ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< jacob-earleGitte> I updated to Python 3.8 today and noticed that pip couldn't install mlpack. It did work with older versions though. When will the Python 3.8 compatible package be posted on
< rcurtin> jacob-earleGitte: hang on a second, I can make that happen as soon as it's built... :) just gotta modify a config setting
< GauravSinghGitte> Hey @jeffin143 @kartikdutt18 @prince776 Sorry the pull request that I created got deleted because of some mishap from my side. Will create a new PR in an hour. Sorry.
< rcurtin> now building at, hopefully I will not have some awful thing to debug :)
< RohitKartikGitte> usually how long does this build take?
< rcurtin> a couple hours or so, I think?
< rcurtin> also, sorry about the windows build failures---this was due to a slight server misconfiguration on I've got that fixed now, so I've restarted many of the PR builds
< RohitKartikGitte> whats the main focus of "Application of ANN Algorithms Implemented in mlpack", to help new users get familiar and witness the power of mlpack right?
< RohitKartikGitte> does this sound like something you would like me to work on this summer?
< kartikdutt18Gitt> @gaurav-singh1998, no worries.
< simplesit[m]> whoa, this place is really active!
< RohitKartikGitte> Welcome to the community :)
< TanayMehtaGitter> @OO7kartik The idea seems great! Do you happen have knowledge of any good visualization libs in cpp?
< GauravSinghGitte> Hey, @heytanay if you are looking for some plotting tools with cpp, have a look at [this](
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< RohitKartikGitte> yes, @gaurav-singh1998 matplotlib-cpp is great and easy to work with, also gnuplot.
< RohitKartikGitte> koolplot is another option, haven't used it though.
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< ptk921> Searching the docs for how to indicate to mlpack that certain column is just an ID, don't consider it part of the data. any tips?
< jacob-earleGitte> @rcurtin Thanks so much! Excited to get to know the library
< KhizirSiddiquiGi> ptk921: You can look at some implemented mdoels here at for a start. :)
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< varun_agarwal> Hey, I want to contribute to Pytorch project in GSOC. Whom do i contact?
< KhizirSiddiquiGi> Hey varun_agarwal, you can message here or email on the mailing list.
< SaraanshTandonGi> @rcurtin Its taking much longer than 2 hours in #2236
< varun_agarwal> In the Pytorch modules project, the idea is given but what exactly i need to do? It will help me make my application.
< SaraanshTandonGi> Is there a pre-application form? If yes what's the deadline?
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< aadarsh-asthanaG> Hi
< hemal[m]> It is not linking with mlpack and armadillo ...
< PrinceGuptaGitte> @saraansh1999 that takes quite a lot of time.
< aadarsh-asthanaG> I would like to contribute to rl methods of mlpack probably implement the acktr and PPO papers
< hemal[m]> what changes are required with "models/Kaggle/DigitRecognizerCNN/CMakeLists.txt" to be able to run it ?
< hemal[m]> P.S.
< hemal[m]> Should I buil the whole models using CMake or, Building DigitRecognizerCNN should work
< hemal[m]> You could look at these links for a start: and
< hemal[m]> Ameet Kumar Rana (Gitter): ^
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Hi @zoq can you please have a look at .
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> I want to know how to proceed further with this.
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Thanks.
< kartikdutt18Gitt> @hemal, once you run make command, you can find all executables in bin folder
< kartikdutt18Gitt> The same is
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< hemal[m]> Lakshya Ojha (Gitter): I've reviewed it. Please have a look.
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< TanayMehtaGitter> @gaurav-singh1998 had no idea matplotlib exists in cpp realm! Thanks for link.
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Hi hemal, I have left some comments with the same please have a look.
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Thanks.
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< TanayMehtaGitter> For the [Issue 2084](, I found [this]( overload of `mlpack::data::load` function which has a option to pass in a specified file format. I may be wrong but isn't the functionality of manually specifying a format already implemented as was needed in the Issue?
< hemal[m]> Tanay Mehta (Gitter): A pull request is open for the issue. I am not sure if the functionality is implemented (since the PR seems stale (over a month since any new activity)). Perhaps, you could have a look at the PR mentioned above
< TanayMehtaGitter> @hemal I was just looking at the PR, It failed in Memory checks. Also looking at the old comments, it seems that the person who took it was trying to replicate a function to guess the file-type similar to what has been done in arma internals. Might've been a slight disagreement there i guess
< hemal[m]> I think the requirement was to be able to use arma_binary, arma_ascii, as mentioned here:
< hemal[m]> rcurtin: am i right, regarding the requirement?
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< rcurtin> I haven't taken a look at the existing PR in a little while; it might be just fine, I just haven't gotten around to it
< rcurtin> no reason to start another one, in my opinion
< TanayMehtaGitter> @rcurtin yeah I am focusing more on examples now!
< rcurtin> sounds good :)
< SriramSKGitter[m> @rahulverma7788 : Hi :) Have a look at and
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< SaraanshTandonGi> #2236 is taking very long. Is that normal?
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< basuki> hi
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< KhizirSiddiquiGi> hi basuki
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi @khizirsiddiqui , I've implemented model.summary() function, can you have a look at it when you're free. (Right now I'm using std::cout instead of Log::Info because it was causing unknown problems I'll fix that soon). Thanks.
< PrinceGuptaGitte> PR #2237
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Can we not chain `<<` in `Log::Info` like we can in `std::cout`
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< zoq> Sure you can, use <<.
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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey zoq can you please look at
< HimanshuPathakGi> when you get free
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< rcurtin> zoq: I don't seem to have permission to cancel appveyor jobs; could I ask you to cancel all mlpack-wheels builds except 1.0.142 please? :)
< zoq> rcurtin: ahh the permission issue
< rcurtin> I dunno, maybe we can ping appveyor support, but it doesn't usually make too much of a difference for me
< rcurtin> anyway, thanks for canceling them all :)
< zoq> done
< zoq> happy to help :)
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> I think I am getting close to getting this Windows wheel build fixed... but I shouldn't say that, because I'm not actually sure...
< zoq> HimanshuPathak: Sure, it's on my list.
< zoq> I wonder what the electric bill looks like
< zoq> "We will no longer be sending tshirts for GSoC programs (to students or mentors). " ... that is a bummer :(
< himanshu_pathak[> > I think I am getting close to getting this Windows wheel build fixed... but I shouldn't say that, because I'm not actually sure...
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: If we get windows wheel fixed the we can also use it in conda build
< himanshu_pathak[> It will be helpfull for that also
< himanshu_pathak[> * > I think I am getting close to getting this Windows wheel build fixed... but I shouldn't say that, because I'm not actually sure...
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: If we get windows wheel build fixed the we can also use it in conda build
< rcurtin> yeah, perhaps
< rcurtin> it seemed like the conda build failure was a little bit different... I don't know how related the failures are
< rcurtin> I'll try and take a look at the current status of the conda build soon, but it is definitely not easy
< rcurtin> one of the things that really helped me out with the wheel build is that appveyor lets you remote desktop in to the node after it's finished building, so I was able to interactively explore what was wrong
< rcurtin> do you think there is something similar for the conda build? it could be helpful
< himanshu_pathak[> Can you provide a link to the windows wheel build. So that I can see is there any similarities between these two
< rcurtin> the history goes on forever... just a field of failing red builds :)
< himanshu_pathak[> Thanks
< rcurtin> for that particular build, the issue is primarily that the right runtime DLLs aren't in place when the python bindings are being generated
< rcurtin> but this is different than the conda issue, where it seems like it is not properly linking against boost
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Hey guys I am a little confused about the pr's can anybody help ahead.
< himanshu_pathak[> Yes failures are quite different I think there is something different about azure and appveyor environment
< himanshu_pathak[> Hey rcurtin I think we dealing with the same If look at scenario2 here
< himanshu_pathak[> * Hey rcurtin I think we dealing with the same If you look at scenario2 here
< himanshu_pathak[> and in my case conda was not able to build adaboost because of boost::program_option() may be possible this error is also beacause of same linking problem but I am not sure
< himanshu_pathak[> And in your case also we are getting this error LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'adaboost.cp36-win32.pyd'
< himanshu_pathak[> Command exited with code 1181
< himanshu_pathak[> * Hey rcurtin I think we are dealing with the same If you look at scenario2 here
< metahost> rcurtin, zoq: Is the CI for ensmallen down?
< zoq> metahost: No, we just have to wait for the monthly build to finish, it's using all almost al machines.
< metahost> Ah okay, thanks! :)
< rcurtin> yeah, the build queue is down to "only" 169 from over 1000 yesterday :-D
< metahost> Whoa!
< rcurtin> himanshu_pathak[: I think the LNK1181 error you found is actually from some manual debugging that I was doing, not from an actual build failure
< rcurtin> metahost: here's the crazy monthly job:
< rcurtin> really useful for finding random test failures, and for finding test failures specific to an individual version of the dependencies
< metahost> rcurtin: That's an expansive build matrix! :)
< metahost> The ETA is very high!! (
< rcurtin> yeah, when I worked at Symantec they were very generous about the build systems they were willing to provide, and when I left, they said I could keep using them until they turned them off...
< rcurtin> ...and 1.5 years later they are still running
< metahost> :))
< metahost> That's amazing!
< zoq> LakshyaOjha: What PR?
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> oh sorry forgot to mention. But I think you got them anyway. Actually its very late night just going to do some changes right away. Rest I will take up in the morning and thanks for having a look at them :).
< zoq> LakshyaOjha: Right it's already pretty late, but I think no need to rush anything :)
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> ok Thanks.
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Also If you can tell me the right way for this one I can do this one pretty quickly.
< zoq> LakshyaOjha: Done
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Thanks for the quick reply.
< LakshyaOjhaGitte> Night :)
< zoq> have a good night
< GauravSinghGitte> Hey, @zoq Kindly have a look at [#2238]( Thanks.
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< zoq> GauravSingh: Done.
< zoq> rcurtin: Do we have to restart the issue bot?
< rcurtin> I hate javascript
< rcurtin> Feb 25 15:34:49 knife npm[9555]: Error: Internal Server Error
< rcurtin> sigh
< zoq> that error message is helpful, I guess in this case I prefere c++ template errors
< rcurtin> yeah, there's more to it, I wonder if the octokit or probot API changed under me or something like this
< GauravSinghGitte> Hey @zoq sorry to disturb you again but can you also have a look at [#2191]( Thanks.
< zoq> GauravSingh: Isn't it late for you too?
< zoq> I guess most of the people here are night owls :)
< GauravSinghGitte> Oh sorry!
< GauravSinghGitte> If I disturb you
< zoq> Nahh, I just thought it's super late for you.
< zoq> Isn't it like 2am for you?
< GauravSinghGitte> Well actually 5
< GauravSinghGitte> (edited) ... 5 => ... 5 am
< zoq> okay ... I think we can count that as late :)
< zoq> or early in the morning
< GauravSinghGitte> Yeah, I think I should go back to bed now. Sorry once again to disturb you @zoq
< zoq> No worries, for me it's still early, especially compared to you.
< zoq> Will take a look at the PR in just a few minutes, so that you have a review once you wake up.
< GauravSinghGitte> Okay thank you 😊
< jeffin143[m]> It's 4;30
< jeffin143[m]> I guess at least in my watch
< jeffin143[m]> Which part are you in india , for time difference to be this.much :)
< zoq> and you are still up as well?
< sreenik[m]> India has one time zone I thought..
< sreenik[m]> For me I've just woken up
< zoq> Here it's 0:15
< zoq> crazy
< jeffin143[m]> Zoq : have to submit a early release today morning 😜
< jeffin143[m]> Office attroocities
< jeffin143[m]> atrocities*
< zoq> Well best of luck with the release, I guess :)
< jeffin143[m]> Sreenik : someone wanted to get in touch with you here , if I fondly remember it right
< jeffin143[m]> Just go through for logs once
< jeffin143[m]> Zoq : just wanted to inform all , I am currently building a poc - mlpack-board (dashboard for visual) just like tensorboard during my weekends
< zoq> Ahh, most of the people I know start with a coffee, but I think reading mlpack message is also a good way to start the day :)
< zoq> Ohh nice!
< zoq> If you have anything to show, happy to take a look at.
< sreenik[m]> jeffin143[m]: Thanks for pointing out. I'll go update the project description now to something clearer
< sreenik[m]> jeffin143[m]: Sounds great!
< jeffin143[m]> Ummm the flow is messy for a developer , but I wanted to follow @rcurtin approach of not adding any dependancy , so I resort to boost::asio to send data to frontend
< jeffin143[m]> Once I am ready with intial things I would get in touch with you
< jeffin143[m]> Actually I have thought of many solutions but this was the one I thought which could be apt
< jeffin143[m]> I have others up my sleeves , I have pend it down, I just know have to check which may be the best , will definitely get in touch with you when I am somewhat ready with the poc
< jeffin143[m]> > I have others up my sleeves , I have pend it down, I just know have to check which may be the best , will definitely get in touch with you when I am somewhat ready with the poc
< jeffin143[m]> Now*
< zoq> Sounds good, I guess there are multiple solutions to get the data out, but we just have to start with one.