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< rcurtin[m]> ah sorry, I ended up moving on to other things---I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens 👍️
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< Ashishkumarpanda> Hello Everyone, I am Ashish Kumar panda, I have experience with machine learning, Deep learning, and Artificial Intelligence.I want to contribute to the machine learning projects in mlpack as a part of GSOC.It will be a great experience for me
< jonpsy[m]> Ashish kumar panda (Gitter) This is a great starting point
< RiturajDuttaGitt> When i try to run the linear_regression_main.cpp using this command ' g++ -o linear_regression linear_regression_main.cpp -fopenmp -lmlpack '
< RiturajDuttaGitt> This is the error log
< RiturajDuttaGitt> Ignore the error log it's messy I'll send a fresh error log soon
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< RishabhGargGitte> I am not 100% sure, but I think you can't directly run `_main.cpp` files. They are used by the automatic bindings generator to generate different bindings. If your goal here is to run any specific binding, then you have to build that and then use it. Someone please correct me if I said something wrong here.
< NippunSharmaGitt> @RishabhGarg108 yes you are right.
< NippunSharmaGitt> @Rituraj-commits I am not sure why you will need to access `_main.cpp` if you are using c++ ? In c++ you can directly access the class and its methods. You just have to include the corresponding header file in the program you are writing.
< zoq> Ashishkumarpanda: Hello besides the file we also have a dedicated GSoC page -
< Ashishkumarpanda> Thanks i am looking into it ?
< Ashishkumarpanda> can i start contributing into the github issues ? using python for machine learning ?
< zoq> Ashishkumarpanda: Not sure which issue you mean, but mlpack is a C++ library, with bindings to other languages like Python or R.
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< Ashishkumarpanda> will there be any issues in which we can use python ? for ml
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< zoq> Ashishkumarpanda: You can work on a notebook example an use the Python API, but I think other than that the Python bindings related issues are taken up.
< Ashishkumarpanda> okay i am looking into it
< Ashishkumarpanda> thank you
< rcurtin[m]> zoq: I tried again this morning with, which is up now, but the kernel still dies on me when trying to plot
< rcurtin[m]> if you want, all I'm trying to do is take a screenshot of the last couple cells + the plot in the pima-diabetes notebook
< zoq> rcurtin[m]: Yes, still trying to fix the issue, conda doesn't install the latest version ...
< rcurtin[m]> so if you have a working setup, feel free to just take the screenshot 😃
< zoq> Okay, let me do that.
< rcurtin[m]> no hurry :) let me know if I can give useful output or anything
< jonpsy[m]> Hey rcurtin , reg our discussion
< rcurtin[m]> (a) yes, agreed
< rcurtin[m]> (b) yes, only for problems in `problems/`, for the purpose of convenience in testing; it shouldn't be a requirement for users (in fact we shouldn't even build support into optimizers for automatically extracting bounds; that increases the requirements to add a new optimizer, which we are trying to keep low)
< rcurtin[m]> (c) sure, this could be useful, and we should consider where in the documentation we can introduce those functions so that users know about them
< jonpsy[m]> b) yes only for convenience, as you said in your post, a user might want to play around in different search spaces.
< rcurtin[m]> thanks! 🚀
< zoq> jonpsy[m]: rcurtin[m]: Would be great if we can discuss this on the issue itself, I think otherwise at least I can't keep track of it.
< jonpsy[m]> Don't worry, I was just confirming if I understood ryans post. I'll, of course, put my conclusion on the issue too ^_^
< RishabhGargGitte> I was reading the bindings related documentation on and there in examples `CLI::GetParam<>()`, `CLI::HasParam()` etc. are used, while in the codebase everywhere we are using `IO::HasParam()` and `IO::GetParam<>()`. Is there some inconsistency or am I missing something here ?
< rcurtin[m]> Rishabh Garg (Gitter): ahh, we changed the name from `CLI` to `IO` a few months ago, but I guess that documentation didn't get updated. are you reading the up-to-date documentation? if so, would you mind finding the out-of-date documentation sources and fixing them?
< RishabhGargGitte> I guess that I am reading the latest documentation because I am looking at the official website. I will look at the places where this inconsistency is there and maybe open an issue for it.
< RishabhGargGitte> Can you point me from where is doxygen generating these tutorials ? Is it in the main mlpack repo or some other place ?
< rcurtin[m]> should be in `doc/`, depending on where you are looking 👍 I can look into it when I have a chance too, the only question is I don't know when I'll have a chance 😀
< RishabhGargGitte> I can understand you people have a really hard time to find time after your work hours. Don't worry, I will open a PR soon to fix this. Earlier I thought that this piece of documentation might also be scatter throughout the codebase like the other documentations we have. But, if it all resides in a single place then it wont be very cumbersome to fix. I guess find-replace will work wonders here :D
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< rcurtin[m]> Rishabh Garg (Gitter): sounds good, thank you! if you find out-of-date documentation anywhere please feel free to fix it and please do report it 😃 I really appreciate that, it can be hard to find out-of-date docs
< RishabhGargGitte> @rcurtin If I am not wrong, then #2459 was the PR where this change was done. Right ?
< jonpsy[m]> i find it a bit silly that arma::fvec can't be converted to arma::vec implicitly
< rcurtin[m]> I wouldn't want that to happen---there are lots of precision issues that can happen from an accidental conversion from `double` to `float`
< rcurtin[m]> of course, to some extent that is personal preference. I really like well-defined, clear types (or, on the flip side, I really dislike weakly-typed languages 😃)
< jonpsy[m]> I see, you must really dislike python then =P
< rcurtin[m]> yes... I can deal with it when I need to, but when I don't know what types things are, understanding code by reading it is pretty much impossible for me
< jonpsy[m]> I have a bad news
< jonpsy[m]> It looks like Fonseca Flemming too messes up its InitialPoint
< jonpsy[m]> I'll do a grep on the entire ```problem/``` , see if I can find others do this mistake too. So we can fix them all in one go
< rcurtin[m]> it's possible, when I refactored those I did a pretty quick job just to make it work with the tests we already had implemented
< jonpsy[m]> If the culprits are large, I'll create an issue. If not, I'll just create a PR and handle it myself.
< rcurtin[m]> either way is fine 👍️
< rcurtin[m]> thank you for looking into it!
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