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< abernauer> rcurtin: Need to write some source code for a tracer, but other than that covered the templates basics :) .
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #102: FAILURE in 49 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #543: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 6 min:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#8417 (master - 06dadaf : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> DavidGitter[m]: I'll take a look into the stack overflow post and try to respond there :)
< rcurtin> wow, that is strange though
< rcurtin> can you provide a little context around the backtrace of the error, and the full set of includes/code you are using? I don't think there's enough for me to go off of there
< rcurtin> I'm wondering if something is calling the constructor mlpack::util::PrefixedOutStream::PrefixedOutStream(std::ostream&, const char*, bool, bool) or if that is during initial parsing or something
< DavidGitter[m]> @matrixbot It is during the initial parsing
< DavidGitter[m]> I will add more information through google drive link
< DavidGitter[m]> I have added the logging.hh and flexcpu.hh where mlpack headers are included
< rcurtin> thanks
< rcurtin> zoq: I think that the HISTORY for ensmallen#143 should go in a new block---2.10.4 has already been released
< rcurtin> unless I misread the commit log
< zoq> ahh, right
< rcurtin> strange that the new block didn't get committed during the last release
< rcurtin> DavidGitter[m]: what version of mlpack are you using?
< rcurtin> oh
< rcurtin> I see what it is
< rcurtin> look at that... they define a macro called "fatal"
< rcurtin> the class PrefixedOutStream has a parameter called 'fatal'
< rcurtin> the macro gets substituted in
< rcurtin> this is pretty bad macro hygiene on the part of the gem5 developers... you'll have to figure out a way around it either by undefining 'fatal' or carefully setting up your includes such that 'fatal' is no longer defined before including anything from mlpack
< rcurtin> I'd suggest filing a bug there... there are lots of unsafe names that could reasonably be used by other libraries
< DavidGitter[m]> 2.2.5-1build1
< rcurtin> anyway, I forget my stack overflow login so I'll just leave the answer above :) that should be sufficient to work around the problem (although actually making that work may be tricky)
< rcurtin> you could try including mlpack *before* including gem5 maybe
< DavidGitter[m]> Wow thank you very much
< rcurtin> of course, happy to help :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#502 (master - d70b12a : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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