ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< metahost> rcurtin: Ah! I presumed IRC to be the primary channel because of the logs. :)
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< tavishjain> Can someone guide me over some articles of using and developing ML and DL algos with C++ ?
< tavishjain> I have plenty experience of building models with python, but would love to learn it in C++ and contributing to MLPACK this summer
< hunting-party10[> Hi rcurtin
< hunting-party10[> Hi rcurtin zoq I was trying to fix the memory leak issue and i think i have fixed it , But the test which was designed calls a function `DeleteModules()` which is no longer needed since the destructor is fixed . So am i allowed to change the test itself or no ?
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< zoq> hunting-paty10: Feel free to change it.
< hunting-party10[> Cool
< metahost> zoq: Hi Marcus I have updated ensmallen#149 to include the bounds as optimizer args itself as per our discussion. Please have a look once you can! :)
< zoq> metahost: Okay great, will take a look once I have a chance.
< rcurtin> metahost: yeah, we are still using the IRC logging system I set up years ago :)
< rcurtin> it might be possible to switch to Matrix's logging system now; I am not sure
< rcurtin> haven't looked into it :)
< metahost> zoq: Thanks!
< metahost> rcurtin: Ryan will switching to Matrix logging retain the historical logs too?
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< metahost> (did we have matrix from the get go?)
< zoq> metahost: No, Ryan added that like 2 months ago.
< zoq> Haven't checked the matrix logging, does the matrix logging provide any features that we don't have with the IRC logs?
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< zoq> Unless there is anything, I don't see the need to update that part.
< rcurtin> yeah, my opinion is that if someone opens a PR to, I'd be happy to merge it in
< rcurtin> maybe provides better logging and search functionality
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< TavishJainGitter> Can someone guide me over some articles of using and developing ML and DL algos with C++ ?
< TavishJainGitter> I have plenty experience of building models with python, but would love to learn it in C++ and contributing to MLPACK this summer
< zoq> TavishJain: There are some links to websites and books on the mlpack GSoC page.
< zoq> TavishJain: They are more or less about C++ concepts, not necessarily about ML.
< tavishjain> zoq I read some articles and documentations of Armadillo in the evening today (luckily C++ was the first programming language I learnt so understood the code)
< tavishjain> But as i was reading the mlpack codebase today to understand and start buiding things the main thing that concerned me was to understand which aprt of code does what
< zoq> TavishJain: Great, I heard some good things about Coursera.
< tavishjain> Like I dont have much experience in building C++ libraries, do you recommend reading about that first zoq?
< zoq> TavishJain: A general idea should be helpful. The way I would appreoach the code is to pick on method/algorithm that you are already familair with and see how it was implemented; PCA is a good example.
< tavishjain> Ohh thank you for that zoq. Looking forward for some good times ahead :-)
< hunting-party10[> Is there a way to run a specific subtest under a test eg . Run the `SimpleResidue` test under the `ANNLayer Test`
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< rcurtin> hunting-party10[: yeah, try 'bin/mlpack_test -t ANNLayerTest/SimpleResidue'
< Nakul[m]> bin/mlpack_test -t yourtest suites
< rcurtin> exactly :)
< hunting-party10[> ah didnt know we had to use the `\` operator
< hunting-party10[> * ah didnt know we had to use the `/` operator
< rcurtin> yep, not too difficult. you can look at the boost unit test framework documentation for more options (or run bin/mlpack_test -help too)
< hunting-party10[> ah ic , Im new to the boost lib as well, will take some time to get used to things :)
< rcurtin> sounds good, I think the documentation for the parts of Boost that we use is pretty good
< hunting-party10[> Yes i was checking out the varient documentation seemed pretty simple
< hunting-party10[> <rcurtin "sounds good, I think the documen"> Templating is a bit confusing due to the large amount of templating types being used
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< metahost> zoq: yeah keeping on using IRC logs as is makes sense. As for search getting a dump of the logs are easy enough. :)
< metahost> rcurtin: This issue ( for mentions missing IRC style logs. :))
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