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<Jack21> i have seen that while rendering the same coder twice (deleting cache) i sometimes get errors and sometimes not
<InPhase> As for the Microsoft urls, they are added by the lib3mf library.
<Jack21> well they are outdated
<InPhase> Seems so.
<InPhase> Seems no one noticed yet.
<InPhase> Feel free to tell them.
<Jack21> i see i should get an github account if i don't stop complaining ..
<Jack21> for the clamping i think it needs to be done after each step which would be a performance issue
<Jack21> (i fixed your code example btw - but moving the geometry is not an option )
<Jack21> but as rotate_extrude is sensetive for the y - it would make sense (and fix the range values they are confusing )
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<Jack2127> so if only the input is checked for every x vector if it is close to 0 (close like 1.e-14)
<Jack2127> on the other hand i can write a function that is doing this
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<InPhase> Jack21: Turns out the github accounts are free. :) All the cool kids are doing it.
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<Jack21> inphase: but it is microsoft .. think this will do https://bpa.st/VJFQ
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<InPhase> Jack21: Seems to serve your purpose.
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<fling> hi
<fling> What is the best way to split my models in chunks?
<fling> for placing like nut sockets and everything
<fling> for future assembly
<InPhase> modules?
<fling> what modules
<InPhase> Are you asking how do you separate code into chunks?
<InPhase> Or are you asking how do you design something that is physically separate pieces?
<fling> yeah how to separate the model chunks, not code
<fling> for example I might want to kindof cut the bottom of the model and print it as it is unlikely to change and then to focus on the top part which I will change from time to time and only reprint this one thing
<InPhase> There's no one solution. It depends on the design, and how you want to assemble it. Basically what you do is visualize each piece as a separate part with shared numerical values specifying the dimensions, you calculate those shared values at the top of the file, and then you separately model each part that will later go together as a module.
<fling> oh
<InPhase> fling: Here's an example I did: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1692539/files
<othx> InPhase linked to "Twist-on Paper Towel Holder with Rod by rcolyer" on thingiverse => 3 IRC mentions
<InPhase> fling: There are two holders, and a rod that prints in two parts and screws together, then the rod goes through the two holders.
<fling> For example I have this half baked duct of a very schwifty shape
<fling> the idea to split it in two chunks somewhere in the middle
<fling> I will have to add nut sockets there and everything
<InPhase> Or this one, top and bottom piece, then it screws together: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1686846
<othx> InPhase linked to "Quick Change Filament Filter by rcolyer" on thingiverse => 3 IRC mentions
<dalias> my https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4848302 shows some ideas for how to split into parts to reduce what needs to be reprinted for iterative design
<othx> dalias linked to "NEMA-17 1:4 step-up gearbox for remote direct drive by dalia5" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
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<fling> I want some piece of code to automagically split general models in half and placing m3 holes properly haha
<dalias> well you can use CSG to cut them, but it won't really auto-place holes
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<dalias> there's *kinda* a way you can auto-place holes via operations on a 2d projection
<dalias> https://github.com/richfelker/brickify demonstrates a related trick
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<fling> thanks
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<Jack21> fling: have you worked with children()? so you can make a module that cuts your object in half and places m3 holes and screw holes or other interlocking geometry like dovetails
<Jack21> fling: i made you an example here https://bpa.st/USMA
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<fling> ah forgot about children
<fling> thanks
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #3927 (script translation-update.sh creates "command not found" error on MacOS (and probably Windows)). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3927
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #3929 from rcolyer/translationscript
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<Guest5315> Howdy! I'm using OpenSCAD on Debian, and need to be able to create PNG files that have the same dimensions for feeding into video clips for Kdenlive. I found I needed to have the size of the window the same for each image. Adjusting viewport distance, etc. is easy enough. I'd like to make the window size for any given instance of OpenSCAD
<Guest5315> consistent with any other instance. I'm setting my Viewport distance at 300.00, but would like to set the numbers in parentheses to (900x600) for all instances. I suspect this is obvious, simply because I can't seem to find it. Any help here?
<buZz> Guest5315: you can render to png from commandlines too
<buZz> there's many commandline options anyway
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<Guest5315> Thank you, I'll take a closer look at those.
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<peeps[zen]> ccox: turns out we can get an easy 35% speedup by using a custom malloc implementation. I just tried this one https://github.com/microsoft/mimalloc
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<peepsalot> I tested on Examples/Old/example024.scad (menger sponge) using the dynamic override option on Linux https://github.com/microsoft/mimalloc#dynamic-override
<peepsalot> ~28s before, 18s after
<peepsalot> teepee: this seems like a worthwhile thing to bake in to the build if we can
<peepsalot> we could also try some other malloc implementations and see if any are better for our particular usage, but mimalloc's performance tests show they beat basically all the other common implementations in *their* benchmarks
<InPhase> peepsalot: So my suspicious flag has been tripped. The default allocators already get a lot of optimization attention. Usually outperforming means for a specific usage pattern or use case. Did you see any mention elsewhere of what the downside of this one is? (I didn't find it in the readme.)
<peepsalot> i mean... it used 354.1MB vs 350.8MB memory, so maybe that? well worth it imo
<peepsalot> not sure if any other downsides
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