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< hunting-party10[> Hi, i was debuging using valgrind for memory error , it keeps spitting out such a large amount of text which makes it incomprehensible ,is there any other method to find out whats going on ?
< hunting-party10[> something like this ^
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< ayush29> Hi I am Ayush Currently doing my masters at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India. I am interested in contributing to MLPack, also planning to choose MLPack as mentor organisation in my GSOC 2020 application. Could anyone from mentors group guide me how to start and proceed?
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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey zoq I was looking at the implementation of Deep Belief Network I think this one is good
< HimanshuPathakGi> Please suggest I should go with this or not.
< metahost> ayush29: You should check out and to get started. :)
< ayush29[m]> <metahost "ayush29: You should check out ht"> metahost: Thanks 👍
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< Nakul[m]> How should I handle python binding in macos
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< AbhinavvermaGitt> Can we build a mlpack on a 32bit window having a 2gb ram system?
< rcurtin> AbhinavvermaGitt: I *think* that should work; usually >1GB of RAM is what the compiler needs on Linux. not sure, but hopefully it is about the same on Windows
< rcurtin> try it and see what happens :)
< AbhinavvermaGitt> @matrixbot So what you recommend should I switch to Linux?