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<companion_cube> Oh cool, didn't realize this was now under the capnproto umbrella
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<twobitsprite> yeah, I'm prettu excited about this. looking at the schema language, it looks like a perfect fit for what I'm doing
<twobitsprite> prettuuuu :P (reminds me of the "impossibruuu" meme :P)
<companion_cube> Sounds like a good fit then!
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<adrien> is anyone aware of an xz/lzma parser? I want detailed access more than decompression
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<discocaml> <noahtheduke> i'm looking to contribute a new function to Stdlib. I read and HACKING.adoc, and I think I have my local dev set up correctly, but I wanna be sure I understand the process. are there any tips or tricks y'all have for working on the stdlib?
<discocaml> <otini_> I would suggest first searching the PRs to see whether the function was proposed already, and if yes, what happened; and if the implementation is a lot of work, I would first propose it by opening an issue. Stdlib PRs tend to create more debate and a number of them are rejected, which can be discouraging if you spent time implementing it
<discocaml> <otini_> (by making clear in the issue that you intend to implement it, I mean)
<discocaml> <noahtheduke> i've opened an issue and put my proposed implementation in it already:
<discocaml> <noahtheduke> i don't mind my work being rejected, this is a learning opportunity as much as a way to contribute
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<discocaml> <score_under> i've been really struggling with lablgtk for quite some time now... every time i've tried to start a project, i've put it down very quickly because IDE support has made it difficult to recover when I am not intimately familiar with the API already. particularly, VSCode seems to understand the signature of methods, but will not allow me to enumerate them (and the library itself is not structured in such a way to allow easy browsing of avail
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<discocaml> <score_under> oddly enough if i type `move` in that screenshot above, then backspace, it will show me methods that start with whichever characters I have entered, but it will never show the full list
<discocaml> <._null._> Does the LSP (VSCode) know what the type of `bar` is ? If it's unknown, any method name could be accepted
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<discocaml> <score_under> 1. before typing `move`
<discocaml> <score_under> 2. after backspacing from `move`
<discocaml> <score_under> it does, and that's the puzzling thing, it can tell me what type it is, it can typecheck it, and it can seemingly randomly show me suggestions for method names, but it's very difficult to get it to cooperate
<discocaml> <._null._> Then it may be a limitation of the suggestion engine wrt objects; in part because of how rarely used they are
<discocaml> <score_under> i guess people use the documentation and manually traverse the inheritance tree for this sort of thing?
<discocaml> <yawaramin> there's also the fact that most libraries use modules and functions, so editor support is optimized for that
<discocaml> <score_under> yup, but since there are people out there who use lablgtk, i am wondering what the tricks of the trade are here
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<discocaml> <._null._> Are there emacs users here ? I tried to replicate the issue and it seems like emacs and merlin do suggest the method names, but I can't find a way to try emacs/LSP
<discocaml> <._null._> (I guess vim users can also test, since they also discuss with merlin directly)
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<discocaml> <score_under> definitely better on vim
<discocaml> <._null._> Can you test LSP on vim ?
<discocaml> <score_under> this is merlin, i'm not sure what the alternative is
<discocaml> <._null._> There's a LSP mode in emacs (that I don't know how to set up), is there no equivalent in vim ?
<discocaml> <score_under> maybe ale or something, but I haven't touched it
<discocaml> <._null._> Can you set it up quickly ?
<discocaml> <score_under> hm, it requires the merlin vim plugin which would then presumably take completion into its own hands
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<discocaml> <._null._> That's also what I think happens on emacs, to my limited understanding
<discocaml> <._null._> I'll report this to the LSP repo
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<dh`> what's the link for the discord server? it occurs to me there's no reason not to attach my discord to it even if I rarely open discord
<discocaml> <._null._>
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<discocaml> <.dholland> Thanks 🙂
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