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< metahost> zoq: I have worked with NSGA-II as a part of my undergrad research. I can work on the implementation
< metahost> I can start working on it from next week (since I have ongoing semester exams)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #552: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 58 min:
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< zoq> metahost: Nice, happy to review the code.
< zoq> metahost: Best of luck with your exams.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Sounds interesting, are you talking about
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< vansika_> Hello everyone
< vansika_> I want to contribute
< vansika_> Where can I start?
< vansika_> Any beginner issue or stuff?
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< zoq> vansika_: Hello there, have you seen the getting involved page:
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< zoq> vansika_: does hold some additional informations as well.
< vansika__> zoq: I m a beginner in cpp, can/should I still contribute?
< vansika__> The html says that one needs to be intermediate
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< zoq> vansika__: We heavily use C++ templates, so it would be useful to know some concepts e.g. templates, but as long as you are willing to learn those things I think you are ready to go.
< vansika__> zoq: Yeah, willing to learn :) It's good to start then.
< vansika__> Thanks for the links :)
< zoq> Happy to help.
< metahost> zoq: Thanks! Will get to it ASAP
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< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, that LALE. I followed up with Pari (the old mlpack contributor who's now at IBM) and we'll see what he says
< zoq> rcurtin: Sounds good.
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