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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #125: FIXED in 46 min:
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< RohitKartikGitte> I did notice one thing, building using ensmallen-2.10.3 works fine
< RohitKartikGitte> But esmallen-2.11.0 has this new folder which is absent in ensmallen-2.10.3, ensmallen-2.11.0/include/ensmallen_bits/lookahead which gives an error while building.
< RohitKartikGitte> lookahead/lookahead.hpp line 161 gives this error
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #566: STILL FAILING in 2 hr 50 min:
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< Nakul[m]> rcurtin: zoq please have a look
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< zoq> RohitKartik: Thanks for the report, should be fixed with:
< robertohueso> > <> I did notice one thing, building using ensmallen-2.10.3 works fine
< robertohueso> > But esmallen-2.11.0 has this new folder which is absent in ensmallen-2.10.3, ensmallen-2.11.0/include/ensmallen_bits/lookahead which gives an error while building.
< robertohueso> This should be solved with 839b94dec4ad2c80f5183e5100be9100d3c15e02 (Thanks zoq[m]!)
< robertohueso> zoq, @rcurt:
< robertohueso> Sorry about that I'm still learning how to use Matrix :)
< robertohueso> zoq rcurtin : Do you think it's possible for me to make the new ensmallen release? I'd like to learn now that I'm gonna start having more free time again :)
< zoq> For ensmallen it's nothing more as calling " <major> <minor> <patch> [<name>]"
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< zoq> Ryan wrote a simple script which handles everything.
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< robertohueso> Sounds good :) so should I release ensmallen 2.11.1 with the bugfix?
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< rcurtin> robertohueso: the script is almost perfect but not completely :)
< rcurtin> before you run it, set the release name/version/date in and commit that
< rcurtin> and after you do that, you should be able to run the script
< rcurtin> once that's done, modify again to add a new block for the next release:
< rcurtin> ### ensmallen ?.??.?
< rcurtin> ###### ????-??-??
< rcurtin> and that should be just fine
< rcurtin> the last thing is to do the release on Github, where you can just copy the same format Marcus and I have used in the past
< rcurtin> let me know if anything doesn't work and I can help out :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#571 (2.11.1 - 421c667 : Roberto Hueso Gomez): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#573 (master - e9bb969 : Roberto Hueso Gomez): The build passed.
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< zoq> robertohueso: Great :)
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< rcurtin> robertohueso: awesome work, thank you for the help :) now I can rebuild the website and resolve #2128 :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: Looks like you have "fun" building the python bindings on windows.
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< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I am glad you put 'fun' in quotes :)
< rcurtin> at least it's usually pretty easy for me to see the next thing to try
< rcurtin> in the end, even once I get it working with visual studio, I actually think I need it all to be built with MinGW since that's what numpy is built with (and the openblas that numpy uses)
< rcurtin> and we should use the exact same openblas, otherwise we may get some seriously strange dynamic runtime linker issues
< rcurtin> but I'
< rcurtin> but I'm hoping that after debugging it for visual studio it will be easy enough for MinGW... I hope :)
< rcurtin> oh wow, it actually successfully built the wheel! I'm pleasantly surprised :)
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< zoq> puh, glad you do the windows packaging :)
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< rcurtin> actually, sorry, I'm wrong about that... numpy builds with the MSVC compiler, but MinGW is necessary for gfortran, which luckily isn't needed by us
< rcurtin> and yeah... I'm not going to say this is fun work, but given the number of bug reports we get from Windows, it seems like it's important to provide easy packages :)
< rcurtin> even better, once it's working, it should rarely ever need to be debugged... I hope!
< abernauer[m]> The vckpkg builds pretty easily according to a friend of mine.
< zoq> fingers crossed
< zoq> so goal for 2020 working mlpack python package for windows
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< rcurtin> yeah, hopefully :)
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: sure, but that's not the Python bindings
< abernauer[m]> Yeah good point important to have a working a package on multiple OS especially, the practioner type user.
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< abernauer[m]> *for the practitioner type user.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Solid list of differentiable separable function solver :)
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