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< rcurtin> vigsterkr[m]: hey there! how are you doing?
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< Ibtihaj> Is there support vector machine model in mlpack ???
< jeffin143[m]> lbtihaj : yes we do have a support for liner svm
< Ibtihaj> jeffin143[m]: not in rbf or any other kernel ????
< jeffin143[m]> No we don't have a support for kernel svm
< Ibtihaj> jeffin143[m]: Thank you
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< tavishjain> zoq after long I am somewhat clear with the codebase. Also I read the GSoC ideas page and found the zoo idea pretty attracting as I have even worked on time Series data using LSTM's before. Just wished to confirm that will it's development be continued in the main mlpack repoditory or this one ??
< tavishjain> repository*
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< kartikdutt18Gitt> Hi tavishjain, Zoo ideas are implemented in models repository
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< jeffin143[m]> Zoq : any clue why
< jeffin143[m]> Azure python builds are failing
< jeffin143[m]> The test
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< Nakul[m]> hey guys can anyone tell me why``` ##[error]The read operation failed, see inner exception.``` is happening in macos in python37
< Nakul[m]> > have a look whenever you got time
< Nakul[m]> in this pR
< jeffin143[m]> Nakul just give a dummy commit
< jeffin143[m]> Let's see that if that happens again
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< Nakul[m]> Ok
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< zoq> jeffin143: Are you referring to #2088?
< zoq> tavishjain: kartikdutt18 is right, also we can extend the idea with other models.
< Nakul[m]> > Nakul just give a dummy commit
< Nakul[m]> thanks it worked but i don't understand why though : )
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< Nakul[m]> rcurtin: zoq is build passes on the model repo
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< Param-29Gitter[m> Hello, i am trying to parallelize gini_gain.hpp and I cannot really understand what it does and where it is used and how can i check if answer my parallel version of code generates is similar to serial version of the answer. So please can someone help me?
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< KhizirSiddiquiGi> @Param-29 , check if your parallelized code runs faster than the orignal code by timing it and you can test it with the `DecisionTreeTest`. It has multiple test cases about GiniGain.
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< Param-29Gitter[m> my first priority is to actually understand GiniGain and algorithms in which it should be used. can someone help me with that?
< zoq> Param-29: Maybe start with the wikipedia article, pretty sure there are some good blog posts out there as well.
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< Nakul[m]> * rcurtin: zoq any suggestion
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< zoq> Nakul[m]: Hm, can you remove the sudo cp .travis/config.hpp /usr/include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp step
< Nakul[m]> > Nakul: Hm, can you remove the sudo cp .travis/config.hpp /usr/include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp step
< Nakul[m]> Thanks it's worked
< zoq> Nakul[m]: Great :)
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< Nakul[m]> git clone --depth 1 what this ```1``` specify here
< Nakul[m]> i think we are not cloning th latst vrsion ?
< Nakul[m]> *latest
< zoq> Nakul[m]: We do, it just truncates the number of commits to checkout; we don't need the git history if we just build the latest version.
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< Nakul[m]> then i don't get why ``` error: expected ‘)’ before ‘>’ token`` (see above link for more) error is occuring as there is no such issue in ann layer
< zoq> Nakul[m]: Not sure, what the issue, is does this build on you local system?
< Nakul[m]> Yes it works
< Nakul[m]> I doubt the configuration of Travis file
< zoq> Nakul[m]: Hm, possible, but could be compiler specific.
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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey rcurtin I found solution for that armadillo issue but now I am facing new problem approx_kfn_main.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > boost::program_options::arg" (?arg@program_options@boost@@3V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@A)
< HimanshuPathakGi> approx_kfn_main.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int const boost::program_options::options_description::m_default_line_length" (?m_default_line_length@options_description@program_options@boost@@2IB)
< HimanshuPathakGi> mlpack_approx_kfn.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
< rcurtin> HimanshuPathakGi: nice work! I still haven't made it much further with the Python bindings Windows AppVeyor build :(
< rcurtin> here it looks like approx_kfn_main isn't being linked with boost program_options, but I'm really not sure why that would be
< HimanshuPathakGi> Can you please explain what is the cause of this error error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
< rcurtin> you could take a look at the build command being supplied to MSVC and make sure it is including all the libraries that should be linked against
< rcurtin> also, if you're using Boost 1.70, you probably need to specify -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=1 to the CMake configuration
< rcurtin> since newer versions of Boost didn't work right with mlpack's CMake configuration (as of 3.2.2 at least)
< HimanshuPathakGi> Let me check for this
< HimanshuPathakGi> Thanks for suggestion