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<twobitsprite> Marshal... I was looking for Marshal... but the discussion about QUIC was very interesting :P
<companion_cube> Marshal isn't suitable for a robust protocol tbh
<companion_cube> It's decent for prototyping is all
<twobitsprite> If I encode the type as an int at the beginning of the message?
<twobitsprite> and yeah, I guess I am just prototyping for now
<discocaml> <yawaramin> if i was forced to choose a binary protocol i'd go for MessagePack
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> Marshal + proper checksum is quite reliable and useful for internal communication
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> also fast
<twobitsprite> eduardorfs: why is checksum necessary?
<twobitsprite> TCP has a checksum
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> TCP checksum is not good enough for this, collisions happens over TCP and a single one will kill your application
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> SSL checksum is enough tho
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> also storage checksum is important
<twobitsprite> ok, checksum might not be a bad idea, I was mostly confused that you emphasized that specifically for Marshal, I was thinking it was a particular problem with Marshal
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> it's a particular problem for anything that may corrupt your memory
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> which Marshal may do
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> bad Marshal leads to Obj.magic
<discocaml> <yawaramin> or in C terms, casting a `void*` to whatever type you want
<twobitsprite> what alternatives are immune to this issue?
<discocaml> <yawaramin> pretty much all of them
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> yeah, you will be forced to validate the data whenever you receive it
<twobitsprite> I just want to convert << type creature = Orc | Elf | Dragon | ... >> to an int...
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> just make a function then
<twobitsprite> that's what I'm working on, I was just wonding if there was a normal way to do that instead of creating a match case for each type
<discocaml> <darrenldl> dumb question: when does collision happen in tcp?
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> whenever you have a couple bit flips, this happens quite a bit if you're exchanging a lot of data, which is the only reason why you should use Marshal
<discocaml> <eduardorfs> a lot of data, as in gigabits per second
<discocaml> <yawaramin> well, PPXs are used a lot for serializers/deserializers. there are different PPXs for different formats. JSON, XML, others
<twobitsprite> darrenldl: when you have a router with 4 fiber WAN ports and 24 CAT5 LAN ports and more packets are coming into the WAN ports than can fit in the target LAN port
<twobitsprite> or vice versa
<discocaml> <darrenldl> twobitsprite: yeah but are those observable at tcp level? thats network level collision?
<discocaml> <darrenldl>
<discocaml> <darrenldl> not saying it will not impact the performance, but what you get out of tcp layer is still the intended byte stream, however slow, if transmission is successful, no?
<twobitsprite> spoofed IPs on the local network can break TCP connections
<discocaml> <darrenldl> well okay, fair enough
<twobitsprite> this can even happen accidentally, like you have a DHCP server handing out IPs in a range, but you have a legacy server configured with a static IP that happens to be in that range
<twobitsprite> that's a shit show trying to diagnose, especially if you were hired after that environment was first set up
<discocaml> <darrenldl> @eduardorfs right fair enough, cheers
<discocaml> <darrenldl> twobitsprite: yeah okay yep, i can see seq and ack wouldnt fully suffice against that kind of tomfoolery eiher
<twobitsprite> yeah, imagine you get two response packets with the same ack/seq and the same source IP, wyd? :P
<discocaml> <darrenldl> : D
<twobitsprite> a good start to diagnose it is, you can port mirror from the switch and look for RST packets
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<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> Hi, I'm quite new to the entire functional programming paradigm, and I'm trying to use Ocaml to do some IPv4 CIDR processing
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> I'm just wondering if this code here is idiomatic FF code, or if I have brought procedural habits with me without knowing
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> This is supposed to take input such as '' and spit out a range (, option
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> any advice at all is welcome, opinionated or not
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> (oh, and the output is supposed to be in (u32 * u32) option, so that's intended. the u32* functions are just aliases of Stdint.Uint32.*
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<discocaml> <dinosaure> Just to notice you that `ipaddr` exists and it's the purpose of the library 🙂 at least, you should take a look on the code
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> oh thanks, this is just a practice so I will definitely use library to handle my usecas
<discocaml> <nutsnbits_99368> Since i dont wanna deal with IPv6 by myself 🙂
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> suggestion: post code in plain text format instead of screenshots for accessibility 🙂
<discocaml> <._null._> But then, not in this channel
<discocaml> <yawaramin> yes, either in #beginners or a paste service
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<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> Hello.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> I am a developer with over 8 years of experience.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> This time, as a startup, I have formed a team with many developers.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> I think that even developers with a long history of programming cannot know everything.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> So this time, I have formed a team with developers who are experts in the relevant fields.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> If you are a client who wants a project, please send me a message.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> And if you want to use this opportunity to strengthen long-term cooperation with us and earn income, please send me a message.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> We are happy to accommodate those who demand perfection of the project even if it costs more.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> We are happy to accommodate those who want to complete the project but are concerned about the low cost. However, we cannot tolerate excessive demands.
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659>
<discocaml> <trrg5oe11659> Thank you.
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<discocaml> <akhilindurti> any ocaml nixpkgs contributors here? wondering if anyone feels like updating ocaml-lsp to 1.19.0. i'd do it myself, but i'm feeling kinda lazy lol
<twobitsprite> I can't believe none of you suggest Cap'n Proto when I was asking about binary protocols...
<twobitsprite> it has official ocaml support, uses modules and functors, and is more efficient than things like protobuff, etc
<twobitsprite> and it's strongly typed
<companion_cube> Does it have *official* ocaml support?
<companion_cube> I suggested protobuf because it's 50x more popular than capnproto, and it's more compact (albeit slower to decode, sure)
<twobitsprite> companion_cube:
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