companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Are you speaking of the difficulty of writing and maintaining OCaml plugins? Or the push towards the "sandboxed" tactic languages? or both?
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<companion_cube> The fact that to fully use and extend coq, you have to know 3 or 4 languages, including ocaml, whereas for lean it's exactly one language to use and extend it
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Ironically I remember that Tom Hales had the exact opposite criticism, haha.
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> "The only way I can write Lean tactics is in Lean itself? Why can't I just write them in ML?"
<discocaml> <diligentclerk>
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Isabelle seems in the same situation as Coq, it seems that they favor new automation to be written in the Eisbach "internal" language rather than in Isabelle/ML.
<companion_cube> But lean is almost a ML at this point (although it's pure)
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<companion_cube> I guess some HOL veterans will want to keep the languages separate, but for most people it makes more sense to have only one language
<companion_cube> Makes it easier to modify, extend, package, etc just like the reasons we typically bootstrap compilers
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Yeah I like that Lean is strict, makes me more sympathetic to it
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<discocaml> <._null._> What do you mean with strict ?
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Eager evaluation, as opposed to lazy
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> c_cube said "it's almost an ML at this point" and this is one point of similarity
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> The problem with the 3-4 languages seems to be a consequence of the broader issue of Coq having a diverse development team with people pursuing independent research projects and additions. In addition to having two potential successors for Ltac, there are both typeclasses and canonical structures to solve basically the same problems.
<discocaml> <diligentclerk> There are "Sections" for organizing code + namespacing/encapsulation, and records that can have type-valued fields, and both of these have nontrivial overlap with the classical ML module system.
<discocaml> <._null._> There are also bona fide modules and functors in Coq
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<companion_cube> yeah and in the end, functors are kind of a niche feature
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<discocaml> <diligentclerk> Yes, that's what I meant, I was pointing out that there is an overlap between Coq's sections and records, and Coq's classical ML module system.
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<companion_cube> ah, fair
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<discocaml> <heyting> My goal is first to get a historic understanding of Coq -- many times I wondered when working with Coq, "why is this function named like it is", "how come this module has a bit more verbose structure than it should have", "why are some modules named in ALL CAPS". Now that I got into OCaml a bit, I see that some of the conventions in Coq are actually inherited from OCaml. Another smaller reason is that OCaml modules and functors seem really fun
<discocaml> <heyting>
<discocaml> <heyting> The second reason for learning OCaml is simply to browse the Coq source more efficiently (i.e. understanding the project faster, perhaps even one day making changes to it).
<discocaml> <heyting>
<discocaml> <heyting> Last but not least, at some point in my life (I am a recent CS grad), I would love to get a job in OCaml/Coq because of all the languages I've worked with up until now, OCaml seems like the golden middle of them all.
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<discocaml> <jmiven> there are two windows ports of the compiler. One is based on MSVC, but the other is based on mingw-w64 / GCC and is better supported at the moment
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<discocaml> <djaruun> i wanted to try to make a simple test website with ocaml and found the dream frameowkr that looked pretty cool and simple. but when i run opam install dream to install it i get this error after a while of it ocmpiling and fixing deps. It is bigarray-overlap that cannot be built for some reason. Can someone help me with this please? (im on debain 12 wsl using ocaml 5.2.0)
<discocaml> <djaruun> ```
<discocaml> <djaruun> #=== ERROR while compiling bigarray-overlap.0.2.1 =============================#
<discocaml> <djaruun> # context 2.2.0 | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.5.1.0 |
<discocaml> <djaruun> # path ~/p/ocaml/dream-project/_opam/.opam-switch/build/bigarray-overlap.0.2.1
<discocaml> <djaruun> # command ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/ build dune build -p bigarray-overlap -j 11
<discocaml> <djaruun> # exit-code 1
<discocaml> <djaruun> # env-file ~/.opam/log/bigarray-overlap-55150-0d31e7.env
<discocaml> <djaruun> # output-file ~/.opam/log/bigarray-overlap-55150-0d31e7.out
<discocaml> <djaruun> ### output ###
<discocaml> <djaruun> # [...]
<discocaml> <djaruun> # 5 | (targets liboverlap_freestanding_stubs.a)
<discocaml> <djaruun> # 6 | (action
<discocaml> <djaruun> # 7 | (no-infer
<discocaml> <djaruun> # 8 | (progn
<discocaml> <djaruun> # 9 | (run %{make})))))
<discocaml> <djaruun> # (cd _build/default/freestanding && /bin/gmake)
<discocaml> <djaruun> # cc -I/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/openjdk@21/include -c -o overlap.o overlap.c
<discocaml> <djaruun> # /bin/sh: 1: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/pkgconfig/: Permission denied
<discocaml> <djaruun> # /bin/sh: 1: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/pkgconfig/: Permission denied
<discocaml> <djaruun> # lib/overlap.c:1:10: fatal error: caml/bigarray.h: No such file or directory
<discocaml> <djaruun> # compilation terminated.
<discocaml> <djaruun> # gmake: *** [<builtin>: overlap.o] Error 1
<discocaml> <djaruun> ```
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> The Coq documentation comments that ML is regarded as a "sweet spot" in language design - a type system that helps you without hindering you too much from being productive. I didn't know what they meant by this until I started using OCaml. Now I think I would use OCaml for lots of purposes other than writing coq plugins.
<discocaml> <barconstruction> "golden middle" is another good term. Not as comprehensive as agda's type system but more restrictive than C# or a dynamic language
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> I think the ALL CAPS thing is actually older than OCaml, it's an ML thing. I don't see much ALL CAPS in OCaml these days.
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<discocaml> <Kali> i only see all caps for module types
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<twobitsprite> I have a dune file rule to build a dependency (a Cap'n Proto module) and I'm getting this error: kj/filesystem-disk-unix.c++:1734: warning: PWD environment variable doesn't match current directory; pwd = /home/isaac/dev/olarn
<twobitsprite> the dune file is in ./lib/olarnp/dune and I'm invoking dune from .
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<twobitsprite> (as in, from above the lib directory)
<twobitsprite> The rule I have in my dune file is:
<twobitsprite> (rule (targets olarnp.mli) (deps olarnp.capnp) (action (run capnp compile -oocaml %{deps})))
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<twobitsprite> nevermind, I figured it out
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