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< travis-ci>
mlpack/examples#762 (master - b10d1d6 : Ryan Birmingham): The build has errored.
< AakashkaushikGit>
Hey @zoq, I have created a PR in you branch ann-vtable after porting the `rnn` class but i am think it is not actually compiling it even after i un commented it from the cmake file, can you please take a look ?
< AakashkaushikGit>
(edited) ... i am think it is not actually compiling it even after i un commented it ... => ... i think it is not actually compiling it even after i un-commented it ...
< AakashkaushikGit>
Also if someone gets time can they give their opinions on this [proposal]( i sent to the mailing list, I know it's been really busy because of GSOC, i will be glad if someone can take a look on this.
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< shrit[m]>
would it throw an error if you use Test<false> directly?
< RishabhGargGitte>
No, it wont throw an error.
< MohomedShalik[m]>
template instantiation happens in compile time, usebool seems to be decided at run time
< RishabhGargGitte>
Yep, you are correct @Mohomed , so, i guess I should write an if-else statement for useBool = true and useBool = false. Thanks :)
< zoq>
AakashkaushikGit: Thanks, I saw the commit, I'll take a look.
< AakashkaushikGit>
@zoq thanks
< jonpsy[m]>
> But this is throwing me an error. Can someone tell me another way to do this? All I want is to call a function template such that the template parameter is decided by a variable.
< jonpsy[m]>
Rishabh Garg (Gitter): templates work in compile time, so all your variables should be known during compile stage
< jonpsy[m]>
zoq: Hi, do you think MOEA/D-DE is GTM? or will it take a month or so. Wanted to know so that I can add it in GSoC :) (and drop NSGA-III)
< zoq>
jonpsy[m]: It's on my list for today, I'll let you know.
< jonpsy[m]>
sure, thanks
< RishabhGargGitte>
Thanks @jonpsy , actually I changed that template variable to a function argument. Templating it was causing these unnecessary problems so I decided to switch it. :)
< jonpsy[m]>
Rishabh Garg (Gitter): I see, but i still recommend reading constexpr, cool stuff really!
< RishabhGargGitte>
Sure, will look at it too :+1:
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< kaushal[m]>
<brongulusGitter[ "Install the `tqdm` module for py"> did already still showing the issue
< zoq>
kaushal[m]: Make sure you installed it for the correct python version (python2 or python3), you can check to import tqdm in python manually.
< jonpsy[m]>
is there to get max along each axis, for a matrix, returning a max vector?
< jonpsy[m]>
```arma::mat a(2,3); a.max(axis=1)```, something like this..
< kaushal[m]>
zoq: anyways i was trying to run this examples directory and contribute to it in the GSOC'21
< kaushal[m]>
< zoq>
What I did I just followed the error message you posted and checked if I can manually download the file.
< kaushal[m]>
zoq: I was wondering if we could use audio dataset for clustering algorithms
< zoq>
I like the idea, I wanted to use kmeans and knn to cluser bird sounds, but never got to the point to write an example for that.
< kaushal[m]>
zoq: you think it would be a good idea for Example zoo gsoc'21 idea ?
< zoq>
Doing something with audio, sure.
< zoq>
The tricky part is to extract the features.
< kaushal[m]>
I just read a paper on audio noise clustering and it seems quite interesting but tricky
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: Did you use mlpack to classify broiler chicken?
< rcurtin[m]>
no, it was MATLAB 😭
< zoq>
kaushal[m]: Yeah, there are some cool audio datasets.
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: Okay too bad.
< kaushal[m]>
zoq: I don't think there are plotting tools in mlpack so can i use octave for visualization
< zoq>
kaushal[m]: There are two things I would take a closer look at first, how can you load the audio files, and what methods do you need to extract features.
< kaushal[m]>
<zoq "kaushal: There are two things I "> yeah well there are two ways of loading audio datasets
< kaushal[m]>
<zoq "kaushal: And do it inside a note"> this QuantStack/xplot right?
< zoq>
kaushal[m]: the two methods are not for loading a wav dataset
< kaushal[m]>
<zoq "kaushal: the two methods are not"> its what i saw in the paper spectrogram(frequency bins over time)
< zoq>
Yeah, but I was talking about how you can load the wav data, you can't use mlpack::data::Load(...)
< kaushal[m]>
<zoq "Yeah, but I was talking about ho"> yeah the spectrogram would make matrix , but i am also not so sure on this
< kaushal[m]>
maybe we can find a way to load the audio data into spectrogram and then convert it into matrix of arma::mat type
< kaushal[m]>
I will look onto this
< zoq>
kaushal[m]: Yeah, good idea to get familiar with the methods first.
< kaushal[m]>
I think only the loading of data is the problem
< kaushal[m]>
the implementation gets a bit easier after this
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< rcurtin[m]>
zoq: do you know any way to debug kernel failures on binder? when I try to run the pima diabetes notebook, the kernel dies on `auto im = xw::image_from_file("output.gif").finalize();`, but I don't know any way to get any more output than that...
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< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: On binder you can't really, xw can be picky sometimes, often if you restart the whole notebook again it runs just fine.
< rcurtin[m]>
ah, ok, let me try that...
< zoq>
I can take a look as well, I got the mlpack binder instance running again.
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: Do you have a link to the dataset at hand?
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: nevermind, I can reproduce the issue, I'll fix it later today.
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: I can create the screenshot for you.
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]: Or if you like you can remove the xw::image_from_file like for now and add a new code line and use markdown.
< zoq>
< zoq>
you just have to change the interpreter for the line from code to markdown.