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< hemal> Hello, I'm working on issue #2084. Should I create a pull request? I saw someone opened a PR for the same issue 2 days ago. My status is : major chunk of modification is done while I am working on 2 compile time errors. I think a code review would help me debug. Please let me know.
< hemal> Broader Question: When should one make a PR ? I didn't find any guidelines regarding that online. Possibly, when the code is working fine on local machine. Or when you need a code review ? Any other points to consider? Thanks !
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< hemal> Happy New Year Everyone ! :)
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< favre49> hemal: If someone has already opened a PR, and you feel like you've made some more headway, perhaps you could comment on the PR and try to contact the person and see if you could help them.
< favre49> Code reviews aren't really meant for debugging. If you have some problems that you are having difficulty solving, you should ask for help on the IRC, we are always happy to help :)
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< favre49> I think when it comes to making a PR in general, it varies a lot. If it's a really big project, you could create a PR marked as WIP, and maybe someone could look into it and review the parts that you've completed. That's normally how the GSoC projects work. I think if it's a smaller project, you should make a PR when you have a working product,
< favre49> that the maintainers can go through and comment on
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< favre49> zoq: rcurtin: I found that we use std::vector<MatType> for populations in our evolutionary algorithms. I was wondering if it would be better to pre-allocate the population as an arma::cube? Normally we need the size to be twice the population size, because we create an equal amount of children
< favre49> Ah okay I misunderstood how the CNE code worked, my bad
< zoq> favre49: You could pre-alocate the vector 'population' but don't think this will result in a measurable improvement, at least if you aren't using a huge population size.
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< rcurtin> favre49: the only issue is, if we use arma::cube, it restricts the MatTypes that a user can use---we wouldn't be able to use sparse matrices then
< rcurtin> also happy new year :) I missed all the messages
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< rcurtin> anyone interested in reviewing ? it's sat for quite a while
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< rcurtin> zoq: nice, thanks for the quick review :) I can take a look when I get a chance too, but I'm pretty overloaded at the moment
< zoq> rcurtin: The code looks pretty good, and this is just a first take at the review.
< zoq> rcurtin: New Year already starts with a full backlog?
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< rcurtin> yeah... :(
< zoq> favre49: Nice catch!
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< metahost> Correct me if I am wrong, but, this ( hasn't been worked on, right? This project seems very interesting!
< zoq> metahost: You are right, there are some old tech lovers here, but turns out not under the applicants :)
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< zoq> Funny fact got a vocore2 as a present, still waiting for the package to arrive.
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< metahost> zoq: Haha! I came to know about VoCore from the idea list. :P Looks like an ESP32 except that it is open H/W and S/W.
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