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<Jack21> good morning.. was it intended that when exporting something and changing the name - the next time the name reverts to the scad filename and did not remember the changed name?
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<dalias> jack21, yeah i noticed that regression too :/
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<InPhase> Jack21: I think there's an issue related to that. The problem arose because the old behavior was incompatible with tabs. Fixing it requires inserting new logic to track this information in association with the tabs in some manner that follows them around.
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<InPhase> So sort of a feature regression, but not a revertible change. It requires new development.
<InPhase> It would probably be moderately low hanging fruit for someone looking to get involved in development.
<InPhase> teepee: Have you ever used the -m command line flag? I patched up the build warning for it with what should be correct behavior, but I can't seem to test it because it does not appear to function in either master or the latest release. I thought -m was supposed to run that command if an include file is missing, but it does not actually do this.
<InPhase> teepee: Hmm. I guess the first change I see in git blame, it looks like sometime in late 2020 a guy named teepee made the seemingly obvious decision to only call handle_dep in openscad.cc if the file is confirmed to exist. But handle_dep was the thing that called the make_cmd. Consequently make_cmd was called for missing files passed into the command line in 2019, but not 2021.01
<InPhase> Is this a thing no one is actually using? I don't recall any bug reports.
<InPhase> (I was also struggling to figure out why the feature even exists...)
<InPhase> It also looks like use and include both error out before handle_dep is ever called. So the only thing this gets called on now is import statements.
<InPhase> So I suppose it does less than it used to, but still might have a niche purpose.
<InPhase> Upon discovering imports trigger it I was able to test my edits. I'll leave the question hanging though as to whether the reduction in when it gets called around 2020 was intentional or not.
<juri_> o/
<dalias> inphase, frustrating for those of us who never wanted tabs to begin with :-p
<InPhase> dalias: As the person who made a good time investment mentoring the GSoC student who worked on the tab implementation... I hate tabs everywhere. But, they are pretty useful for the workflows of other people, particularly if they're stuck in crappy operating systems with bad interfaces.
<InPhase> As I hate them, I did my best to mentor in a direction such that tabs were optional (e.g., they disappear when not in use), and that as much as possible they don't get in the way. But, that file save issue didn't come to attention until later.
<dalias> *nod*
<dalias> one other "not get in the way" feature i'd like is a way to make "open" default to "open in window"
<InPhase> That turns out to be tricky in a cross-platform manner.
<dalias> :/
<dalias> i mean just changing the toolbar and menu so that the 'open' icon/menuitem is 'open in new window'
<InPhase> And because of the way OpenSCAD likes to freeze up during previews and renders, we made the decision that if you don't want another tab, the right solution is launching another OpenSCAD instance.
<InPhase> Having two windows open that are part of the same process is pretty terrible as soon as you start doing stuff.
<dalias> heh, often when i use 2 windows it's because i want to share cache
<InPhase> Well the right solution for that is to finish the file cache features.
<dalias> e.g. one with an isolated mock-up of an individual part, and the other with it integrated in something
<dalias> yes please :)
<InPhase> File / Open In New Instance would be a reasonable feature. As a vim user I don't want it, I have scripts that do this, posted on tips and tricks. But if I used the built-in editor, this is what I'd want.
<dalias> i dont use the builtin editor at all
<dalias> i just want different windows/instances for preview and render
<InPhase> Outside of testing purposes, I never hit the "File" menu option at all expect to hit "Export".
<InPhase> s/expect/except/
<dalias> :)
<dalias> with cache on disk i'd load the gui a lot less anyway
<dalias> because re-running command line to export would be efficient
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<InPhase> dalias: Yeah. Caching for server purposes or other systems integrated applications is one of the key goals there.
<dalias> here it's not server just "i don't need overhead of keeping gui open to update my stl files manually after changing something when 'make' could update them all automatically"
<InPhase> Yeah.
<InPhase> We'll call make your "systems integrated application". :)
<dalias> :)
<dalias> i call it just "normal workflow for derived data" :)
<InPhase> Well you'll never sell anything with that sort of naming scheme.
<dalias> :)
<dalias> maybe i'll efficiently design stuff i can sell tho O_o
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