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<adrien> on ocaml 4, if I run two native threads, they will block if they both need to allocate or when the GC needs to run (when the code reaches an allocation point), and nothing else, right?*
<adrien> in which case, I guess a subsequent question is whether this allocates: Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical (Murmur3.hash32 (Bigstringaf.substring ba ~off ~len:check_length)) 8)
<adrien> especially the int32 handling
<adrien> (also, xxhash in opam is outdated and doesn't have a to_hex function that exists in more recent versions, and AFAICT, has no way to get the value out!)
<Leonidas> I am wondering, why does Format.set_margin Int.max_int not do anything when I use `Format.asprintf`?
<Leonidas> Format.printf "@[<hov 2>This is a long text that I want to print aaa bbb@ ccc ddd eee @[<hov>fff gg hh iii jjjj@] kkk lll mmm n o@]";;
<Leonidas> This gets affected by `set_margin`
<Leonidas> Format.asprintf "@[<hov 2>This is a long text that I want to print aaa bbb@ ccc ddd eee @[<hov>fff gg hh iii jjjj@] kkk lll mmm n o@]";;
<Leonidas> This always gets me the `\n`, unless I start with `%a` and add `Format.pp_set_margin Int.max_int`
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<discocaml> <otini_> > on ocaml 4, if I run two native threads, they will block if they both need to allocate or when the GC needs to run (when the code reaches an allocation point), and nothing else, right?*
<discocaml> <otini_> adrien: yeah
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<discocaml> <otini_> > in which case, I guess a subsequent question is whether this allocates: Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical (Murmur3.hash32 (Bigstringaf.substring ba ~off ~len:check_length)) 8)
<discocaml> <otini_> good question
<discocaml> <otini_> int32s are boxed, no question about that
<discocaml> <otini_> and I’m pretty sure Flambda does some allocation removal
<discocaml> <otini_> i’m not entirely sure about non-Flambda ocamlopt
<discocaml> <dinosaure> OCaml too if the integer does not go out of the scope of the function 🙂
<discocaml> <dinosaure> you must check but I just figured out yesterday that OCaml became smarter about that now
<discocaml> <otini_> ah good to know. That works for any allocated value? If it doesn’t escape, it can be optimized away?
<discocaml> <dinosaure> yes, I just did this code yesterday and see what OCaml produce:
<discocaml> <dinosaure> you can see that the `caml_call_gc` is only about the `assert false` branch
<discocaml> <dinosaure> otherwise, OCaml is really able to use registers even for an `int64`
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<discocaml> <otini_> neat
<discocaml> <dinosaure> (and note that I benchmark `bigstring` and `bytes` and my result is mitigated :D)
<discocaml> <dinosaure> (like, perf on `bigstring` can be easily predicted but `bytes` can outperform in some situations...)
<adrien> I'm on non-flambda and not very eager to change that while I'm doing other things too
<adrien> I'll try to multi-thread that code and I'll see how that goes but later today at the earliest
<discocaml> <otini_> np
<discocaml> <otini_> just to be sure we are on the same page, multithreading will not give you more performance
<discocaml> <otini_> except on the C primitives possibly
<adrien> it's been a long time I thought about MT on ocaml but I'm doing a lot of work on bigarrays
<discocaml> <otini_> mm
<discocaml> <otini_> benchmarking is hell
<adrien> I think nothing else is likely to allocate
<adrien> 0.005% done after 4 minutes...
<discocaml> <otini_> yeah but ocaml code will not run in parallel in ocaml 4
<adrien> hmpf, I thought bigarrays could give some of that
<adrien> guess the code will be ready for ocaml 5 then!
<discocaml> <otini_> only your bigarray primitives, and I’m pretty sure they don’t release the runtime lock either
<adrien> murmur3 is also C code so maybe that will help
<discocaml> <otini_> so not even those
<discocaml> <otini_> well, ocaml should be backward-compatible 😎
<discocaml> <otini_> > <adrien> murmur3 is also C code so maybe that will help
<discocaml> <otini_> depends whether the C wrappers release the runtime lock
<adrien> let me hope! :D
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