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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 33 modifications (Merge pull request #3994 from ChrisCoxArt/svg_fn
<ccox> wow, that went fast.
<ccox> Zauberfisch: ^^ import SVG support for $fn is now in the build
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<peepsalot> arc_to looks to have an angle parameter?
<ccox> peepsalot: it does, sort of, but it's not simple. I think I might be able to tease out a better parameterization, though.
<ccox> the angle given in the parameters is a rotation, not a segment of the ellipse.
<ccox> I think I can apply the circle logic, by using delta as a section of the ellipse more or less ($fn * 360 / delta)
<peepsalot> ah, ok, but yeah it looks like delta is also already calculated, assuming that is the correct arc angle
<peepsalot> the other big thing which caused me pause when I thought about implementing those, is that SVG has its own transforms. so to properly get the dimensions for fs etc, i think you need to track the transformation stack in some way.
<ccox> yep, so it's not 100% correct because of the nested transforms (and the way the SVG code is currently parsed).
<ccox> But is a definite improvement.
<Zauberfisch> ccox: oh wow. that was indeed fast
<Zauberfisch> looking through your merged PR right now
<ccox> ok, got improved code for arc_to, testing it now (arc examples in SVG aren't that common)
<peepsalot> curve_to could also estimate length numerically. quadratic curve could even calculate an angle which is swept over, but cubic i'm not so sure
<ccox> and my arc changes look good (now follows circle logic)
<ccox> yeah, sweep angle is kind of an odd parameter when you're talking about curves that can loop.
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<ccox> arc length or chord length might be a more useful measure, but the current code is based on parameter steps (not uniform in space).
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<ccox> ok, rewriting the bezier curves to use chord length and try to use $fa correctly.... is a big can of worms. It can be done. But it is a lot of effort for minimal gain.
<teepee> for more complex imports it might not be that minimal
<teepee> especially if we would also allow to reduce the resolution compared to the previously fixed values
<ccox> Possibly.
<ccox> All of the SVG import code could use some improvement and refactoring. But it comes down to finding cases where the improvement justifies the effort.
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<ccox> Freetype rendering uses the size of the glyph to estimate $fn. Unfortunately the curves don't know the size of the shape they render, and are basically created as they're parsed. I could approximate that with the bounds of the curve, but then you still end up with odd segment lengths between curves.
<ccox> knowing the size of the closed shape would require delaying poly generation in the SVG parser, which would need significant refactoring.
<ccox> (note that the FreeType rendering could also be improved with chord/arc length rendering)
<teepee> yes, there's even the idea to push the 2d stuff up even more
<teepee> but that's a bigger topic again
<ccox> yep
<teepee> introducing those feature into the language and having the import essentially generate that
<teepee> possibly adding the option to convert text/svg into that file making it fixed regardless of font changes and such
<ccox> ok, that's yet another level of complication, but would eventually make the results more uniform.
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 3 additions 1 modifications (Add test case for JSON import.). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/9416310af88f850e351b5c311007f9aaac5546eb
<ccox> (and I don't think I've really read the SVG specs since they were in draft form at Adobe 20 years ago... they really haven't gotten better with age.)
<Zauberfisch> wonderful
<Zauberfisch> I just built openscad from source, and $fn is indeed working now
<Zauberfisch> thanks a lot ccox
<ccox> Zauberfisch: you're welcome
<Zauberfisch> might I request that you also update the docs?
<Zauberfisch> then I'd be happy to pay out the bounty
<ccox> I needed a project to take my mind off of Omnicron and peer reviews.
<Zauberfisch> (docs and maybe the cheat-sheet)
<ccox> And pay any bounty to the openscad "we need build machines" fund.
<Zauberfisch> sure. Where can I find that fund?
<Zauberfisch> All I can see is the general purpose open collective page
<ccox> it is the general fund
<ccox> (there were a lot of comments about needing funds for build systems yesterday)
<Zauberfisch> sponsoring hardware is probably not interesting for security reasons, right?
<Zauberfisch> as in, providing a server for free
<ccox> I don't know, I'm still new here.
<teepee> it was not really much about funds actually
<teepee> more like stable access and such
<teepee> the bigger problem is that the services change constantly and that's eating quite some time to follow along
<ccox> man, the wikibooks documentation is way behind.
<teepee> the money discussion was only the crazy suggestion from the CircleCI dashboard
<ccox> ah, ok.
<InPhase> teepee: Would it be easier or more terrifying if we had a CI VPS with full root or something available?
<ccox> Is there any other "official" documentation I should update?
<teepee> oh, hey, it dropped to $120 https://imgur.com/a/v0EPdBs :)
<teepee> official documentation is the wikibooks stuff, basically what's on the first page on https://openscad.org/documentation.html
<ccox> ok, that's what I thought (and what I'm editing)
<teepee> perfect
<ccox> Do we know what the next major release will be? 2022.01 I'm guessing.
<teepee> InPhase: yeah, that's what I said too. for the crazy prices they are suggesting, you can get a big root machine
<Zauberfisch> alright, I'll just donate on opencollective then
<teepee> too late for 2022.01
<teepee> Zauberfisch: awesome, thanks
<Zauberfisch> ccox: is it ok if I put your name as the public name?
<teepee> some ideas on using those funds are getting someone to improve the documentation
<InPhase> teepee: I would think for WAY less we could have an adequate one for the load.
<ccox> Zauberfisch: I'm still new around here, but sure.
<InPhase> teepee: Although I haven't properly calculated the load requirements.
<Zauberfisch> teepee: I guess you could pay ccox to do some more documentation editing :)
<Zauberfisch> ccox: yes, but you earned those 50$, so it is appropriate that you are the one on the donation list
<ccox> I'm much more efficient at editing code ;-) (or profiling code)
<ccox> teepee: ok, so what do I write in as the minimum version needed? 2022.02 ?
<teepee> just "snapshot version", let me find some example
<teepee> {{requires|Development snapshot}}
<ccox> got it
<Zauberfisch> ok, actually it seems I can't easily put your name there
<Zauberfisch> going to donate anonymously then
<Zauberfisch> ccox: ^
<Zauberfisch> ok, new question:
<Zauberfisch> I have a circle svg that I import. I want to linear_extrude that, but have a slight curve on top
<Zauberfisch> it should be like this: http://paste.zauberfisch.com/i/61ac2dd99e37f/top.jpeg
<Zauberfisch> the idea I've come up with: extrude to 120, then greate a gigantic sphere to cut it with
<Zauberfisch> (with cut I mean intersection)
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<Zauberfisch> is there an easier way, or is that the best way to do it?
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<teepee> in case it's really just a sphere, probably not much way to make it simpler
<teepee> is it really just a circle in the svg?
<ccox> there really isn't a simple way to extrude a circle and end up with a dome/lens shape in OpenSCAD
<teepee> sure, rotate_extrude
<Zauberfisch> teepee: well, it's a circle with details inside
<ccox> that would work, but he said he's starting from a circle. And rotate_extrude needs at least half the profile cross section.
<teepee> linear extrude with function height would be cool though
<Zauberfisch> so yes, the outside is truely round
<teepee> right, if there's inner structure, rotate extrude only works if things are cut in OpenSCAD later
<teepee> we still have not tried if that is possible but in theory it should be possible to pass a function to built-ins
<teepee> linear_extrude(h = function(x, y) ...)
<ccox> a radius profile as a function of height -- hmmm, could be a special case of the sphere code.
<ccox> I was thinking sphere (r = function(z)... )
<Zauberfisch> ok, not a big deal. I'll just cut it with a sphere
<ccox> though it's really closer to a cylinder in concept.
<Zauberfisch> ok, yeah, I am creating a cylinder from an svg and cutting it with a shpere at the top
<Zauberfisch> sorry if I explained that poorly
<ccox> heights and radiuses defined by functions opens up a lot of possibilities. Easiest to start implementing would be height maps (aka surface which currently uses an image as input).
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 4 additions 8 modifications (Merge pull request #3891 from openscad/json-import
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<ccox> on the C side of things, there are many ways it could be done. But there are many questions to answer to choose the best approach: how complicated to add the code, how complicated to document and get people to use it, how flexible should it be?
<ccox> I can see a possible use for several different approaches: height maps, lathed objects, deformed spheres, and general surface deformation (displacement maps) on arbitrary geometry.
<teepee> that example code should allow to implement something like implicit_mesh(f = ...) taking a single implit function to describe the surface
<ccox> an implicit function surfacer is an even more complicated issue (going back to voxel conversion issues) - mostly because you can have cusps, many distinct surfaces, etc.
<teepee> so the mesh part is already there, the interesting part would be getting the scad function evaluation into that code, well and seeing how the performance is
<teepee> it's already implemented in CGAL, not sure how good it is though, and what the limitations are
<ccox> yeah, most implicit surface creation has problems somewhere - it is not an easy set of problems to solve. (nor easy to define what the optimal solution is in the first place)
<ccox> but for defined Z heights, or radii, or normal offsets - those are *mostly* easy to define and manipulate.
<ccox> (normal offsets can self intersect, depending on the geometry)
<ccox> so I think the first step is being able to pass in a real function (not a list), then build geometry from that.
<ccox> if that works reliably, then other styles can be implemented
<lf94> Got it, all good!
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<Jack2181> zauberfisch if i understand this right you could stack linear extrudes to make that
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<lf94> I'm bummed Day 2 is not really printable lol
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<Jack21> tried a 75% printable rate
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<Jack21> forgot the instructions for the todays puzzle game :(
<Jack21> well maybe they find out that it fit into a 3×3 box without the 4×1 cube
<Jack21> well that also doesn't fit 27 cubes ..
<Jack21> tetra cubes will never fill 27 ..   but 16 may fill 64
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<Jack21> added a TriCube for the puzzle ..
<Jack21>  This is more challenging than i thought - i think you can't build a 4×4×2 with only one Set
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<peepsalot> Zauberfisch, what is the reason for going through SVG in the first place just to get a circle? why not just define the circle in openscad?
<Jack21> iirc there was some inner structure on the inside
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<Scopeuk> does the HID input code work with class compliant "multi axis controlers"
<Jack21> it was working with a spacenavigator but not very smooth
<Scopeuk> I should also caveat this is on windows. I'm aware that the hid input bind to those space nave devices
<Scopeuk> I'm plotting building my own device
<Scopeuk> thought I had a 6dof lying around but it looks like its only a 3 axis accelerometer, we shall see if I can get it to behave with that before progressing further
<Jack21> you may want 10dof to compensate for drift
<Jack21> there is one with a ARM chip that is already do that and give you a clean 6dof vector output .. iirc from bosch
<Scopeuk> I'm well aware running 9 axis and compensating works well, I have my eye on a nice self contained board to do a wireless bluetooth le 6 axis system adding only a battery. drone style calibration is probably sufficient for short periods
<Scopeuk> i.e. zero rotation to stationary gravity vector, lock that in and then use that to rotate and compensate gravity vector going forwards
<Scopeuk> its not perfect but its a start
<Scopeuk> at the moment I'm just playing with what I have lying around
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<InPhase> lf94: All you need to do for Day 2's is print with supports... and then leave them on. ;)
<Scopeuk> tree supports could look pretty cool
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<Scopeuk> chance of it printing "properly" however :P
<lf94> If I remove the inner difference I could I guess
<lf94> I did day 5 from my phone
<lf94> Well most of it anyway
<Jack21> else the NXP seems to be good (and cheap) with a FXAS21002
<Jack21> lf94  you know that not only the result counts - it is the way to get there - Ü so like how adaptive your code is
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<InPhase> At least one was printable. :)
<lf94> All the others are
<lf94> I'm going to print them today
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<InPhase> Well someone sure took their benchy prints seriously. :) That there is a full-sized boat. https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/r7zb0k/3d_printing_a_boat/
<InPhase> Apparently that was 2 years ago, but I missed it. :)
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 2 modifications (Merge pull request #3995 from ChrisCoxArt/svg_fn
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<Scopeuk> Jack21 I've had similar results for rotation in open scad with a hacked in google day dream controller (but the controllers disappeared and I sort of lost interest)
<Jack21> i would assume you could use the IMU in a smartphone for that
<Scopeuk> I would think so
<Scopeuk> the thought in my head was that I wanted to be able to manipulate the controller to manipulate the on screen item
<Scopeuk> I never did get translation working quite right there was something odd about how the daydream remotes report acceleration
<Jack21> there is a trackball that track 3 axis .. it is not for those things but i thing it would work like a charm with a switch button for rot and translation
<Jack21> using shift with a normal track ball also works fine
<Jack21> so since the advent calendar is closing all doors after reload - it is like a game of memory - Ü
<dTal> oh geeze the last openscad advent calendar just feels like last week
<InPhase> 2020 was a separate life in a parallel universe.
<Scopeuk> I've also considered building an old school encoder wheel board, I assume there is a reason that professional cad moved away from them towards the current 6dof mice but they still look cool
<Jack21> before i found the alt arrow thing (and when it was working better) i was building an SCAD scroll knob with an 600 steps/turn optical decoder - running pretty smooth with the double ball bearings
<Jack21> for the same reason - changing numbers
<Jack21> (encoder)
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<Zauberfisch> peepsalot: the outside is a circle, but it has details on the inside
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 additions 1 modifications (Support building on macOS 12 (Monterey)). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/bd37f1102453694b9676be412df3534e686c78ad
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<teepee> ccox: did you see the test result files? they are uploaded as action artifacts
<ccox> I'm still looking for the scad files to reproduce the test results.
<teepee> it's all in the logs I think, checkout https://github.com/openscad/openscad/actions/runs/1542249428
<ccox> I've found the names of the tests, but not the files.
<teepee> at the bottom there's the html logs including what command was run and the inline images
<ccox> yes, but none of that tells me where the files are located
<teepee> run_test() cmdline: /home/runner/work/openscad/openscad/b/tests/../openscad /home/runner/work/openscad/openscad/tests/data/scad/3D/features/surface-simple.scad --enable=vertex-object-renderers --render -o /home/runner/work/openscad/openscad/b/tests/output/cgalpngtest/surface-simple-actual.png
<teepee> first fail -> tests/data/scad/3D/features/surface-simple.scad
<ccox> alright, got some of the files.
<teepee> unfortunately github insists of artifacts in zip format, so it's download zip, open html locally
<ccox> (sigh, output and input should match so you don't have to hunt down files in either direction)
<teepee> not sure what you mean, the log is pretty details and there's not a 1:1 relation between test files and test results
<teepee> I hope it just needs a github login
<ccox> yes, it worked
<ccox> llooks like minimum value changed from -1 to 0 at some point when reading DAT files.
<ccox> found it - bad logic in the original code that I failed to mimic
<ccox> but I can put it back
<ccox> derp, my tests passed locally because the test script was pointing to the wrong path, and an ancient build.
<ccox> down to one file failing
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