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< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: Any advice or tips on developing bash shell scripting skills?
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< zoq> Nice!
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< metahost> zoq: whoa! Are bindings for languages like Python planned for ensmallen too?
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< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: Remember we were working on implementing getter functions for some layers a week back? However, it turns out that we have somehow missed a couple of functions (like obtaining the padding dims of the conv layer). The PR (#1985) is now merged and hence closed. I have made the necessary changes in same branch that I used earlier. Would you suggest I open a new PR for that or can #1985 be opened again (I didn't find
< sreenik[m]> any such option though)?
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: yeah, I think we have to open a new PR for it---that's just fine :)
< sreenik[m]> Oh okay, thanks for the quick answer
< rcurtin> sure, no worries, I happened to be looking at this right when you asked :-D
< sreenik[m]> :)
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< Nakul[m]> Hi , By adding templates in the softmax_regression and its all the related and file and test for callback i tried to build it with make -j4
< Nakul[m]> here is the result i got .. i tried to get my head around the param.hpp file but i think i need bit help in this
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< rcurtin> Nakul[m]: start with the error on line 316 of your pastebin output
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< Nakul[m]> rcurtin: thanks i was thinikg of something wrong in param.hpp : XD
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< rcurtin> Nakul[m]: no worries, I know that file is hard to debug with lots of macros and everything :)
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< Nakul[m]> Get over with that error but still something is wrong now i tried to have look at rbm_network_test.cpp but not getting something muchh.. here is the output
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< abernauer[m]> Nakul: You might want to look at chapter six of C++ Templates The Complete Guide. You can find a pdf of the first edition online.
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< Nakul[m]> abernauer: thanks
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< abernauer[m]> Templates that use the Standard Template Library can produce characters that are 10,000 characters long when expanded, so the compiler errors can be quite overwhelming :)
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< Nakul[m]> yeah .... i am bit familiar with basics of templates off course haven't work on such havy projects which are totally bassed c++ on template so thanks your suggested book would be great ...
< Nakul[m]> Hours of debugging could not get
< Nakul[m]> which rcuting suggested in a minutes
< Nakul[m]> So for beginners asking here will be great bcoz peoples here are so helpfull .. : )
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< abernauer[m]> Yeah I dealt with a bunch of Template errors in the proccess of working on an R (Rcpp) binding for mlpack and didn't have that book at the time.
< abernauer[m]> A lot of headaches could have been avoided if I was aware of the > > angle bracket hack or the other knowledge mentioned in the book.
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