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< zoq> rcurtin[m]: Does look familiar to you?
< rcurtin[m]> yes, it does, but I can't remember exactly why or when that happens... can you tell me about the CMake configuration you used?
< zoq> rcurtin[m]: It's a conda env, CMakeCache file - if I build without the python bindings it's fine.
< rcurtin[m]> any chance you could also paste the generated `` in `build/src/mlpack/bindings/python/`?
< zoq> Looks like I'm not the first one -
< rcurtin[m]> also, what happens if you specify `-DUSE_OPENMP=ON`?
< zoq> For some reason it can't find
< rcurtin[m]> I think the actual error is right here in the gcc command: `-DBINDING_TYPE=BINDING_TYPE_PYX -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra `
< zoq> That's another issue I have to figure out.
< rcurtin[m]> hm, it didn't paste right, but it appears as two spaces in the original output
< rcurtin[m]> so, another way to test here would just be to remove the `'${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}'` entry from that list (it's part of an if/else statement, you'd need to do it for the else case too)
< rcurtin[m]> if you want to give that a shot and see if it works, based on the result, I can put together a cleaner patch 👍️
< zoq> Yes that worked, thanks!
< rcurtin[m]> yep, I'm pretty sure that fix I suggested will work then
< rcurtin[m]> ah perfect
< rcurtin[m]> I'll write up a patch tomorrow 👍
< jonpsy[m]> Is there a hard limit on how long a ```_impl.hpp``` can be? That would explain a lot of errors I have been getting in AppVeyor. Thanks
< RishabhGargGitte> Hello CssTeja, as your error says, cmake is not able to find `cereal`. `Cereal` is a dependency of mlpack.
< RishabhGargGitte> So, if you haven't yet installed it, then you can simply head over to and download the v1.3.0 zip file. Then simply extract it to whatever location you like. Then if let say, you extracted it in `D:/`. If you will see the contents of that folder, then you will find a folder called `include` which contains a folder called `cereal` inside it. Cereal is a header only C++
< RishabhGargGitte> library and including all the contents of that cereal folder will be enough. So, you can simply add the option `-DCEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR=D:/path/to/include` to the `cmake ../` command and that should work.
< jonpsy[m]> <jonpsy[m] "Is there a hard limit on how lon"> Around 350-450
< RishabhGargGitte> @zoq @rcurtin , many of the new developers of mlpack face this issue of installing cereal. Shall we put a guide about how to configure cereal for mlpack or how about creating an FAQ page where we can put answers to many more such beginner FAQs ? This would really help the newcomers.
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< CssTejaGitter[m]> @RishabhGarg108 hey, i did download cereal 1.3.0 and added the option to cmake command to point to the include folder of cereal , but the error says found cereal but the version is 0.0.0, required atleast 1.1.2, even if the downloaded version is 1.3.0.
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< MayankRaj[m]> Hey, can anyone help me with #2873 idk why this pr is failing.
< hasan1101> hello. i'm looking for gsoc projects. i want to work on improving mlpack's tree ensemble support. i have worked with decision trees, random forests and xgboost before. i can work on this. moreover, i also want to contribute to the example zoo (using jupyter notebooks).
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< rcurtin[m]> CssTeja (Gitter) can you tell us the command you used for CMake? what did you set `CEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR` to?
< RishabhGargGitte> Hello Ryan, I have opened a PR #2883 which attempts to add random split for numerical attributes in a decision tree. I don't want to rush you, you can take a look at it whenever you get time. But it could be great if you could provide feedback just on the test coverage. I have a few questions about it which I have mentioned on the PR.
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< rcurtin[m]> Rishabh Garg (Gitter): sure, I'll take a look when I'm able to 👍️
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< jonpsy[m]> I have a question, inspired from NSGA-II code, instead of if/else block how about ```arma::uvec idxCondition = ( a < b); matrix % idxCondition```
< jonpsy[m]> nvm ill create an isuse
< zoq> jonpsy[m]: Depends on the context, it's not necessarily faster, and maybe not as easy to read.
< zoq> jonpsy[m]: A comment on the line in the code is a good idea.
< zoq> If you like you can time at as well.
< jonpsy[m]> i was implementing SBX crossover for SPEA-II and it has way too many if elses
< jonpsy[m]> using that tactic, i got rid of ```if``` block, **but**, there was a zero division (turns to nan)
< jonpsy[m]> bt its handled later in the algo, is it acceptable to have ```nan``` durin runtime of algo?
< zoq> If the function is called often, which might be the case here, I think it makes sense to do a simple benchmark to check the timings.
< zoq> If it's handled later, it's fine.
< jonpsy[m]> > If the function is called often, which might be the case here, I think it makes sense to do a simple benchmark to check the timings.
< jonpsy[m]> im not worried abt speed, more abt the readibility
< jonpsy[m]> would you mind if i create an issue? so that we're on the same page
< zoq> If you are not familiar with armadillo, or have a math background I don't think (a < b) % is super easy to read.
< zoq> We can comment on the PR itself I guess?
< jonpsy[m]> hmm...
< zoq> I don't think there is a general rule.
< jonpsy[m]> > We can comment on the PR itself I guess?
< jonpsy[m]> SPEA-II is currently WIP
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< jonpsy[m]> on my lappy :)
< jonpsy[m]> * on my laptop :)
< zoq> You can also open a PR and mark it as WIP, but if you think an issue is easier that works as well, but make sure to provide some context.
< jonpsy[m]> cool, and one more thing.. is there a hard limit on length of code for ```_impl.hpp```
< jonpsy[m]> because my MOEA/D-DE suddenly started failing on windows Appveyor after it exceeded some 450 lines of code.
< zoq> There is no limit no.
< zoq> That is strange, I'll take a look into the issue later today.
< jonpsy[m]> is there a way to acess appveyor? its rlly strange..
< zoq> jonpsy[m]: You can SSH into the appveyor machine.
< jonpsy[m]> thats exactly what i need!
< jonpsy[m]> thanks for all this, see you tommorow, night!
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