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<companion_cube> I think it's a mix, closures live on the heap, but there's a real stack for functions currently running. With effects I think it still uses the real stack.
<discocaml> <shawnfrostx> thanks a lot!
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<jiquiame> hey, seems like the opam CI for dune 2.0 and 2.1 specifically aren't happy with writing to `/tmp/`. First 2 errors here . Not sure if this is important and if I should open an issue.
<jiquiame> ( > Sys_error("/tmp/KaSim-test-blob-marshal: Read-only file system") )
<discocaml> <undu> That's a known issue with the sandbox not being Unix compliant
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<discocaml> <undu> It should be fixed in opam 2.2, I think
<discocaml> <lukstafi> Really? But it certainly seems to be the go-to FFI solution!
<jiquiame> oops, I meant opam 2.0 and 2.1 , not dune ofc. undu: thanks! I think I'll just stop supporting opam < 2.2 then
<discocaml> <lukstafi> I'll probably lift the code I need out of ctypes without vendoring the whole library.
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<discocaml> <'a patate (@ me)> I'm looking for a job, preferably in a functional programming language, but I'm okay with more common ones.
<discocaml> <'a patate (@ me)> If you have something to offer, and/or want to know more, feel free to @me 🙂
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