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< zoq> ShahAnwaarKhalid: Agreed, there is an open PR which touches on the dual-optimizer idea.
< zoq> kaushal07[m]: I can't say more than the error message, but if you can post the code/changes I can take a closer look.
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> zoq: Thanks for the response! I'll take a look at that.
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< zoq> Hm, for some reason all mails form the git mailing list are tagged as junk.
< rcurtin[m]> ugh, this again? I will look into it
< rcurtin[m]> I don't understand what Google needs me to do to keep this from happening. I already went through all the process before
< zoq> I mark everything as not junk, maybe that helps.
< shrit[m]> They want us to buy Gsuite
< shrit[m]> Actually it is fine for me, I got them in my inbox
< shrit[m]> In my case it is my lab emails that goes into junk when I receive them in my own email
< zoq> Everything was fine until this morning.
< zoq> Let's see if I can manully tell Gmail to never mark the mails as junk.
< rcurtin[m]> we disabled all the monthly mailman password notifications and all the old unused lists served by that system, hoping that would help
< rcurtin[m]> I used Postmaster Tools for all domains that system sends mail for, but no data
< rcurtin[m]> tonight I'll see if maybe I can email support (if that even exists...)
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