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< OleksandrNikolsk> > <> I was able to reproduce this in pytorch<>
< OleksandrNikolsk> > But I am not sure how to reproduce the result of `delta` , is it input.grad as in the notebook. Please confirm
< ABHINAVANAND[m]> Seems like the test case of pooling function are not correct. I will take a look.
< jonpsy[m]> Hey Oleksandr Nikolskyy , it looks like your last message got subdued inside the code block.
< jonpsy[m]> Try pastebin to share errors(it has syntax highlight too) ;)
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< ABHINAVANAND[m]> I was going through the code of max-pooling. There I saw `kernalHeight` and `kernalWidth` . Does `kernalHeight` means number of rows in the kernal and `kernalWidth` means number of columns in the kernal, right?
< zoq> ABHINAVANAND[m]: correct.
< ABHINAVANAND[m]> <zoq "ABHINAV ANAND: correct."> If this is correct then the pooling and unpooling operation of maxunpooling seems to be wrong.
< ABHINAVANAND[m]> > <undefined>
< ABHINAVANAND[m]> (edited) If this is correct then the pooling and unpooling operation of maxunpooling seems ... => zoq If this is correct then the pooling and unpooling operation of maxpooling seems ...
< zoq> ABHINAVANAND[m]: Happy to take a look at the open PR, once I have a chance.
< ABHINAVANAND[m]> <zoq "ABHINAV ANAND: Happy to take a l"> Okay, I will let you know when the pr is complete.
< zoq> ABHINAVANAND[m]: Super, thanks!
< zoq> OleksandrNikolsk: Nice that you solved the issue.
< zoq> OleksandrNikolsk: At some point I also wrote a python server -
< zoq> OleksandrNikolsk: So in case you prefer Python over Elixir I think you can use that one as well.
< OleksandrNikolsk> cool, I'll consider to change later, now I'm just happy to have fixed everything and able to experiment a little bit
< zoq> OleksandrNikolsk: You will run into the same problem, you might want to decrease the number of parameters, or split the model up into multiple parts.
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< OleksandrNikolsk> <zoq "Oleksandr Nikolskyy: You will ru"> Hm I try to reduce the number of parameters.
< jeffin143[m]> Found this as a comment in one of the issue
< jeffin143[m]> Also, I build mlpack regularly (which I kind of think like a stress test for RAM and processor :))
< jeffin143[m]> 😂😂😂
< jeffin143[m]> Stress testing
< RishabhGargGitte> Actually I didn't mean anything 😅. It was just a pun I used.
< RishabhGargGitte> Hope I didn't hurt the community. :)
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< rcurtin[m]> Rishabh Garg (Gitter): I can't figure out what you're referring to, but I'm always up for a good pun 😃 maybe some messages didn't make it to the matrix room?
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< ShahAnwaarKhalid> Hi zoq ! I was working on the dual optimizer for WGANGP. I've a doubt in how gradient penality has been currently implemented.
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> 1. Epsilon is supposed to be learned parameter ( in torch you'd do something like torch.rand(len(real), 1, 1, 1, device=device, requires_grad=True)). Is there an mlpack equivalent of requires_grad?
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> 2. I'm not sure how the gradient of this regularization term will be computed:
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> `res += lambda * std::pow(arma::norm(normGradientDiscriminator, 2) - 1, 2);`