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< hemal[m]> rcurtin: Hi, so for adding the linking documentation, I need to work on the "" website source code, right ? I was going through it. It seems that the documentation is not there on Github. I searched for the file "sample.html" to edit it, could not find it. Could you guide me on where to make that change ? Thanks :)
< hemal[m]> Sorry, I just found that the documentation is build using doxygen. And the source is available in "mlpack" project and not on the website.
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< rcurtin> hemal[m]: yep, exactly, glad you got it figured out :)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #133: FIXED in 50 min:
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< hemal[m]> I installed pkg-config, now to make use of it, do I have to reinstall mlpack using: 'make install'?
< bisakh> Hello, I am Bisakh Mondal, from Jadavpur University, India majoring in Computer Science and Engg. I can work with Python,c++, PyTorch, deep learning models. I am a GSoC-20 aspirant and would like to enhance its feature for long term. I have gone through SoC ideas page and like the projects particularly 'Reinforcement learning', 'Essential Deep Learning Modules' and would love to work on it. It would be great if someone
< bisakh> can help me getting started.
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< Nakul[m]> Hello, this ( should be helpful!
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< hemal[m]> Nakul: I my issue is about a newly installed 'pkg-config' for linking the libraries like -lmlpack, -larmadillo, were you answering to bisakh ?
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< Nakul[m]> Yeah I was mentioning @bisakh my bad :(
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< bisakh> Thanks @Nakul[m]
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< favre49> zoq rcurtin What email address do I have to mail for the mlpack stickers? I can't seem to find it now
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< zoq> favre49:
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