight)
<buZz> or increase wall perimeters to reduce time spent to print infill
<Jack21> iam using bigger lines for top and floor
<Jack21> speed up internal walls
<gbruno> [github] Sploopiii opened issue #4001 (Torus doesnt Render with F6). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4001
<JakeSays> it keeps adding useless supports
<buZz> JakeSays: why not just disable supports then?
<Jack21> cura gives you a nice summary where it spends the most time
<JakeSays> buZz: i need them
<buZz> oh, i thought you were just printing a open topped box
<JakeSays> buZz: there are hinges that stick out near the top
<buZz> make em only have 45 degree overhangs? then no supports needed ;)
<Jack21> jake still not learned how to use the support blocker ?
<JakeSays> buZz: yeah. i might do that
<Jack21> or set support for only over 85° overhangs
<buZz> hmhm
<buZz> with adequate partcooling you could do 85 yeah
<JakeSays> i dont understand why it won't build supports connected to the model near the top instead of going up from the bed
<buZz> JakeSays: supports connected to the model make the model uglier :)
<JakeSays> Jack21: not sure what you mean by 85deg overhangs
<JakeSays> buZz: yeah but this is a box to hold a mouse. lol.
<buZz> 90 deg = straight angle
<buZz> JakeSays: i dont understand what you mean by that
<JakeSays> yeah i know that
<Jack21> jakesays you can define what angle overhang should be supported ..
<JakeSays> i need supports under these hinge loops
<JakeSays> buZz: i mean that the mouse won't care how ugly his box is
<buZz> -or- reduce the overhang on the 'hinge loops'
<Jack21> because your printer can't bridge?
<buZz> -or- configure the slicer to only support higher overhang than you have
<Jack21> or add custom supports in the design
<buZz> :) yeah
<buZz> meshmixer was/is kinda nice to just 'draw in supports'
<buZz> but windos only afaik , last time i tried it on wine was a HardTime(TM)
<JakeSays> this is what i'm talking about: https://pasteboard.co/1Vo4UF4Y0zAA.png
<Jack21> yeah and it is not supported anymore - last news was that meshmixer is now fusion360
<buZz> you just need the tiniest mods for that to print without supports
<JakeSays> do tell:)
<buZz> 1) 45 degree angles on the straight corners under the loops
<buZz> 2) 45 degree angles on the loops
<JakeSays> i can do that
<Jack21> just print it as it is and remove the first fallen layer later
<buZz> thats also a option :) if it doesnt have to be pretty
<JakeSays> i'd prefer the ugliness be intentional. lol
<buZz> JakeSays: but your mouse doesnt care!
<buZz> :)
<Jack21> use hull() before the differences - Ü
<Jack21> also you are using much higher resolution than needed for this (the slits work with $fn=12)
<Jack21> you are not printing with 5μm layer
<buZz> instead of $fn i usually use $fa and $fs
<veverak> Jack21: well, examples are in 'examples/' folder... anyway yes hex holes are for nuts, never thought about orienting them
<buZz> seems to be a lot nicer
<veverak> Jack21: hmm, I will improve the part "how to use this"
<gbruno> [github] Sploopiii edited issue #4001 ([Solved] Torus doesnt Render with F6). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4001
<Jack21> veverak and just give default values so you get something without entering anything
<JakeSays> Jack21: how does hull() help with the differences?
<veverak> Jack21: btw: one of the parts in tile.scad is not simple (tile_H) and the 'tile()' itself is decomposed a lot. That happend after I used it extensively on my robot and realised I can't use 'tile()' itsefl directly everytime and sometimes I need just the 'negative' part of it, sometimes just screw positions...
<buZz> hull() makes the shape more uniform
<veverak> Jack21: yeah, I will think abotu defaults
<buZz> you can wrap it around objects and it turns it into one huge blob
<Jack21> jakesays it doesn't it will help with overhangs  and if used after the difference - the diff is gone
<JakeSays> ah ok
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<Jack21> veverak if you use overlap of .1 you will get rid of z-fighting (or use render())
<Jack21> clip in for nuts is also nice feature
<Jack21> veverak also i wouldn't put everything in an extra file .. make ONE example file with the modules in it
<veverak> Jack21: hmm, will have to think about the examples
<veverak> thing is the pics are automatically generated given I use separate files
<veverak> (and that automation is easy)
<veverak> Jack21: 'clip in for nuts' is what?
<Jack21> veverak you can automate this also if everything is in one file
<Jack21> clip in uses a small lip that holds the nut after inserting
<Jack21> or use press marks
<veverak> yeah, but have to think it through
<veverak> Jack21: got any tips for the models with clip in?
<veverak> I understand the idea I think, but wonder what is best way to design it printable
<Jack21> veverak you can add a little sphere above   or add 3 small cylinders around which will be squeezed when a nut is inserted
<veverak> oh god, clang-format broke again for openscad
<veverak> or, I got broken config
<veverak> Jack21: I like the sphere, thanks
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<Jack21> veverak e.g. you can use the animation feature to export all files (without using variables on the command line)
<veverak> looool
<veverak> Jack21: that's nice hack :)
<JakeSays> LOL reduced resolution in some key areas and time to render went from 38 minutes to 6 seconds
<Jack21> Ü
<JakeSays> cura keeps adding supports from the bed to the bottom of the slits
<veverak> hmm
<veverak> well, I eyeballed the sphere dia
<veverak> guess it's time to print something
<JakeSays> ah. increased x/y distance
<JakeSays> it's down to 43 hours
<JakeSays> .2 layer height took it to 37 hours
<JakeSays> Jack21: and no, i still can't get support blockers to work :p
<JakeSays> wtf. when i change layer height from .15 to .2 cura adds back the hinge supports
<veverak> oh fu, I do not use the tile.scad from the repo in the robot's project :facepalm:
<veverak> (and yeah, I did some changes tehre too that I did not propagated into the lib)
<veverak> OT: I can define module multiple times, can I rely on this to be true in longterm?
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<teepee> define multiple times?
<teepee> that does not sound like a good idea :)
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<Jack21> veverak you can override names yes and you can have different with the same name in different scopes
<Jack21> like you can have 10 loops all using variable i
<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 opened issue #4002 (inconsistent render of transparent object in export png). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4002
<Scopeuk> interesting, it looks like the viewport is calculating what the transparent cube looks like over the black background and then placing the circle below (hence grey) and the other render options are drawing the cylinder first
<Scopeuk> hmm no its more weird than that, the transparent cube colour shifts quite a bit when moving the view port
<Jack21> also seems one face is not transparent and different shades like light is calculated with different angle
<Scopeuk> and the cylinder is irrelevant to that
<Jack21> hmm so maybe it is just the shading for transparent
<Scopeuk> likely, the preview is all 2d fakery until its rendered (which obviously remove the transparency)
<Jack21> would be nice to influence on the light position .. so you could create 2D images with proper colors
<Scopeuk> perhaps, it is a move away from the core focus however
<Jack21> if i can export 2D geometry i like to have images from 2D geometry not with 3D shading
<Scopeuk> its a fair request and concept.
<Jack21> propably not that simple as 2D are always rendered as 3D in preview
<Jack21> ok managed to print advent № 9 without support and without tipping over .. Warning do not let this lay on the floor unattended - turns out this is a caltrop
<Scopeuk> yeh the 2d subsystem is really focussed arround creating a base for 3d projection
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<InPhase> JakeSays: I typically put extreme effort into redesigning parts to not require supports for printing. There are other possible latch designs where there is not a right angle, which might actually end up as stronger parts anyway.
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<lf94> couldnt find the inspiration to do day 9 last night.
<lf94> I might put it off
<Scopeuk> there does seam to be a dice and dice like object theme going on this year
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<Scopeuk> ok I printed one of todays shapes too. and it sets off every "curling" anxiety whilst printing due to the shape
<Scopeuk> and Jack21 I concur with the caltrop remark
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<InPhase> Jack21: If you want to get thousands of downloads on thingiverse, flip tomorrow's Advent Calendar entry upside down, and use it as the base for customizable TPU sandals / flip-flops.
<InPhase> Jack21: Some interest counts are hard to gauge, but that one I can gauge.
<Jack21> hmm curious what we have tomorrow
<Jack21> haha  yeah the surface may work
<Jack21>  or filled with water in the freezer and you have something similar to crushed ice
<Jack21> InPhase just wonder should be possible to get this on both sides if offset by half a cell
<InPhase> Dual purpose! Sandals that also make crushed ice.
<lf94> i'm still scared of day 9
<Jack21> InPhase leaves slightly cheesy aftertaste
<Jack21> lf94 if someone showed this to me - i had no clue how to do this intentionally
<InPhase> Yeah, this one is one of those mystifying representations of sine waves. There is probably a way to re-express it as one function but that's not obvious to me.
<Jack21> and it is only the hull without the intersections
<Jack21> here is another one https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/88068
<InPhase> Jack21: It's also somewhat of a hack. hull shouldn't really work that way, but it happens to because of how it's implemented.
<InPhase> But, it's a pretty hack. :)
<InPhase> What we should really have is a properly defined points hull.
<lf94> Yeah the hull is what "makes this easy in openscad".
<lf94> I'm not even going to attempt the same. I'm going to have a rounded cube and that other shape and morph between them and call it a day.
<lf94> "that other shape" is the hard part
<lf94> It's like a cone with the point extended
<Jack21> lf94 it is a tetrahedron with bulged faces  and you can generate this with an extruded circle that is asymmetrically scaled
<InPhase> The scaling must be sinusoidal though I think.
<Scopeuk> lf94 I think functionally it might be the overlap of three large spheers
<Scopeuk> 4**
<InPhase> Scopeuk: No, that would have three sharp edges. This is rounded.
<Scopeuk> true there is a soft edge
<InPhase> The circle thing would do it though with [0,1] and [1,0] scaling with a sinusoidal parameter on z.
<InPhase> 180 degrees of cosine plus one over two, I suppose.
<Scopeuk> essentially it reminded me of the reprap Simpson build volume which is what started me off that way but yes thats only a "90%" solution
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<gbruno> [github] jcwren opened issue #4003 (WIndows 64-bit 2021.12.07 fails to start due to missing DLL entry point). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4003
<gbruno> [github] jcwren edited issue #4003 (WIndows 64-bit 2021.12.07 fails to start due to missing DLL entry point). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4003
<teepee> huh?
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<Jack21> InPhase   regarding pattern  this was made with SCAD https://pasteboard.co/oIXY3QH0w2G2.png
<lf94> Yummy
<Jack21> which is why i think we should have a option for 2D render to have color without 3d shader
<lf94> Anyone know of any research papers for patterns concerning tactile feel?
<Jack21> lf94  there are some about vibration and electricity to simulate the feel of bumpy surface while there is none
<Jack21> the new 3d gloves work with pneumatic pattern to emulate real surface structures
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<Jack21> apple using controled vibration to simulate a tactile click feeling without real z movement
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<Jack21> lf94 what are you looking for - there was one study showing that people with anorexia have reduced tactile abilities
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<lf94> something that talks about tactile feel of textures
<Jack21> you mean how the sensation is generated?
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<Jack21> in short you have cells that detect vibration caused by the papillary skin  when moving over a surface https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactile_corpuscle
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #4001 ([Solved] Torus doesnt Render with F6). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4001
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<JakeSays> ugh. i think i've got a bad spool of petg
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<Jack21> .. aslong it isn't the filament - Ü
<Jack21> these paper spools can cause issues - so i heard
<JakeSays> LOL
<JakeSays> its the filament:p
<Jack21> i am sleepy but i will open my door .. although i knew what is in there ..
<Jack21> inconsistent diameter or fixable like wet
<JakeSays> i'm sure some of it is my printer calibration, but the rest has got to be the filament. i'll take a pic.