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< Nakul[m]>
> : I have a report callback almost finished, but that could be part of another release.
< zoq>
darthgera: it should be a path not the file: cmake -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-rpath -Wl,/usr/home/gera/anaconda3/lib/ -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread -lpthread" ..
< rcurtin>
darthgera: LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be a directory, not the name of the file, so maybe /home/gera/anaconda3/lib/ is fine for that
< rcurtin>
also, are you sure it should be /usr/home/? I haven't seen a home directory under /usr since... some Solaris variant or ancient UNIX derivative...?
< rcurtin>
I guess Solaris and SunOS used /export/home not /usr/home
< rcurtin>
hmm... it appears I accidentally released ensmallen 2.11.2 dated tomorrow
< rcurtin>
but, it's 2:30am on the 16th in Japan, so, I guess it's okay :)
< KhizirSiddiquiGi>
rcurtin: :laughing:
< rcurtin>
I should have written in the release notes... "this release is from the future!"
< KhizirSiddiquiGi>
and then `import ensmallen from future`
< rcurtin>
< KhizirSiddiquiGi>
< jeffin143[m]>
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< hemal[m]>
Hello @zoq, @rcurtin. I would like to work on Graph Convolution Networks as a part of GSOC 2020. It could be considered as a part of “Essential Deep Learning Modules” or independent. My preliminary research says that it should be a part of MLpack.
< hemal[m]>
1. Has there been any discussion on this topic?
< hemal[m]>
Let me know what do you think, thanks!
< rcurtin>
if we want to provide graph CNNs, we need to ensure that (a) the user interface is consistent with the rest of mlpack and (b) the way that we represent the graphs that get passed as input is reasonable
< rcurtin>
given that everything in Armadillo is expressed as matrices, this could be tricky, but if you think about it and come up with something consistent, I think it could be a good direction to go
< rcurtin>
now, do be aware that we haven't even applied to GSoC 2020 yet, and we have no idea if we'll be accepted
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< hemal[m]>
Yes, I am going through the paper, and I feel that I could come up with something consistent.
< hemal[m]>
Ok, I'll start working on it anyways. :)
< rcurtin>
sounds good
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< darthgera>
cmake command still throwing errors after fixing path
< darthgera>
is there a way where it can automatically install to usr/local/lib
< rcurtin>
darthgera: what have you tried to fix it? have you looked through the CMake documentation to see how to specify install paths?
< rcurtin>
just as a note, it's very hard for people to help when the input we get is "the command did not work" and not precise error messages
< rcurtin>
< darthgera>
sorry rcurtin. right so you suggested earlier that the path i was providing to cmake flag was incorrect which i fixed it
< darthgera>
i also tried by changing export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/anaconda3/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
< darthgera>
this in turn has now started throwing /usr/bin/cmake: /home/gera/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/cmake)
< darthgera>
however, warnings are no longer coming(which is a relief)
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< zoq>
darthgera: Maybe it is easier to not build against mkl?
< darthgera>
thanks, will check it out. rn its compiling with that warning
< Nakul[m]>
> Nakul: Did you build mlpack with -DDEBUG=ON, as I mentioned before, if you don't some checks are disabled.
< Nakul[m]>
yeah and tried once again ctest -T here is the result but can't understand why it is failing
< darthgera>
i did with -ddebug=on earlier but didnt work
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< Nakul[m]>
* > Nakul: Did you build mlpack with -DDEBUG=ON, as I mentioned before, if you don't some checks are disabled.
< Nakul[m]>
yeah and tried once again ctest -T here is the result but can't understand why it is failing as you can see at line number 35
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< SachaD>
Hello. I want to learn mlpack. I tried fnn example. I realized that mlpack uses arma::mat matrices, that has type double. Can I use mlpack with matrices of ushort type and how? arma::Mat<ushort> does not working. I saw lessons on youtube and there was told that is faster and better to use 2 or 4 byte types. Double is 8 bytes.
< darthgera>
do i need to do make install after make,seems to do the same thing
< SachaD>
darthgera, make - compiles the source code to libraries. make install copies them to the right place. In mlpack, I don't know why, make install does not set executable attribute for libraries. You will need to do that manually. By default make install copy them to /usr/local/lib
< darthgera>
sudo apt install method doesnt do that?
< SachaD>
it does if you install .deb package. If you want to install the latest version of something, you, usually, need to compile it by yourself
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