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< rcurtin>
baffling error on the jenkins build
< sreenik[m]>
< sreenik[m]>
For the code above, the output for the interpreted layer is strange (extremely large integers, probably rubbish values). If I try static_cast, it says invalid types, so I guess the issue is with the casting. Any suggestion on what coujld be a possible solution?
< sreenik[m]>
Oh, the first line of the code got deleted somehow, it was just the definition of a simple ```Linear<>``` layer called ```linear```
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< ssk441>
The memory checks build for Jenkins just failed for me. I also noticed that all the builds for the last couple of days all failed with the same error:
< ssk441>
CMake Error: File /home/jenkins-mlpack/workspace/pull-requests/ mlpack/ memory/src/mlpack/bindings/python/ does not exist.
< ssk441>
Does anyone know why this is happening?
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< Shikhar-SGitter[>
I am also getting same error. @matrixbot Probably something's wrong with build environment on server.
< rcurtin>
ssk441, Shikhar-S: yeah, I am not clear on what's going on yet. the error does not make sense to me
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< rcurtin>
ok, it seems that the build problem is a CMake versioning issue: a new version of CMake does not seem to handle paths with spaces in the same way
< rcurtin>
I'm debugging now...
< rcurtin>
sreenik[m]: since LayerTypes is a boost::variant, I think actually you have to use the visitor pattern to extract the Linear<> layer from it
< rcurtin>
I'm not 100% sure on that though, but my guess is that the reinterpret_cast<> is just resulting in a Linear<> pointer that's off by a few bytes or something
< rcurtin>
ok, the video meet-up is starting in just a moment at, feel free to join
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< zoq>
sreenik[m]: Just an exmaple about how to use an visitor to e.g. get the width from a layer: size_t width = boost::apply_visitor(OutputWidthVisitor(), layer);
< rcurtin>
compiling with debugging symbols: -O0 -g -DDEBUG
< sreenik[m]>
zoq I tried that out. Gives a 0 as output (I guess that's a visitor for the input width as in similar to height). Going through the list I couldn't find one that matches InputSize or OutputSize. Maybe I missed it?
< zoq>
sreenik[m]: I see, so either we implement another vistor that does exactly that or I think you could use ParametersVisitor() and do n_rows, n_cols, to get the input output size.
< _adi_>
let me try that out. -lboost_serialization alone still gives me the error.
< sreenik[m]>
I tried without the -lboost_program_options. Works fine without it. I guess I was using it uselessly all the time
< sreenik[m]>
zoq: Right. Will check that out
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< favre49>
I need to go to bed now, but it was nice meeting you guys :) I'll try to make it for the next meeting as well
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< rcurtin>
no worries, see you next time :)
< rcurtin>
hopefully I didn't just end the meeting for everyone, I think I just hit "leave meeting" correctly... let me know if not :)
< zoq>
Ãstill works
< _adi_>
yep.. works...
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< tavishjain>
Hello there
< tavishjain>
Could someone please guide me on how could i contribute to mlpack ?
< tavishjain>
Just wished to confirm, this is the official IRC for mlpack right ?
< tavishjain>
And no other one ?
< sreenik[m]>
Yes this is the official IRC
< sreenik[m]>
We also have a mailing list
< abernauer[m]>
tavishjain: Yeah this it. You might want to use one the bridges if you prefer using a client. Riot.
< tavishjain>
No thank you abernauer[m] this platform seems good enough to me :-)
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< abernauer[m]>
rcurtin: Missed the meeting because of some job search stuff and other life stuff. Going to prioritize that PR for Fast Max Kernel Search and that tree method when I find the time.
< rcurtin>
no worries, and no hurry! I think the job search and other life things are generally more important :)
< birm[m]>
I was able to replicate cmake space issue seen in the builds with cmake 3.16.2.
< rcurtin>
ok, I think I *almost* have a fix for the cmake space issue, but it needs a little more testing and cleanup
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< pickle-rick[m]>
<sreenik[m] " g++ -o test_converter src/test_"> The version that worked for me follows the same pattern as well. Just linked up the right libraries as suggested by rcurtin and zoq . I can now compile, run files and see the environment in action using zoq's gym_api. Thanks guys!
< pickle-rick[m]>
this is the command i used btw: g++ example.cpp -lboost_iostreams -pthread -lboost_system -o ex
< rcurtin>
it seems like I'm able to replicate the spaces issue with even CMake 3.5!
< rcurtin>
I'm wondering if what's going on here is that a system upgrade caused the version of Cython installed to now be new enough that Python bindings are built :)
< rcurtin>
so maybe it was never a CMake version issue all along