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<peepsalot> question about the PR for mimalloc, i put it as a git submodule in the project root, would it be better in another path?
<peepsalot> other options i guess would be 1) libraries, but i feel like that is meant for userspace scad libs since MCAD is there. 2) src/ext, but that also seemed maybe strange since mimalloc will have its own src dir beneath that, and the rest of sources there are just part of our repo. 3) a new path for library dependency submodules? also relevant to magnum if we add that
<peepsalot> i was about to try excluding it from lgtm, but wanted to finalize what path to use first
<peepsalot> teepee, InPhase: thoughts?
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<InPhase> peepsalot: What you did or #3.
<InPhase> I usually do what you did, but it could get awkward if there are a lot.
<InPhase> Although it's not hard to move them later, as this should only be a CMakeLists alteration, and not a code mess.
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<peepsalot> yeah, i just felt like project root was already a bit cluttered
<InPhase> It is.
<teepee> true, but maybe we can clean up the resource stuff a bit at some point
<InPhase> Especially with all that .pri litter.
<teepee> InPhase made a good point, it should be relatively easy to change later
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<teepee> there's still .pri stuff?
<teepee> oops
<InPhase> Oh wait.
<InPhase> That's the repository directory where I didn't pull in a while.
<peepsalot> nope its all cleaned out now
<InPhase> Magic! The root directory is cleaner when I look in the current one. :)
<teepee> that's qmake, it should be all gone :)
<InPhase> Someone did the good work.
<InPhase> 64 entries down to 43.
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<teepee> hmm, any good other name for "ext" ?
<InPhase> I was in the middle of something in May, so my ~/src/openscad stopped there. Now ~/src/openscad-master is my current.
<teepee> like one that could go top level and maybe get both winconsole and mimalloc?
<InPhase> subs?
<InPhase> Maybe not
<teepee> as in youtube?
<InPhase> "Click subs to subscribe to modules"
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<teepee> the current ext is indeed a bit awkward as it's in src not on top level
<teepee> but then, there's no rule against src/ext/mimalloc/src?
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<InPhase> Well if it's going to be a true submodule, putting it in src is weird.
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<teepee> yeah, maybe keeping those a bit separate makes a lot of sense
<InPhase> src/ext seems to be internalized external stuff.
<InPhase> submods maybe
<InPhase> Or just submodules/ if you like to type
<InPhase> libraries would be good but that's baked in and shouldn't be touched. It's woven into code logic by now.
<teepee> yep, that's gone for scad libraries even though it would be nice to get rid of it :)
<InPhase> Well, looks like thingiverse is making everyone reset their passwords again.
<InPhase> That's a bit laggy for a compromise that was how many weeks ago?
<teepee> lol, yes, changed it at least a couple of days ago
<teepee> also they claimed only 500 people affected and notified everyone, which is pretty obviously a lie now
<InPhase> I guess it took their high school intern employee a while to write the password reset code.
<teepee> ah, yes, just got that mail at least
<teepee> which proves they can send mails, but did not notify me for the breach
<InPhase> Hyperbolic humor aside, they should really consider allocating adequate staff to that site.
<InPhase> I can smell the understaffing effects from far away.
<teepee> it's a bit sad as I would assume they easily can afford that
<InPhase> "In February 2017, MakerBot's newly minted CEO Nadav Goshen laid off more than 40% of the workforce and changed the position of the company from consumer focused to two verticals based; professional and the education sector. This lay off was coined the "Valentine's Day Massacre" as it happened the day after. Overnight MakerBot went from 400 employees to under 200 worldwide."
<InPhase> That was around when Thingiverse started to gradually fall apart I guess.
<InPhase> It took a while for the bitrot to really start smelling things up, but about 1-2 years after that it was getting problematic.
<InPhase> It's a classic CEO error to think that you need to focus to make more money. If you competently delegate to competent people, you can make money from many sources, with different people focusing on different things.
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<InPhase> We don't see Makerbot financials separately anymore, but parent company Stratasys's stock has barely moved since 2017.
<InPhase> Makerbot's market share though appears to have cratered.
<InPhase> 3D printing sales also plummeted over Covid-19 in the professional and education sectors. I bet they stayed strong in the consumer sector though, what with everyone staying home.
<Scopeuk> its not even that fancy, your "job" as a ceo is to prop up the next qyarter, nothing else matters, dumping a few hundred staff makes the finacials look great in the stupidly short term
<Scopeuk> then you get to cash out on your "sucsess" and let some other git take the failure you cause
<teepee> not surprising I suppose, private market is probably all chineese printers + schools likely had other things to take care than new 3d printers
<InPhase> MakerBot was positioned to declare itself the clear industry leader in consumer 3D printing with thingiverse, and right when that was emerging they tapped Monty Python's "nevermind, tis a silly place".
<InPhase> I was briefly worried they would end up emerging as a sort of monopoly. But I guess they decided not to collect all that money.
<teepee> while Prusa himself still goes strong
<InPhase> Prusa needs to come back to us for pro-open-source... He dropped OpenSCAD.
<peepsalot> i think "submodules" or maybe "third_party" would be good. i would also suggest just "modules", but I think that's commonly used for cmake modules
<InPhase> peepsalot: submodules is probably the best of the stated options so far.
<InPhase> peepsalot: No chance of confusion or anything.
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