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<twobitsp1ite> I'm trying to adjust to the standard dune project layout... how much code do you usually put under bin/ vs lib/ ?
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<twobitsprite> got reconnected, not sure if my last question went through
<twobitsprite> I'm trying to adjust to the standard dune project layout... how much code do you usually put under bin/ vs lib/ ?
<twobitsprite> I.e, should most of my code go under lib/ and then just a basic in bin/ call some main loop function from lib/?
<discocaml> <Kali> that's how i do it
<twobitsprite> ok, thanks
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<companion_cube> I put everything under src/
<discocaml> <yawaramin> code inside `library` components (like `lib` by default) can be unit tested, code inside `executable` components (like `bin`) cannot
<discocaml> <yawaramin> other than that you can put anything anywhere really
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<twobitsp1ite> yawaramin: ahh, thanks
<twobitsp1ite> ugh, I got booted again somehow
twobitsp1ite is now known as twobitsprite