ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< abernauer[m]> Factors are the bane of my existence whenever I program in R. For context their like enums in C++.
< jeffin143[m]> Couldn't make it for the call, it was early morning 3:3 0 , not a morning person :)
< rcurtin> if the time was bad for everybody, maybe we can pick a different one :)
< rcurtin> maybe we can do one more at 2200 UTC and if nobody shows up who is in a place where that is a good time, we can change the time :)
< hunting-party104> <jeffin143[m] "Couldn't make it for the call, i"> +1
< metahost> Ugh, it was ~3 am for the call here. Couldn't join. :(
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< metahost> Looks like we just had a IRC netsplit?
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< KhizirSiddiquiGi> Yes, please change the time!
< jeffin143[m]> Very happy to see the score :)
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< tejasvi[m]> In pooling layers inputWidth can only be set by InputWidth(). Is there a reason to not allow it through constructor? Maybe I'm missing something. Same for inputHeight.
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< Nakul[m]> zoq: rcurtin why this fails on windows and macos and passes on linux
< Nakul[m]> how do i fixed this
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< Nakul[m]> Khizir Siddiqui (Gitter):
< Nakul[m]> it was failing on the others but i fxed but don't know why it is failing on that
< Nakul[m]> now
< Nakul[m]> i looked at that log back days and fixed , on my local machine
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< Valliappan_CAGit> Hello all,
< Nakul[m]> Valliappan_CA (Gitter): Hi do you need any help ?
< Valliappan_CAGit> Hello all,
< Valliappan_CAGit> I would like to contribute some code related to reinforcement learning, I started from `/src/mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/` folder and corresponding test code. I would like to start with some basic implementation. it will really help full if some one working in relatable problem. Meanwhile I am also going through the other implementation, community page and tutorial.
< Valliappan_CAGit>
< Valliappan_CAGit> (edited) ... will really help full if some one working in relatable problem. Meanwhile I am also going through the other implementation, community page and tutorial. ... => ... will be really help full if some one working in relatable problem is willing to guide. Meanwhile I am also going through the other implementation, community page and tutorials to get the general structure. ...
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< joaosferreiraGit> Hi, how are you guys? Hope you are doing well! Just came here to introduce myself since I'm new to this conversation. I'm thinking of proposing a project for this year's GoSC and my main interest is the Reinforcement learning project although I'm still considering other related to deep learning. BTW is this a good place to talk to the community or should I join another (more active) chat service (e.g., Matrix, Slack,
< joaosferreiraGit> etc). Thanks for your help!
< joaosferreiraGit> (edited) ... year's GoSC and ... => ... year's GSoC and ...
< joaosferreiraGit> (edited) ... considering other related ... => ... considering others related ...
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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey rcurtin: can you explain what is the use of doing this -DARMADILLO_LIBRARY="${PREFIX}/lib/" while using cmake
< metahost> joaosferreira: you may also join the mlpack mailing list, that aside any of the other communication channels should be fine as they are all bridged to IRC.
< metahost> You should check out and to get started. :)
< metahost> HimanshuPathak: `-D` flags in cmake are used to set (or overwrite) the corresponding variable. Here, it is setting the path to the Armadillo library.
< HimanshuPathakGi> ok got it thanks
< metahost> More on `-D` flags here:
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< rcurtin> metahost: technically everything is bridged to Matrix, not IRC :)
< rcurtin> but honestly I'm pretty happy with the experience from IRC! it's pretty good, I think
< Nakul[m]> > zoq: rcurtin why this fails on windows and macos and passes on linux
< Nakul[m]> .
< rcurtin> Nakul[m]: I'm sorry to say it but I don't really have time to help at such a level of detail; start with the error message, search for what it means, try different things, etc.
< Nakul[m]> The error I was getting I fixed and every test run fine on my machine
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< GauravSinghGitte> Hi everyone,
< rcurtin> Nakul[m]: so, the OS X and Windows build systems use different compilers; if your code doesn't compile on those compilers, then it's probably not correct C++ (even if gcc compiles it fine :) sometimes gcc is lenient)
< rcurtin> GauravSinghGitte: hello :)
< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey rcurtin can you take a look at
< rcurtin> I'd love to. but I have no idea how many days it will be until I have any time to do so. sorry about that :(
< HimanshuPathakGi> It's ok I will wait
< rcurtin> I appreciate that you've been reviewing other PRs and helping out
< rcurtin> realistically we are in a situation where we have many new contributors, but not enough reviewers / help
< rcurtin> so as a result there are too many PRs that are open, and the maintainers team is having trouble keeping up (primarily because all of us do this in our free time only, and I think many of us have a lot going on outside of mlpack :))
< HimanshuPathakGi> Yes I know we have to manage time to do this and there are many pr open at the moment we need more reviewers